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It's been two weeks ish, there was a blackout, Frank fractured his femur bone. I got a job as a psychologist and started last week, I've already started making thirty dollars an hour starting which is fantastic. It's around a thousand a week so around five days.

I've got a deposit down on an apartment. It's in South side but it's nice, on the nicer side of Southside where the hipsters live. Haven't moved in yet but it'll be six hundred a week so around two thousand four hundred a week. It's got three bedrooms, I'm making one a guest and one an office leaving me to have a bedroom. The bathroom is so nice, the whole apartment is.

My meds are now leveled out, today I visit Ian with Fi. I drove us and we got to visit outside in the yard.

"There he is!" I smiled pointing forward.

"Y/n, Fiona!" Ian smiled walking towards us making Fiona laugh. "Didn't know you were coming today.

"I wasn't. What you busy?"

"Uh, you know what, I'll fit you in my schedule."

"Hi." Fiona smiled giving Ian a hug. "What happened to your head?"

"Uh, a guy in the infirmary had lice. It's easier just to buzz it." Ian said before pulling me in for a hug.

"You're still working in the infirmary?" Fi asked as we all sat at the table.

"Yeah, beats working in the laundry like Mickey, plus I get to put my medical training to use."

"Mickey washing undies? You gotta send me a picture." Fiona smiled giving my hand a squeeze.

"Yeah." Ian smiled looking at us. "Everything okay at home?"

"Oh well the usual, Frank broke his femur and is laid up for six months, driving us all crazy."


"Lip's girlfriend is pregnant." Fiona added.

"Lip has a girlfriend?"

"Mhm. Debbie is still convinced she's gay, Carl is working at captain Bob's, Liam may be missing. Y/n here is making more than a thousand a week plus is getting an apartment." Fi smiled patting my back making me giggle a bit. "And I'm thinking it's time for me to go."


"Leave, move some place else." Fiona said making me and Ian surprised. "Shit I just said that out loud."

"Some place else like?"

"Somewhere near the equator? I'm sick of winters y'know? Ice and sleet and freezing my ass off."

"Tell anyone else about this yet?"

"No, thought I'd try it on you two first." Fi smiled.

"You should go."


"You should get the fuck out, you deserve it." Ian said looking at fi then me.

"Yeah you've done so much for all of us, you've worked your ass off since you were fucking a toddler just to keep your siblings on their legs. Fi you deserve to get out and build a new life, nobody will be mad." I encouraged hugging her slightly.

"You should go as far away as you can." Ian added making Fiona make a scared and surprised face. "You were hoping we were gonna talk you out of it?"

"Maybe." Fi smiled looking down. "I'm scared." Fi took a deep breath. "And now I'm crying."

"When would you leave?"

"Now, soon, before I chicken out."

"Hell I'll help you pack when we get back." I smiled.

"Go, go as far away as you possibly can and don't ever look back, okay?" Ian said holding Fi's hand. "We'll always be here for you, always."

We talked a bit more then I drove us back to the Gallaghers. I started helping Fi pack up her shit and gave her some extra suit cases incase.

"Hey, Fiona! I found Liam he moved into Todd's house." Debbie shouted walking up the stairs. "Said he's not coming back unless he gets his own room,"

"Hey Debs." Fi smiled as I holded another piece of clothing.

"What's going on?"

"I'm leaving. It's time, for me to move on." Fi smiled. Debbie just looked in shock before running downstairs and getting Lip.

After a minute Lip walked in and leaned against the dresser. "So,"

"Yeah." Fi smiled patting the last thing in.

"Where to?"

"Not sure."

"Have an educates guess or?" Lip smirked.

"I'll probably turn around before I even make it to the airport."

"No, you won't."

"Baby?" Fi asked standing in front of Lip.

"Who's knows."

"Life right?"

"Take care of them for me, will ya? Promise?"

"Promise." Lip nodded.

"That Giant's name is Seamus and he's trying to do something to your dad with salt water and a turkey bastor." Tami said walking down the halls stopping when she saw Fi and Lip. "Oh, hi."

"Okay well you're not going anywhere without a goodbye party, alright?" Lip said pointing to Fi.


"Yes, we are throwing you a party and you're gonna shut the fuck up and have a good time, alright?" Lip said walking out. "All right Gallaghers! Party!"

Me and Fiona hugged for a bit then walked downstairs with her suitcase. She put an envelope on the fridge for Debbie.

"You going somewhere?" Frank called from the couch.

"Everybody leave?"

"They're all gathering supplies for a bon voyage celebration. Skipping the fun?"

"Yeah. Afraid if I stay over may never leave."

"Its getting a little temped there Seamus, could you heat up the water?" Frank asked making the man walk to the kitchen with the bucket.


"Debbie's idea. Free."

They made eye contact and kinda just talked with their eyes for a few seconds.

"Well, see you around." Fiona said walking to the door with her suitcase

Frank just put his hand up before talking. "You did a good job. Monica wasn't up to it, you stepped in and helped. Thanks."

Me and Fi just scoffed at him.

"Helped? I did it all Frank."

"Well, if that helps you sleep better."

"See you around Frank." Fi said before waving goodbye to me.

"Doubt it."

Fi left and I watched as she walked off. I cleaned up the house a bit while the kids were out getting stuff for a party.

"Hey! The barbecue is back! They were out of chicken so I got extra ribs, come on down!" Lip yelled from downstairs.

We all partied and found out Fi left Debbie a check for fifty thousand.

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