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Trigger Warnings for this chapter:

It's been around two weeks since I started the meds. A lot of stuff has happened. Debbie stole a baby, Kev and V got fake married. Now here I am in my room writing down a bunch of shit that's going through my mind or else I'll feel like I'm gonna implode.

I think the meds have worked so far, I feel really happy and I mean really happy. I mean they're ment to make me happy again right? That's what they are doing. They make me feel a bit tired though but I think I'm balancing them out, or they're balancing me out? I'm not entirely sure. Anyways I have to go work at Kash and Grab in twenty minutes, I went for a walk around Southside, came home and am writing down a bunch of shit.

"Bunny come down and start walking!"

"Coming Kaden!" I yelled down, I threw on my converse and ran downstairs. Shit I forgot my purse. I ran back upstairs and grabbed my purse and ran back down. "Cya later gater."

I started walking to Kash and Grab. Me and Ian haven't talked much in the past two weeks, well I haven't with anyone really. People at school have gotten worse, a rumor spread about me getting hospitalized. There's a ton of rumors about it which is stupid.

Ian tried talking to me about it a week ago when he finally found time in his schedule for me again. I just said I was sick and needed help, he took that as 'I'm not ready to talk about it' which is true. Mandy and him have been hanging out almost everyday.

"Y/n you're fifteen minutes early."

"Oh I am? Shoot sorry, I can go for a walk and come back."

"No it's fine, just go put on your apron and start unboxing." I did as Kash said and started unboxing, I got done in one area before my shift even officially started.

"Hey Kash, what's my job today?" Ian asked grabbing his apron and tieing it onto his body.

"Ian you can go help Y/n do the, oh they're already done that. You two can go do a different area then."

"Hey Y/n."

"Hi Ian." I smiled.

"So, how have you been?" He asked shifting over awkwardly.

"Honestly I've been great. I've just got so much energy y'know, I don't think I'll be depressed again for a while."

"That's good." Ian looked through the doors to see Mickey walking around grabbing a bunch of shit "fuck, Mickey is here again."

"He can't keep stealing oh my god!" I wisper yelled to myself before getting up and walking out of the freezer. Mickey looked over to me and winked at me. "Don't fuckin wink at me. Put it back Mick."

"Uh how about no. Why you in such a cheery mood eh?" He walked over to Kash putting his shit in a box. "You're out of barbecue pringles by the way."

"I know you're both gay but c'mon man stand up for yourselves." I groaned walking towards the window to watch Mickey walk away only for him to come back.

"Forgot my dip."

"Let's go get him, c'mon!" I said walking out after Mickey, Ian and Kash following after me.

"Hey Mickey how about you don't steal from a neighborhood you live in. Have some Civic pride."

"Move over Olberman." I ran to the side before Mickey threw the dip at the door of the store. "You know where I live if you have a problem."

"I'll clean it."

"Here Ian you go out and buy the shit he stole. I'll go watch the store while Y/n cleans." Kash gave Ian a fifty before walking into the Store.

I have Kash a five before grabbing a roll of paper towels and taking it outside to clean. The dip got everywhere it was disgusting. I cleaned up quickly and helped Kash do whatever it was he was doing.

Linda entered the store around thirty minutes after I stopping cleaning. "So what have you allowed to be stolen today?"

"Have some optimism would ya?"

"Optimism is for kids and presidents not small business store owners." Ian then came in holding the box. "What are you doing carrying around all that stuff?"


"Don't look at him look at me. Jesus was it the Milkovich kid again?"

"I tried to stop him. He just doesn't listen." I said trying to defend them.

"That's it, we're closed." She picked up a cardboard cutout and started walking out. "Follow me."

She took us to the El and put the cardboard cutout in front of all of us and started shooting it. She got each of us to try it, Kash sucked ass, Ian got each shot and so did I.

"Y/n let's go." Ian pulled me walking towards his house. "What happened that night? Obviously something happened and you're acting different."

"I was in a dark place and tried hurting myself. Deven caught me and got me admitted to the psych ward. They let me out after a day and gave me antidepressants." I said stopping walking and taking a seat on the curb. "Please don't look at me any differently, I think I'm finally gonna get better, I'll be happy again. I am happy again."

"Just promise me, if you have bipolar you won't be like Monica or your father. Promise me you'll stay and take your meds."

"Of course." I smiled wiping away my tears and getting up. We walked back to his house and talked for a bit before the rest of the Gallaghers git back home, minus Frank.

They had a talk with Carl, I said goodbye to everyone before leaving to go home. I haven't taken my last round of meds for the day yet, I took one of them earlier at Kash and Grab.

Once I got home my mother scolded me about not taking my meds at specific times. I quickly took two and then ate some leftovers before going upstairs I wasn't tired enough to sleep so I just went back to writing and doing a bunch of activities.

I didn't go to bed that night.

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