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"Fiona fired me and she's trying to shove meds down my throat."

"How'd you get in my dorm?" I laughed walking in and closing the door behind me.

"She's being so controlling and is trying to force Debbie to get an abortion."

"Hey, if they still give you shit for being bipolar, fuck them. They don't deserve you. Debbie should get full say over her own body, I personally wouldn't keep the baby but that's me. If you ever need to you can crash at my house alright?" I said sitting down beside Ian and hugging him. "Fiona is probably really stressed, she's been dealing with being the parent since she was like nine. Just give her space and take your own space. And never apologize for being you, alright?"

"You're the only one that gets me. I mean Monica does but it's not the same. She's un-medicated and all she's done is hurt us. You actually get what it's like."

"No Monica gets it she just hurts too much. Frank made her mental health worse by encouraging her to not be on meds and to do drugs and shit. It's ethier be on meds or don't be on meds and have everyone hate you making it worse." I added patting him on the shoulders. "They don't get what it's like to feel like the whole world is spinning and you're ehier spinning faster or slower."

"Is it bad that I like Monica better than Frank?"

"No, not at all." I smiled. "You've always been Monica's favorite and Frank has always been abusive towards you. You've grown resentment towards him and chose to love who he hated, well Frank loves and hates Monica but still."

"Can I stay here tonight? I'm going to get a job at Lip's College tomorrow and I don't want to go home."

"Yeah of course I just don't have any of your clothes here because, well." He nodded and started looking at my shit. "How have your meds been so far?"

"Hate them, how do you do this?"

"I'm so close to just stopping again if I'm honest." I laughed lightly. "How about we make a deal. If one person breaks their med streak then the other person can too but we both have to start back up together."

"I don't want you stopping because of me."

"Yeah and I don't want you to stop and I don't wanna be on these stupid pills but I am because I didn't want to put you through what Monica put you through before. So it's only fair that we do this together and help each other."

"Deal. By the way your meds are low, need to get them refilled." Ian said throwing me my med bottles.


We hung out and talked while I studied for a few hours. I called the pharmacy to get my meds refilled. Eventually Jess came home from her job.

"Hey guys what's up?"

"Ian is sleeping over, doesn't wanna go home. He's getting a job with Lip tomorrow and will crash there but tonight he's sleeping here." I said writing down another note for school.

"Cool! So like Ian on the floor or?"

"Sharing a bed. We do it occasionally." Ian smiled taking my notes from me since I was too focused on them.

"Don't tell me I'm gonna have to hear moans all night."

"Purely platonic."

"Even if she did let me in her pants it wouldn't be in front of someone else."

"Ian!" I exclaimed hitting his arm.

"I thought you were gay?"

"Apparently he and his ex both have the hots for me and said if they ever got the chance they'd do a three-some with me or something."

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