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"Hey Mandy, I need help at my house."

"What happened?"

"Just come over and come to my room, you'll see." I said before hanging up. A few minutes later she was in my room.

"What happened?" She asked looking around my room before looking at me and opening her mouth. "You got your first hickey! Alright where's your makeup?"

She showed me how to cover it up completely and keep it covered for at least 4 hours.

"Now who the hell gave you a hickey?"

"Some guy I met up with last night. He came over and gave me a hickey before we fucked." I laughed lightly looking back.

"Are you into the guy?"

"Sorta but it would never work out. I kinda just did it to forget about a lot of things last night."

"He fucked you until you couldn't remember?" I nodded and she laughed. "Holy shit, if you two are in contact you ethier need to break it off or start dating, alright? Don't want him getting the wrong ideas."

"I'll talk to him about it at some point."

"Please tell you you were safe?"

"He had a condom on."

"Were you also on birth control? Because if you're fucking people now you're gonna need it." She said walking around my look.

"I never got birth control."

"Well if you get pregnant you have the money for an abortion right?" She asked which I nodded to. I probably have around twenty thousand or so saved up from jobs and stuff, and then my parents have a college fund for each of us.

"Good, now I suggest in a week take a pregnancy test just in case, actually let's go get a morning after pill. Get dressed I'll be downstairs making you breakfast since you need your meds."

I got on a tank top, jeans and one of Ian's old flannels. I brushed my hair and teeth and ran downstairs.

"Bagel, pills, eat."

After we ate we made our way to a pharmacy Mandy got the lady to give us a morning after pill and we walked back to her house.

"Alright so, you need to take this with water and a snack, doesn't always work so again take the test next week and if you're pregnant even though you were safe you can get an abortion." Mandy passed me water and a granola bar so I downed the water and the pill then took the granola bar.

"How long does it take to work?"

"A few hours. Just make sure to stock up on the morning after pill incase you do this shit more because you can still get pregnant. Also get your mom to take you to the clinic to get birth control or something."

"Birth control makes you fat, if anything keep baby and hold it over fathers head. Make him pay for getting you pregnant and marry him." Svetlana said walking in and getting water.

"As fun as that sounds I'd feel shitty for doing that, no offense."

"What's all this racket?" Mickey groaned walking in.

"I just took Y/n to get the morning after pill, said the guy she saw last night had a rubber but I told her to take it just in case. Gave her a hickey too so I had to show her how to cover it." Mandy said pulling me to the couch.

"Must be a lucky guy to finally get in your pants."

"Who said it was a guy? Might have been a girl." I shrugged, Terry came in and I laughed before saying. "I was kidding. I've never fucked a girl calm down Terry."

"Better not have."

"I didn't. Just a guy I met who wanted help and I wanted help."

"What kind of help?" Colin laughed walking in, I just threw a pillow at him.

"Mandy we got school in thirty minutes. Can we run to my house so I can pick up my backpack?"

"Yeah one sec." She ran to her room and came back out with her backpack. We went to mine and grabbed my backpack and a sandwich before running to school.

The school day was long and exhausting. I went home, Kash and Grab has shut down a few months ago so I've been working at a bakery part time. I've been picking up new hobbies too like painting, I've been selling the paintings and giving them away. I've learnt a lot at the bakery too, good food experience.

I walked straight to the bakery and put on my apron.

"Hey Y/n, cupcakes in the oven take them out in ten please!"

"Yes Nancy." I smiled walking to the back to see my list of chores

After my three hour shift I walked home. Whenever there is leftovers she let's me take some home, a cake was left and hadn't been bought yet so on my way home I dropped it off at the Gallaghers.

I ate dinner with my family and went up to my room. The cycle has been get up, school, go to the bakery, go home, eat, do something in my room for a bit to get my mind off of everything, then go to bed. Of course the cycle changes every once in a while but that's the main one, changes depending on which house I am at.

Time skip to a few days later


I ran downstairs and opened it to see Carl. "Hey what's up?"

"I need your finger."

"May I ask why?" I asked opening the door for him to come in.

"Frank needs a liver, I wanna see if you match."

"I'm not family though, I don't know if I'll match." I frowned sitting on the couch.

"Too bad, finger." I passed him my finger and he stabbed it with the needle making me wince before he put the blood on the other paft of the paper.

"Get me a bandaid from the cabinet will you?" He got up and grabbed one coming back. He looked at the paper and it was O+.

"You match Frank!"

"I'm not old enough though, sorry buddy."

"Its alright. Heard anything from Ian?"

"Haven't in a month or two, sorry bud."

"Tell me if you do?" I nodded and he got up to leave. "See you later or something."

After Carl left I got a call from Mandy. She wanted to go out so I suggested a club, we'll go to the one Monica took me and Ian to. We walked in and started dancing to the music after a bit some guys came up to us.

"Hey you two lesbians or just here as friends?"

"We're just here as friends, why?"

"Do you two wanna come to our hotel room? There's lots of room." One of the men smiled, I looked at Mandy and she was uncomfortable.

"They're with me, sorry boys." I looked behind us and Ned was there.

"Yeah we're with Ned, sorry." I smiled before pulling Mandy towards Ned.

"Who the hell is Ned?"

"Ian's ex fling and Jimmy's dad. You don't remember him?" She just shook her head.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Had to get away, feel something. We don't know where Ian is, he disappeared a few months ago and stopped talking two months ago. I just needed a distraction."

"I'm sure Ian is safe right now. You two should go home, isn't there school tomorrow?"

"Whatever old man." Mandy spat before pulling us out. We walked back to her house and we had a sleepover kinda, I had to sleep on the floor which I was okay with.

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