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"Yo you came to visit!" Mickey smiled holding the phone to his ear.

"I fucking knew you'd get your dumbass caught." I laughed.

"Shut the fuck up or when I get out I'll get you."

"Oh I'm so scared." I laughed lightly. "How's prison?"

"Boring as shit. Lots of dick though. What's it like out there?"

"I got pregnant and had an abortion. I'm on the pill though so I don't get how it happened especially since he was wearing a condom."

"He didn't pull out for like a few seconds fully then go back in, right?"

"I think he did that a couple times before but he said he was readjusting." I said confused before it hit me. "Holy fuck."

"You should break up with that shithead."

"Yeah I will. What the fuck is wrong with the guys I date." I groaned putting my hand over my face.

"How's Ian?"

"Trying to get back with Trevor the guy he cheated on with you."

Me and Mickey talked for a bit before I had to leave. I went back to the University and did some final homework.

The next day I went to some abandoned Church with Ian and some of the homeless kids Trever takes care of.

"Holy shit." Geneva said.

"Is this real?" The other kid asked.

"Trevor is meeting with the realtor as we speak." Ian smiled jumping down.

"This is fucking huge. This can go a long way for you kids." I said in awe of how big and beautiful it would be cleaned up.

"There's rooms in the back where the preists live. If you're good enough you can have first pick."

"What if someone buys before Trevor? I mean this will be great for them but it can go sideways fucking fast." I said quietly to Ian.

"You're like magic or some shit."

"I love it!" Geneva said going to hug Ian but he stepped back.

"Fist bump." He said giving a fist bump. "Hey let's go c'mon!"

We ran out the window.

Time skip

"They have a potential buyer so I'm gonna get money out of him." Ian said pulling me to follow behind him to some Mansion.

"I don't think this is a good idea."

"That's why I have you to come with me." He smiled knocking on the door. A man in a robe came down the stairs and opened the door. "Hello."

"Are you the boy from tea?"

"Yeah. Hey uh sorry to bug you so late."

"Reasons you're here quickly."

"We need money to buy the church or we'll lose it." Ian said looking at the man.

"Buy? I thought you wanted a lease?"


"Look the deal changed and the only way they'll get to use the church for the kids is if they can buy it." I interjected.

"I don't appreciate unannounced home visits, run along now." The man said going to close the door.

"I know you from The Fairytale. You're a Friday night regular, you cover your face with your turtleneck when you come so maybe your wife would like to know about that."

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