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It's been a few days, Lip convinced Ian to let me stay home more so I've been sleeping at home. There's not much room anyways with Mickey being there and the occasional extra member.

It's like eleven right now and I'm getting ready for bed. I changed into my pajamas and did all my bathroom shit. I'm about to turn off my lights before I hear something hit at my window. I look out and see Mickey and Ian outside throwing snowballs at it. Once I get downstairs I open the door and they come in.

"What's up?" I ask yawning.

"Nice pajamas." Mickey says, I look down and see my oversized t-shirt and short shorts.


"Can we hangout? I'm bored and need something to do, we just scammed some guy." Ian asked walking towards the stairs.

"What do you mean scammed some guy?"

"Ian was prostituting himself and I took pictures of the guy and made him pay before giving him black and blue balls to add to his blue ones." Mickey smiled proudly following Ian up, I had to follow them.

"Hey this is the letter!" Ian smiled looking at the letter in the frame.

"Yeah." I smiled closing the door behind me so I wouldn't wake my parents up.

"What's this?" Ian asked walking to my stash of stuff to remember him.

"I missed you while you were gone so I put all the stuff of yours I owned and put it here."

"Did you ever sit here Mick?" Ian asked Mickey with a smirk on his face.

"I mean yeah but it's not a big deal."

"He visited every week, sometimes multiple times to see the stuff of yours since he couldn't go to the Gallaghers."

"Shut up. He doesn't need to know that." Mickey groaned.

"I think it's good that he would know that you missed him that much. It shows you care. And like I said before you're not a pussy for being hurt. You got raped and now you have to be a father to the result of it. Every time you look at your kid you'll see that morning and what happened."

"You're right Y/n." Ian said smiling. "Hey let's watch a movie, I call dibs on which one."

"Ian I have school tomorrow, I need my sleep." I groaned sitting down on my bed.

"Then you can sleep and we'll watch the movie, don't worry."

"How am I gonna sleep with the TV on?"

"Background sounds, help you sleep easier." Ian smiled popping a disc in the DVD player.

They ended up watching a horror movie, I fell asleep fast. When I woke up they were both gone already.

It's been another few days later. I've been feeling really guilty about what happened between me and Mickey. I feel like it's better to tell Ian than not so right now Ian is on his way over since I told him I needed to talk about something.

"Y/n Ian is here!" Deven yelled from downtown. I quickly made my way down and to them.

"Hey. Come upstairs." I said closing the door behind Ian and walking upstairs.

"You didn't kill someone right?" Ian joked taking a seat on my bed.

"No, but me and someone did something really stupid a few months ago. It felt right but I think it would've hurt you and I have to tell you before you find out another way. And I'm really sorry and I need you to let me explain myself, and I understand if you never want to speak to me again."

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