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I got up, got dressed, ate breakfast and ran to the bakery. I wanted to get a bunch of baked goods to bring to the Gallaghers to say goodbye to Ian.

I walked with the two bags filled with boxes to the Gallagher house. When I opened the door I saw Carl and some girl fighting teaching Ian some moves or something.


"You're here!" Ian smiled coming over to give me a hug before realizing I had two big bags in my hands. "What's in the bags?"

"Baked goods." I smiled walking to the kitchen.

Someone knocked at the door and Ian answered it.

"Ian here?"

"Who's asking?"

"My names Antonio, Joselito sent me." The man said.

"Oh. I'm Ian. Come in." He said opened the door and moving over. I brought one of the boxes of goods and placed it on the coffee table. "Who Joselito we talking? The one from county? Hows he doing?"

"Jackass got an extra 20 years. Stabbed a guard."

"That sucks. He still with Leo?"

"Nah they broke up after Leo got released. That long distance shit never works."

"So what's going on?"

"Joselito wanted me to give you an in-depth safety orientation about Beckman correctional before they send you up." He responded. "These for everyone?" He asked pointing to the box on the table.

"Yeah." I nodded before going to the kitchen. They showed some paper and where to avoid and a bunch of shit about the prison.

Time skip

"Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait I have a better one. So Carl is five or six years old, right and,"

"Enough with these Carl stories." Carl groaned.

"Hey let me get that." Lip said reaching for the ketchup.

"No way. I want more." Carl's girlfriend said giving him a kiss.

"Me too." Jen Wagner said.

"Wow it looks like you're the one going to prison."

"Mm, this is amazing."

"Can't believe you've never had white castle before."

"All I eat is carrots and then throw them all up." Jen smiled, "okay tell the story."

"Okay so Carl is five or six years old."

"Wait is this the penis or the cat story?" Lip asked looking at him.


"Oh shit."

"And he thought pee was stored in his scrotum."

"No." Kelly said surprised.

"But he called it his,"

"bubble gum." Me, Ian and Lip said at the same time.

"Because it looks like bubble gum." Carl argued.

"He took a screwdriver."

"No!" Jen and Kelly said at the same time.

"Is that what that scar is?" Kelly asked.


"And why the hell'd you do that?"

"Thought I'd save some time, bypass the penis."


"See I'm a genius."

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