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Trigger Warnings for chapter:
Sexual harassment, this is one of the hardest chapters to write, it's towards the ending.

"We've been going on dates for a few months now and I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?"

"Eddie of course!" I smiled hugging him. We finally got to the movie date, Fiona told me to take a break and go out and do stuff so I decided to. It's been a month since Monica arrived, Halloween is coming up. Besides some stress I couldn't be happier, everything is so nice at this moment, but good things only last for so long.

"You're cute y'know that." Ed said pulling me closer to him before kissing my forehead.

"Says you lover." I turned and pecked him on the lips before turning back to the TV.

After the movie he went home. We had pizza before the movie, and ate popcorn during it. I really like him, and I mean really like him. He's one of the best people I've met and treats me so well.

Time skip to a week after Halloween

"Hey, I'm gonna go downstairs and get something to eat, want anything?"

"Mmm, no thank you, oh wait I need water. I'll come down and take my meds." I quietly got my meds from my bag and slowly walked downstairs. I changed before walking down and put my meds in my pocket.

"Terry we don't owe you nothing!"


"My Mandy is pregnant and you're gonna pay!" Terry yelled. Shit Terry you fuckin drunk child rapist.

I quietly ran downstairs and helped Monica pull Terry off of Ian. "Terry get the fuck out! It's not Ian's kid and we both know that so get the fuck out before I call my brothers. They're the best buisness partners you have so get the fuck out before I kill you myself!" Terry glared at me before scrambling out of the house.

"Woah, super Y/n and super Monica coming to the rescue!" Frank cheered.

"The fuck was that about?" Ian asked passing me a water.

"Not my place to say, you'll find out eventually. For now you must stay in the dark, sorry bud." I patted his head before chugging the water, my meds and grabbing bagel.

"Why you two up so early?"


"Oh, okay well see you two later then!" Monica said in her cheerful tone before coming over and giving us both pecks on the cheeks.

"You sure Terry will stay off my ass?"

"God no, just out of the house. Need to get to Kash and Grab before it turns to shit." I smiled pulling Ian towards Kash and Grab.

On the way there he kept trying to call Mandy but I knew it was no use. Mandy uses protection with everyone, only person who doesn't is her drunk fuckin father.

"Shit." I muttered looking at the store, Ian looked up and we ran over. The windows were smashed and the place was a mess.

We talked with Linda before going back downstairs to stock everything back up. "Hey I could probably do all of this way quicker if I got off my meds."


"I was kidding, Jeez. Don't need another Bipolar around here, Monica is enough to deal with don't need me off my meds too."

An hour or so later Lip came in and bought a pack of cigarettes. An hour later we got people to put wood over the windows for now. I had to go to school but Ian stayed back incase Terry came looking.

"Hey babe." Ed said leaning on my locker.

"Hey lover, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight? We can eat, play some board games."

"Sure. See you later Ed!" I smiled walking out of the school to go home.

"Y/n, Terry said you threatened him this morning?" Deven spat at me sitting on the porch stairs.

"Yeah? So what?"

"So what? You fucking selfish bitch!" He yelled walking forward.

"Terry got Mandy fucking pregnant okay? He thought it was Ian's but Ian is gay. Don't tell anyone any of this or I'll tie you to a chair and pull your teeth out. Got it?" I said pushing him off of me.


"Yeah, fuck." We walked inside and up the stairs. "I'm going to Ed's tonight. Tell Mom and Dad where I am."

"You aren't allowed to have sex."

"Not planning on it. And since when are you my dad?" I asked pulling out a corset and a red mid thigh length dress.

"If you wear that he'll think you're there for sex."

"Don't care, I'll wear what I want."

"I'm just trying to protect you. You're my baby sister." Deven said looking down at me.

"Well I don't need your protection. Now please leave my room so I can change."

After he left I put on the dress and knee high socks. I put on my Doc Martin's and made my way back to Kash and Grab to check on Ian before I went to Edward's house.

"Woah, going on a date or what?"

"Yep, is it to revealing? Deven already argued with me earlier so don't bother." I smiled putting a pack of chips on the counter and two iced teas.

"I know I'm gay but you look hot, like if you were single and I was into pussy, shit."

"Ha, ha." I replied sarcastically and smiled kissing him on the forehead before going to the door. "Cya tomorrow, bye Ian."

Once I got to his house he answered, I assume his parents aren't home, neither is his brother. "Hey, parents are out, hope you don't mind. I made chicken wings and potato skins."

"Oooh sounds nice." I smiled giving him a kiss in the cheek. We played a few games of cards and a few different Board games. It was really fun.

We were sitting on the couch watching TV and Ed put his hand on my thigh. He slowly went up higher, I shouldn't have come on the date. He slowly put his hand on my inner thigh and I jumped up.

"Oh shit, what time is it? Oh my dad said I need to be home at nine thirty tonight. Bye Ed, see you later!" I yelled grabbing my bag and leaving quickly. When I looked back Ed looked really confused and sort of angry. I mean what did he wasn't lead on, I didn't lead him onto touching me. I'm just not ready yet. He should've asked first or made sure I was comfortable.

I started crying sort of on the way home. My makeup is all runny and I probably look like shit right now. I quickly wiped my eyes before entering the house.

"Hey, how was the date?" Deven yelled from the kitchen. I just went straight up to my room.

He told me that what I wore was a bad idea. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have worn this. Ed probably hates me now. I am such an idiot.

"Y/n what happened?" Deven asked taking a seat on my bed, I just grabbed my blanket and hid. "Did Ed do anything? I swear to God I'll fuckin kill him."

"It's fine, it's my fault just please leave."

Once he left I grabbed a towel and pajamas and went straight to the bathroom. I quickly took off my clothes and set the water to a hot temperature. Hot enough to sting but not to burn too badly.

I got in and sat under the water for a few minutes before going straight to washing my body. I washed my arms, my chest, my stomach, once I got to my legs I froze. I am such an idiot, fuck. He's gonna be so mad at me. I should've just let him. I quickly started washing my legs, going over the spots he touched multiple times. I scraped with the loofah until my leg turned red.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I whispered to myself. I washed my hair and got out. I put on my pajamas and quickly walked to my room.

I went to bed early that night. I cried so hard I couldn't breathe. I feel like I should've just gone with it, that way he won't hate me.

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