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"You sure it's okay to just throw all this shit out on the front lawn?" I questioned Ian picking up some trash in the house.

"Yeah, I'll bring it to the dump later."

"How are you getting it there? You don't have a truck."

"I'll ask my buddy from work." Ian replied picking up a chair and fan walking out the door.

"Aye! This is my shit man." Mickey yelled picking up a crate and walking in the house. "The fuck you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"Throwing out all my shit."

"Yeah, when was the last time you cleaned? I found a bunch of dead roaches in that light fixture. Found rat turds the size of raisinettes." Ian rambled explaining how dirty the house is.

"Jesus christ Ian."

"What you got a problem with us cleaning the layer of scum in the tub that your wife washes your child in?" Ian then said something in Russian and I just picked up one of the many garbage bags laying around.


"Svetlana has been teaching us stuff." I smirked grabbing some garbage from Ian.

"Great yeah maybe she can get a job as a professor, rub and tug has been shut down for good so we need the dough."

"I can help with money." I offered.

"Where are the girls?"

"Jail? Hell I don't know."

"Shouldn't you bail them out?" I asked walking towards him to take the beer away from him that he just got out.

"No, joints closed."

"What are we gonna do for money Mick?" Ian asked.

"I'd sell Svetlana's ass if she wasn't renting out her guest room."

"You mean guest womb?" Ian joked.

"God I'm gonna need to get outta here before you get some bright idea involving me ans money." I said walking to Mickey's room to get my bag.

Mandy and Kenyatta leave tomorrow. Ian is gonna get Lip to try and convince her to stay or something.

Time skip to a few days later

"I need your car." Ian said over the phone.

"What? Ian it's like six am."

"We need to drive to the airport. We can get some unclaimed baggage and sell it."

"Fine whatever just let me get up and get dressed and stuff." I hung up, got changed, got food and drove to Mickey's. Ian was out front waiting, he got in once I stopped and he told me to drive to the airport.

"Look at this dress, try it on!" Ian said pushing a glittery sliver dress towards me.

"Shouldn't we clean it first?"

"I'll try it on." Svetlana said walking over.

Eventually Mickey woke up was really fucking confused and called us idiots but honestly it was fun. We found a bunch of shit that could go for big prices so we kept going back and forth to the airport getting more suitcases and shit.

Ian ended up getting way too fuckin much and their whole house was a mess with suitcases stacked but I just went along with Ian and helped him. We got so much that it was on the porch also. Honestly it was a pretty smart idea.

Time skip to a few days later

"Yo Y/n come in, we're going for a drive." Ian said pulling up to me.

"Who is we?"

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