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"Is he dead?" Lip asked as we all stood over an overdosed Frank. Ian was checking to see if he was alive.

"Faint pulse. Hypoxic."

"High what?" Kev asked.

"Barely breathing." V said before we all looked back at Frank.

"What's that smell?"

"Grandpa went tinkle in his pants."

"Damnnit and on the new couch."

"Hey what's going on?" Carl asked walking over.

"Frank OD'd, again." Ian said checking Frank again. "How much heroin did he do?"

They looked around and found all of the shit.

"Oh God."

"And he's not dead?"

"Yeah he had a disadvantage to a decade of copious narcotics." Lip said crossing his arms.

"Should we call the paramedics or something?"

"No he's done this tons of times."

"He may be trying to kill himself." Liam spoke up. "He's been depressed. The dementia is getting bad."

"Hand me that syringe." V said making us pass it over. She stabbed him with the needle. "Unresponsive to pain."


"Or he's already brain dead, that happens with overdoses."

"Well I guess it's up to us to finish him off. Quick shot to the head, dump him in the lake, not like anybody is gonna miss him."

"Yeah unless you wanna go to prison for life Yeah sure go ahead, I bet Morgan would love having one less parental figure." I said sarcastically before hitting him on the head lightly.

"You could pillow him. That's what my dad did to my grandpa so we could sell his double wipe." Some random girl said on the stairs. "Couldn't afford his oxygen refills anymore."

Everyone left to do stuff after that. I decided to visit my parents again since they haven't called in a few days.

"Yo, what's up!" I shouted walking into the house before realizing it's a complete mess. "Holy hell."

"Who's there?" My mom called out.


My mom then jumped out and ran over. "Oh my gosh I'm so happy to see you!"

"You too. Why were you hiding?"

"Your father got off his meds again and I tried to get him back on them but he ran away saying how I'm the devil and stuff. He's gone somewhere and I don't know what to do. He thinks he's an angel or something and almost jumped off the roof."

"Fuck. Where is he now?" I asked covering my face.

"God knows."

"Hey I'm gonna go out and look for him. I'll be back though, alright. Come to the alibi tonight at seven for Ian and Mickey's one year celebration!"

"Okay bye, love you."

I quickly started looking and thinking.

If he thinks he's Jesus maybe he's at a church?

I quickly drove to the nearest church. I entered quickly and saw my dad in front of the Jesus praying.

"Fuck sake." I muttered before walking up to him. "Hey, David we need to go visit someone."

"I'm listening for God."

"Dad this church isn't the right one, we must go. C'mon." I tried getting him up but he just shot up himself.

"I have to go. I'll see you again later, God bless you."

I quickly followed him out then stopped when Frank walked in. He just nodded at me and kept walking in so I left.

I guess Frank is alive.

Time skip

I helped set up at the alibi. Ian and Mickey have been taking care of Morgan all day I'm starting get antsy from being away so long. When Mickey and Ian got here we all yelled suprise. I started dancing with Morgan in my arms. Everyone drank besides a few.

"Hey there's a car on fire out here!" A guy yelled who just entered before running out.

We all went outside and looked at the burning car. "Hey how you like that eighty thousand dollar Roman candle now bitch?" Debbie yelled.

"We get high in backseats of cars." Ian started singing.

"We break into mobile homes." Tami added.

We all then started singing the way we get by and a bunch of other songs. After a few minutes the firefighters came. We all left after that.

Time skip

It's been a few months. Frank died and we git him cremated there wasn't really much of a wake or funeral.

Morgan is now crawling a bit. She's starting to talk and is saying fuck as her first word. Not surprised.

Carl and his cop buddies bought the alibi from Kev and V. It's making way more than it did when Kev and V opened it.

Lip and Tami decided to keep the baby, Ian and Mickey want me to get pregnant again so their kid will have a closer aged cousin.

Debbie and Franny ran off with her girlfriend to Texas. They'll be back though. Debbie can't stay from us for too long.

Liam takes turns at each of our houses. He's got a bedroom in each house.

Lip sold the Gallagher house and bought one that's on the nicer side of the Southside like us. They got a four bedroom house. It's really nice.

We're thinking of moving into a house rather than an apartment since it'll have more space. Ian wants more kids, I think we should wait a few years.

Kev and V now live in Kentucky. We all visit every two weeks. They're happier there.

My dad is back on his meds. Mom and him might divorce though. Kaden and his girlfriend had a kid. Deven is in prison for stealing a shit load of cars and doing a bunch of drug deals.

Everything is changing so fast. But it's good change. We all have eachother and that's all we need.

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