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Trigger Warnings for this chapter:

"Wake up Miss Olberman, it's time to go eat."

I slowly got up, everything looked weird and my mind was fuzzy. I followed the lady into the lounge and grabbed some of the food. We had to line up and grab food like a cafeteria and sit at one of the seats.

The food was bland and boring just like the room. I've been here before, it's the same look as last time.

I ate my food and just sat down looking outside before I was called to the therapist's room thing. Last time I was called here they said I show signs of depression but didn't want to give me meds since I was too young.

"Y/n, take a seat." I took my seat across from the lady at the desk. "So you were checked in because you were suicidal, correct?"

"I've been depressed on and off for the past few years. I've dealt with depression for probably four or so years."

"Okay, last time you were here we said you show signs of depression. I'd like to get you prescribed some antidepressants. Does your family have any background of any other mental illnesses?" She asked while writing down some more notes.

"Yes, my Father is Bipolar. My mother has depression and anxiety, my brother has mild depression and my late sister had severe depression."

"Okay I'm gonna call your mother down. She already knows the drill but if you feel like harming yourself or others come back, if you feel extra wired come back or speak to a physician." She called my mother down to the psych ward and within minutes my mother was in the room with me.

"Oh honey!" She said rushing over to me hugging me tightly.

"So Miss Olberman you already know the drill, we will be letting her out early. She will take antidepressants, here is a week's worth. Come back in a week for a check up, I need to know if she gets any side effects."

I was led out and signed some forms before being given the pills. Mother walked me to the car and started driving home.

"I'm keeping you home today, you'll be very tired later."

"Do I have to take it? I mean like what if it doesn't work? Or what if I end up having Bipolar and it just worsens the symptoms and makes me have a manic episode like dad?" I ask turning to face her slightly.

"Well then we'll know that you're Bipolar."

We arrived back home shortly. Everyone was at school by now. Mom called today off so she can stay home and watch me.

"Okay take two pills, three times a day with a meal."

"Do I start today?"

"Yes, here." I grabbed the pills from her hand and chugged some water throwing the pills in before shoving a cookie in my mouth.

"That enough food?"

"A cookie is not enough, here we had pasta last night have the leftovers."

I ate the leftover Rosé sauce and pasta. Like the doctor said it would do it made me feel tired and drowsy. I quickly cleaned my dish before going upstairs to bed.


"Y/n, the Milkovich kid is here to see you."

"Tell her to go home." I mumbled into my pillow.

"No it's the guy, Mickey I think. Anyways he's outside waiting, get dressed and go out." I got changed into a oversized shirt, jeans and a zip up hoodie, put on my shoes and went out to the porch.

"What do you want Mickey?"

"I heard you got taken away yesterday in an ambulance. Did someone hurt you? What happened?" I rolled my eyes before pulling him down the steps with me starting to walk in the direction of his house.

"I tried to hurt myself, Deven found and stopped me. I'm alright, got put on meds."


"Yeah." I shrugged, I suddenly got a breeze of cold air only now realizing the temperature, pulling the sweater around me tighter.

"Apparently Ian and Mandy are dating now, she lied about Ian trying to rape her."

"I already knew he didn't rape her, he wouldn't even touch a girl like that if they asked." I laughed.

"You cold?"

"A little." I replied approaching their house.

"Mickey, you brought over the Olberman, fucking finally." One of his brothers yelled from the couch.

"Hey loser guess what, I'm not fucking your brother."

"You can do me then."

"No thanks." I replied before walking to Mickeys room.

"So, do you uhm wanna talk about why you, y'know?"

"I'm in a really dark place and yesterday everything built up. Everything is just so stressful and I guess after you and your brothers ran into the store I had a panic attack, it's not your fault though. I just tipped and fell, I spiraled out and I should've asked for help sooner that's all." I smiled lightly shifting over on the bed.

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault." I changed my position so I was laying down staring a the ceiling. "Wow, I just said that to fucking Mickey Milkovich." I laughed lightly.

"So, you said you're on meds now or something, do you have to take them with each meal cause it's like almost six."

"Oh shit, thanks Mick!" I quickly got up and ran out the house getting whistled at by his stupid brothers.

I ran all the way home getting in just in time for mother to call everyone to dinner. Mom put the two pills on my placemat next to my water. I quickly chugged some of the water with the pills before starting to eat.

"So how are you holding up kiddo?"

"I'm okay." I smiled lightly.

"If the pills make you feel extra energetic and shit tell me, I'll take you to get you tested for Bipolar, I don't want us to have to go through what I put you all through again."

"Hey we're all eating together, that's a thing." Kaden pointed out.


After dinner I went back to bed and watched TV for a bit. There's not really much I can do right now y'know.

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