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"Yo, y/n why you sleeping on the couch?" Fiona asked walking down the stairs.

"Mandy stayed over last night. She slept with Ian so I slept on the couch."

"Get some food and your meds alright?"

"Yeah, yeah." I smiled walking to the kitchen.

Me and Fiona had breakfast before she left. I quickly went upstairs, changed and then knocked on Ian's door.

"Come in!"

"I'm visiting Mickey with Svetlana. She wants a divorce and wants me to come so, I just thought I'd tell you where I'm going." I smiled leaning against the door frame.

"Say hi to Mickey for me?" Mandy asked.

"Of course. Well I gotta split. It was nice seeing you again Mandy." I gave her a big hug and kissed her forehead before doing the same to Ian.

I drove to the alibi picked up Svet and drove. We got V to babysit Yev for Svetlana while we visited Mickey since this was more of an adult talk.

"Name, reason to visit and prisoner's name?" The guard asked with a clipboard.

"Svetlana Yevgenivna, or Svetlana Milkovich. I am visiting to talk with my husband."

"Y/n Olberman, I am with Svetlana to visit her husband and my friend Mickey Milkovich."

"Okay you have fifteen minutes to visit. Sit in number eight. Sign here first, it says if anything happens to the Prisoner while you are visiting like him escaping you can and will be charged. He'll be down shortly." We quickly signed and then sat at the eighth phone booth.

Mickey came over and took a seat, his face brightened up once he saw me. "Hey! If it isn't the bitch who took fuckin five years to visit."

"Its only been like two, three months or so!" I smiled. "How have you been?"

"My ass and dick need a break. Constant sex twenty-four-seven, working all the time. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"How's Ian?"

"He's got a boyfriend named Caleb. He's started training to be an EMT." I smiled showing a picture of Ian studying. "Well Svetlana has something to talk about." I switched seats with Svetlana.

"I want a divorce. I will marry someone in Chicago so I can stay, otherwise I must move here. Stupid Kevin told the immigration officer by accident."

"Sounds like Kev." Mickey laughed before Svet hit the glass.

"Will you sign or not?"

"Yes Jesus fuck." Mickey groaned. "Who you marrying anyways? Don't tell me it's Y/n."

"Why? You turn straight now and want to fuck Y/h/c here now?" Svet asked earning a chuckle from me. "I'm gonna marry Veronica once I can, if not I'll find someone to marry me."

"I mean if I really have to I'll marry you."

"Hey! You're not even into girls are you?" Mickey asked.

"Haven't fucked a girl yet." I said which made Svetlana look back at me and smirk before looking back at Mickey who was now looking sort of annoyed and mad.

"Jesus christ fine I'll sign but it takes time for it to work."

"Yeah I'll get papers to you as soon as possible." Svetlana said before getting up.

"Bye mick!" I smiled following Svetlana out.

We got the guards to get Mickey to sign. He did and we left. We dropped them off at the courthouse, I dropped her off at Kev and V's and drove back to the University Campus.

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