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Last night Fiona kicked Lip out sorta. She said he has to stay in school or leave so he left. Ian called me to come over and help out since it'd be messy with Lip gone so I went as soon as possible. I ended up sleeping there so I can help Fi in the morning.

I heard Fi come in so I slowly got up, she looked around then left. I grabbed some clothes and got changed in the bathroom. I could smell food cooking downstairs.

"Hey Debs, hi Liam." I kissed them foreheads before walking downstairs with them.

"Debbie!" Monica cheered holding her arms out. "Look at you my little brown bear!" She picked Liam out of Debs arms and carried him to the table. "And how are you my favorite unrelated child? You all have grown so much!"

"I'm the only unrelated child, so by rule that automatically makes me the favorite unrelated child." I laughed fixing my shirt.

"How long is she staying?"

"Only forever and a year!" Monica smiled.

"Hey are my camo pants still in the dryer?" Ian asked walking down the stairs but stopping when he saw Monica.


"Hell is she doing here?" He smiled walking to the cupboard. "Wake me up with you next time." He whispered in my ear.

"I asked her to come." Frank stated.

"You live here now?"

"I made breakfast." Monia smiled holding a plate.

"Yeah no thanks."

"Your mother spent a lot of time on this breakfast! Sit down and eat it."

"No thanks." He said walking out of the house.

I took my pills and grabbed a muffin. "I guess I won't need to fill in for Lip for a while?"

"We like having you around, stay." Fiona said pouring coffee. "You take your meds?"

"Just did."

"Still on antidepressants eh?" Monica asked holding Liam.

"Bipolar. Lithium, antidepressants and anti-psychotics. Dad and mom brought me to the clinic a few months ago."

"David's back? I miss him, he was kind and smart and funny, he understood me." Monica gushed.

"Meds are for losers. Only people who want to be depressed take them!" Frank shouted.

"Well it actually took me out of my depressive episode and psychosis episode so I'd say they work pretty well, I feel more normal now besides oatmeal brain." I said patting Frank on the head. Carl came out of the bathroom and Monica went to hug him.

"I don't like how the meds made me feel."

"I don't ethier Monica but I make an effort to stay on them for my family as much as I hate it." I said picking up my bag, and grabbing my sandwich from the fridge that I threw in last night so I'd have food and not have to eat theirs. "Well gotta go to school, make sure Ian's not pissed I didn't leave with him. Bye guys, love ya!"

When I got to school a familiar face was at my locker. "Hey Y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to go on another date? We can watch a movie at one of our houses. Eat pizza, popcorn, drinks, play some board games. What do ya say?"

"As much as I'd love to Eddie I can't quite right now. Helping at the Gallaghers, and I can't drink."

"Why can't you drink?"

"Meds I'm on are real strict. One drink is like drinking four."

"Well how about when you're free? And minus drinks."

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