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"Holy shit, I think I just pissed myself. Is it okay if I cut off this session early? I'll get you in with Jess as soon as possible."

"Yeah of course. See you again soon."

"You too bye Gemma." I said before ending the call. I quickly went to the mirror and my whole pants were went, I took them off and smelt them and it was not piss. "Holy shit!" I yelled grabbing new pants, putting on my shoes, grabbing the baby bag and making my way out of the apartment. I quickly locked up and made my way to the car.

Gallagher group chat

Me: yo I think I pissed myself, driving myself to hospital

Lip: no way, you're calling an ambulance

Liam: yeah

Ian: on my way with Mickey

Debbie: will come once I find out where Frank took Franny

Carl: sick

I quickly called my mom while starting the car.

"I'm giving birth. Going to your hospital, see you soon."

"Holy shit, babygirl! My baby is gonna be a momma!" She cheered.

"Gotta," I quickly screamed as a contraction hit. "go, bye mom."

Surprisingly I made my way to the hospital safely and got in. My contractions were getting closer.

I got into a room right away and my mom held my hand.

"Where's Ian and Mickey?"

"They said they're coming." I said before screaming again because of the contraction.

I was dilating well and the contractions were now few minutes apart.

"Hey, were here!" Mickey smiled coming in with scrubs on, Ian behind him.

"What the, fuck, took you so long?" I asked yelling the fuck as another one hit.

"Got in a bar fight. V gave us a pot brownie to calm us down."

"Jesus christ I'm gonna kill you once this thing is out. You two better fix your shit by time this baby comes out."

Very soon I was only seconds apart now.

"Okay just breath and push, okay?" A nurse said as I squeezed Ian and Mickey's hands. I didn't want them to see a baby popping out of my cooch.





"Its out!" The nurse cheered picking it up. "It's a girl!"

"One of you two come over and cut the cord." Mickey walked over and cut it before they took the baby to get washed.

"I'm so proud of you my baby." Mom said squeezing my hand.

"Who does it look more like?" I asked looking to Ian and Mick who were looking at the baby in the doctor's hands.

"I donno. Looks more like Mickey than me but it's got my nose."

"No it's definitely your kid. Your DNA through and through."

"Its very rare like extremely rare but it can have DNA of both of you. The sperm mixed and instead of fighting to fertilize the egg they absorbed into one. You can take a DNA test in the future." The nurse said passing me the baby.

"Hi baby." I smiled looking at her, I let her try and suck my boob with help of the nurse. "What do we name her?"

"What about Morgan? Mo for Monica still but a different name." Mickey said looking at me then at Ian.

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