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A few days later

"He fucking stole my spot at westpoint! I've been trying to get in for so long and he goes and gets this army man to get him a scholarship. He doesn't even fit the needed things for westpoint." Ian ranted walking back and forth in the store while I stocked shelves.

"Maybe the army man got the wrong impression?"

"He didn't even mention me! Can you tutor me instead? Otherwise I won't get in and this has been my dream since I was a kid. I can do one hundred push-ups at once, he can only do five!"

"Hey it'll be alright, I'm sure you'll still get in. Lip has no interest in westpoint." I got up and patted him on the back before going to stock more shelves.

He ranted some more but went silent all of a sudden. I looked to see who walked in and it was Lip.


"Hey." I replied quietly before going back to stocking.

Lip said grabbing a beer from the fridge before walking to the cash. "So, Grammy is back, just showed up in an ambulance. No call or nothing. How fucked up is that huh?"

Ian didn't answer just stared at him and rung him up.

"That's it? Nothing? Just gonna give me the chin?" Lip slammed the counter making me jump.

"Jesus christ Lip!"

Lip walked to the produce and grabbed a tomato. He threw it at the glass. "How about now huh?" He grabbed another. "No?" He threw it at the ground, then threw one at the counter. "Still nothing?"

"Lip stop please it's not worth it." I tried saying, I was scared though so I was backing away from them.

"NO?" Lip shouted at Ian before grabbing a watermelon and smashing it. He them stormed out. My eyes shed a few tears because I was genuinely scared.

"Jesus Christ, the only way you two will make up is if you two talk to eachother!" I grabbed the broom and started cleaning. I looked to Ian and he just rolled his eyes at me. "You're not talking to me now huh?"

He just got up and walked to the storage room. I scoffed and continued cleaning, he came out a few minutes later with cleaning stuff.

"Are you mad because I said 'hi' back or because I'd rather not chose sides on my fucking family?"

"Don't choose his side again, if you do keep it to yourself." He spat at me cleaning up some of the stuff.

"Fine." I said just above a whisper. I put the stuff down and walked to the bathroom, locking it behind me. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" I cried falling to the floor holding myself.

"Y/n, I'm sorry please come out." Ian said just outside the door. "If you don't I'll get the spare keys from Linda, open up so I can apologize."

I slowly got up and unlocked the door before sitting down again. Ian opened it slowly and pulled me up. He carried me out and put me on the stool behind the cash. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you. You just didn't want us fighting." He hugged me.

I calmed down a few minutes later, we got back to cleaning, I payed for what Lip threw and payed for his beer he didn't finish. I went back home after the shift, Ian went to his.

"Y/n come help us make this lasagna and cake for the Milkoviches! They're coming over later." Mom yelled from the kitchen. I took off my shoes and walked over.

"What's my job?"

"Ice the cake, David is out getting some supplies, Deven is out for a run, Kaden is getting table shit from downstairs." I nodded and started icing the cake. It was a chocolate cake, I iced with chocolate icing and did purple designs around it.

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