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"Listen Rita, Ian is the most hard working person I know. Trust me he has his meds under control. I made a deal with him that we tell eachother if we go off. If he does something during the job that seems not right, call me. I will take him home, I'll be his emergency contact just please give him a chance."

"How can I trust you?"

"I've been on my meds for the past three, four years. I've known Ian my whole life and we tell eachother everything. If anything happens to him, he comes to me, I've been the reason he's been taking his meds the past nine months." I begged standing in front of her.

"Well he's already back on the job. He was here fifteen minutes ago, just went out with the others on a run."

"Oh, I'm so sorry I-"

"You're a good friend. Go home get some rest. I'll take what you said and think about it. You've got a wedding to go to tomorrow."

Time skip

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks. It's a lot for a one time wear though but if that's what the bride wants to to wear I'll do it." I smiled turning to Lip. "Ready to go?"


I drove Liam, Lip, Carl and his girlfriend to the church. We all talked a bit and we're ready to start soon but Ian had to go get Lip from the bathroom.

"Groom and Groomsman please come up. Who will be giving away the bride?" Lip and Ian raised their hands.

"I will! I will be giving away the bride."

"Come on Frank. Get out of here."

"Where do you want me Padre?"

"No, absolutely not." Fiona said rolling her eyes.

"Get out Frank." Lip said while him and Ian grabbed him. "Come on."

"I'm your Father!" Frank argued and squeezed out of their grasp. "I am your father and I have a right to be here and give away my daughter! I have a duty to walk my daughter down the isle!"

"Jesus, are you high?"

"Wow. Yes I am actually but that's besides the point!"

"Come on, come on Frank let's go." Kev said pulling on Frank.

"Nobody wants you here so just go!" Sean said to him.

"I'm your father. I may not have always been a great one but I'm still your father. I have a right to walk you down that fucking isle!"

"Do we have a problem?"

"No, Frank just go, you're not wanted here."

"Why Sean? Am I a disappointment Sean? Have I disappointed you Sean?" Frank asked walking up to him.

"No it's because you're a massive fuck up to takes every chance he gets to make everyone around him miserable."

"Well nobody's perfect. Ain't that right Sean?"

"I don't want you here."

"Get the hell out Frank!"

"Oh my loving family! So judgemental without faults. 'He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone', that's the saying right?"

"John chapter eight verse seven." The priest replied.

"Please. Please Frank this is my wedding day, please don't fuck it up."

"We had fun planning for the wedding, didn't we? I love you, Fiona. My little girl, I always accepted you for who you are with all of your faults. Accepted all of you for who you are. Even when you couldn't find a place in your heart to accept me for who I am. We're human, we make mistakes, have faults." Frank said to all of us before pointing to Lip. "Lips drinking his breakfast lunch and dinner," he then turner to Ian, "Ian is a bipolar queer," then to Debbie, "Debs is fifteen with a baby on her hip," then to Carl, "Carl thinks he's a brother, with a foxy fucking girlfriend I don't know how you pull that off," then to me, "Y/n is Bipolar and traumatized of dating because she got cheated on once!" He then turned to Fiona, "Fiona, my beautiful Fiona you've let so many men drive up the freeway between your legs you're gonna have to put an exit sign on your vagina." He then turned to Sean, "and now you're marrying Sean. Sean, oh yeah I know you Seany boy, it takes a dope-feind to know a dope-fein and you are world class. I went by your business last night late when nobody was there and I found some things. Maybe we should go back there, you and your bride to be and show her the little box, the one you hide under the invoices, the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet, but y'know with the needles, the spoon and the rubber tubing."

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