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A day later after school.

"Y/n wait! Did I do anything to upset you?"

"Nothing Ed, I just forgot I had stuff to do at home, that's all." I smiled before going back to walking away.

"Wait! Wanna have another date tonight?"

"I'm busy tonight, going to a fundraiser at the alibi."

"Then we're going on a date, next week."


"We can go out to a diner. Please?"

"Okay text me the details, bye." I said before walking home.

Time skip, two weeks later.

"Hey is it alright if I stay over at the Gallaghers for Thanksgiving?"

"Yeah sure."

"Okay, see you later or tomorrow!" I smiled grabbing my bag and leaving. I got there around 8 and everyone was still waking up.

"Hey Y/n!"

"Still haven't moved the couch?" I questioned looking at the couch in the dining room.

"Nope, how are things at home? Anything new in your love life?"

"Nothing new." I said quietly, I shifted uncomfortably before finding a new topic. "Monica get out of bed yet?"

"Nope, still in bed. Debbie just went up with food." Debbie walked downstairs holding the food and coffee. "She get out of bed?"

"Nuh uh."

"I don't get why she won't get out of bed."

"Its just what she does Debs."

"But why?" Debbie sighed.

"Hey there's a riffle on sale!"

"Mom is Bipolar Debbie, it's just what she does." Ian said patting her on her shoulder.

"So like the north and south pole?"


"Hey at least one of you is on their meds." Fiona smiled walking in. Every once in a while Fiona bugs me making sure I'm on my meds and saying how Bipolar is a lot of work.

"Yeah." I sighed sitting down at the table.

"Well I'm gonna see if I can get her up!" Ian smiled running up stairs.

"Ian don't!"

"Get my laptop I wanna search something up." Debbie told Carl. They started searching up if depression and Bipolar are hereditary, which they are.

"She didn't get up." Ian sighed running down the stairs. "What helps you when you're depressed, Y/n?"

"I'll go try." I smiled running up the stairs, I didn't bring the food since it might be too much right now. "Hey Monica, I know you're really depressed right now and I know how it feels." I slowly closed the door behind me and sat on the bed with her. "I'm not gonna say some thing like 'If you take your meds it'll all be better' because it won't but you need to know everyone downstairs cares about you even if it's just a teeny bit. As much as they argue with you they love you, I know how hard it is right now. Going from extremely wired to extreme sadness and feeling dead. And I get if you don't wanna listen since I'm on my meds but I'm not telling you to be like me. You know better than anyone in this house what it's like."

"I'm sorry Y/n, I'm just so tired." She whispered.

"It's alright Monica. I'm here for you okay? Your family loves you, I love you. Debbie and Carl are worried sick, I'm feeling really empathetic right now for you since I went through this a few months ago. It'll get better Okay? We all love you." I smiled, she didn't really do anything but turn to me. "Do you want a hug?" She nodded so I quietly pulled her up a bit and hugged her. "It'll be alright, nobody is really mad at you, and if they are they have no place to be because they don't have to go through this. Don't feel bad, it's not your fault you have this illness, it's nobody's fault."

After a bit she let her arms off of me. I quietly left the room and went back downstairs to get some food. I convinced her to at least have a snack and a cup of water. I brought it upstairs and then went back down.

"How is she?"

"A bit better. She ate her snack and drank some water so she won't starve or dehydrate anytime soon." I frowned grabbing my jacket.

"Where is your mother? Is she upstairs?" Frank came storming in.

"Frank I just got her to eat a snack, let her rest!"

"I need to go to work, see you guys later!" I yelled walking out and running to the store since I have to be there in like ten minutes.

"So anything between you and Eddie recently?"


"Still haven't fucked?" Ian asked putting some cans on the shelf.

"He wants to but I'm too scared and a few weeks ago he tried to but I wasn't ready and made up an excuse and left."

"He didn't touch you without consent right?" I didn't answer and instead went to do something. "Y/n? He didn't right?"

"No, he didn't." I said quietly.

"You didn't sound too sure saying that."

"It doesn't matter, it was my fault, I shouldn't have worn that dress." I raised my voice before going to the back to grab a box.

Ian went to the club, I just went back to the Gallagher house to help out. We moved the couch back and I was helping Fiona sculpt a fake turkey.

"Why does it smell like bird down here?" I yawned walking down the stairs.

"Carl killed a bald eagle!"

"Holy shit!"

"You take your meds?" Fiona asked passing me a cup of water. I quickly chugged it with my meds.

"Now I have."

"Here's an apple, eat or you'll get diarrhea."

"Yeah yeah I know."

An hour later Jimmy-Steve got up, a few minutes later Frank called me to the living room.

"Y/n! Do you have any extra meds?"

"Sorry parents would kill me if I had to get an early refill. Doesn't Sheila have antidepressants and lithium? Borrow some of hers." I said sitting down next to Monica while he left to get meds. "How you holding up?"

"I don't wanna be me anymore."

"I'm sorry Monica." I frowned pulling her into a hug.

"Y/n I'm going to the store, come help me find the ingredients!" Jimmy yelled from the kitchen. I gave Monica a kiss on the forehead before leaving with him.

Me and Jimmy picked up a huge turkey from the store. We got some groceries aswell since we needed some and drove back.

"We are not having bald eagle for Thanksgiving!"

"Woah this thing is huge!" Carl exclaimed running to it with Debbie.

"I told him to get a smaller one."

"What do we do with this now?" V asked pulling at its thigh.

"Toss it?"

"No way! Hunt it, kill it, eat it. Hunters code, there's no way we're letting the sacred symbol of American freedom and history go to waste. We'll put it in the freezer."

"Here's some extra stuff we picked up!" I put the bags on the table and put some of it away.

"Everyone gather around, time for grace. Who will do the honors?"

"I will! Thank you God for this turkey and bringing my Monica back home to me. And may my brother Clayton rot in hell for the rest of eternity, amen." We all had shocked faces for a second before yelling amen.

We all started digging in, Monica went to the bathroom and Conrad the homeless guy came over.

"You hear that?" I asked Ian and Fiona after hearing a loud clank. We all walked to the kitchen to see Monica with pools of blood on her wrists.

"Shit, grab the phone, grab me the phone!" Fiona panicked walking out. I grabbed Debbie and covered her eyes and walked her out before pulling Ian out and hugging him.

"It'll be okay."

We all went to the hospital together. Karen's baby gave birth but it wasn't Lip's, it was some other guy's baby.

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