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"Alright, your classes today, gotta get up!" My mom cheered opening my door.

"What time is it?"

"Five am but you need to get to your dorm. I already called and know which one and have your keys. We decorated your side of the room a bit and packed. You drive with me this morning, your brother will drop off your car later." She closed the door behind her and I groaned. I quickly had a shower, got dressed and got downstairs. "You're gonna be in University and a bit away so you'll be in charge of your own meds okay? If the pharmacist says you haven't gotten a refill in a bit we will be taking you back home okay?"

"I'll stay on top don't worry. Oh and after school I'm going to the psych ward to visit Ian."

"Oh yes, didn't he get admitted last night?"

"Yeah, he took Yevgeny for a drive and partially forced me to come along."

"Oh, Frank was in the hospital yesterday, his liver was rejecting him." She said before taking my empty plate and washing it.

We drove to the University and I got in my dorm, suitcase in hand. My roommate was asleep still so I had to be extra quiet.

My parents and siblings really know me, my bed was where the beds had to be but my dresser, desk and mini fridge were in good spots along with my bean bag. I put my suitcase under my bed for now and sat down. It's now six am.

"Hey," my roommate said in a sleepy voice. She had dyed red hair, green eyes, some freckles and tattoos, "you must be Y/n."

"Yeah, sorry if I woke you."

"My alarm is going off in thirty minutes anyways." She laughed sitting up. "My name is Jessica but I usually get called Jessie or Jess."

"Nice to meet you Jessica." I smiled.

"What classes you got?"

"Psychology, Sociology and Arts."

"Same just switch the Sociology for Cooking." She said getting up and grabbing clothes from her dresser. "If you meet anyone from my high school or anything just ignore them. I got mega bullied for being an "emo" which is completely untrue because I don't even fully fit the "emo" stereotypes. Oh and if they say anything about me being lesbian I swear I'm not weird about it. I'm not like guys who will look at tits at every chance they get."

"No I completely understand. My bestfriends are gay, I mean they're men but still."

"I feel ya." She smiled.

Should I tell her I'm bipolar or keep it a secret? What if she judges me for it? I probably shouldn't.

"So, what you doing after all the classes?"

"I have to go visit someone at the hospital. They get out in two days or so though."

"Shit what kinda accident?"

"Minor one. It's all better though, so far at least."

The classes went by fast, first day was fun but now I'm on the way to the hospital. Deven picked me up and is taking the El home.

"Hey, Mickey is inside already." Fiona said holding a pie from her work. We walked in and Mickey was waiting near the entrance of the area.

"Hey." Mickey said turning to us.

"Hi, you not go in yet?"

"No, the place is already wigging me the fuck out."

"Yeah imagine your eight and have to come here to visit your mom." Fiona said walking into the waiting room.

"Or imagine you actually get put here, it's fucking hell."

"Jesus no thanks."

"Hi, we're here to visit Ian Gallagher." Fiona said pulling out her ID.

"Relation to patient?"




"Visiting hours are until three, you're allowed to roam the perimeters of the hospital. It's recommended conversations stay light and upbeat. Please wear these in a visible location." The nurse said handing us visiting badges. "Through the security gate a guard will escort you to a rec room."

We got in the room and sat near the back. One of the patients was staring at Mickey the whole time.

"Will you push the fuck back nutjob." Mickey lashed out getting Fiona to kick him. "Sorry you can just keep staring at me it's fine."

"Ian is here." I pointed standing up.

"Hey sweet face!" Fiona smiled hugging Ian.

"Am I going home?"

"In a couple days yeah. Brought you a pie from work. Look who's here, Mickey and Y/n are here!" Fiona smiled pointing to us. Mickey went up and hugged Ian and then I did after. "Should we sit?"

"Yeah let's sit yeah." Mickey said walking over.

"How's the sedatives? I hated them, don't worry the oatmeal brain goes away after a bit."

"You hanging in there? The food any good?" Ian just nodded and made a mhm sound before zoning out on something behind him. "I mean everything is good on our end, right?"



"I got married! It was kinda impulsive but yeah."

"Where's Yevgeny?" Was the first thing Ian said besides asking if he was leaving.

"He's at home, he's well and healthy."

"You'll see him real soon." Fiona assured him. This whole place is giving me flashbacks. I feel like I'm going crazy just being in here again.

Ian got up and said how he was tired then left. "You two alright?"

"Getting triggered just being back here." I laughed lowly.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Mickey said standing up.

"It's just the sedation."

"I'm gonna go." Mickey said before leaving quickly.

Soon after me and Fiona left. I went back to the University ate dinner with Jessie and stuff, we talked got to know eachother more.

"I noticed you have a guitar, do you play or just learning?" I asked taking a bite of my third slice of pizza.

"I play and sing, sometimes I write songs and stuff aswell."

"Yo that's sick. You should play for me some time might be able to get you a gig at a bar I know."

"That'd be great, thanks." Jessica smiled grabbing her guitar. "You know Cage The Elephant?"

"Yeah, their music is good!"

"Alright well I know how to play Come a Little Closer, working on learning Cigarette Daydreams but I'll play the first one."

She started strumming and singing. It was amazing, she's wonderful at singing. Her voice didn't mess up at all, her vocals were amazing. She didn't miss a beat. While she was singing she looked absolutely beautiful, maybe it's the fact she's singing but holy moly.

"Come a Little closer, then you'll see, come a Little closer, then you'll see." She ended off the song softly. "How was it?"

"Amazing, holy shit. You're fucking amazing holy fuck." I said searching for words and thubling on them making her laugh.


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