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It's been a week and we just got back home from a laundry mat set up for Fiona.

"They took my fucking baby Fiona. They too my baby. They too my baby." Debbie cried in the kitchen we all rushed to her.

"Who? Who took your baby?"

"I'm gonna fucking kill Derek's family." I spat getting up and walking towards the bat.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Kev yelled running to me and taking the bat from me.

"They stole Debbie's baby!" I whined trying to get out of his arms.

"Do we have to hand cuff you to the stairs?"

"Fine." I spat walking upstairs and to one of the rooms.

Debbie left and went to Derek's house. She set up a sleeping bag and a sign with a few bottles of breast milk.

Time skip a few days later.

I quickly got up, got dressed and went downstairs. I started cooking everyone breakfast and stuff. Only Liam and Kev were here right now.

"Did you call the police?" A familiar voice asked from in the living room.

"Yes like eighty times, they're useless, DCFS too. They don't even seem to care that Franny got kidnapped."


I quickly turned and looked in the living room and saw Monica and my eyes widened so wide it hurt. "Holy fuck."

"Wow. Monica?" Kev asked sitting up.

"Hey, Kev!"


"What brings you back?"

"Uh, it was time. So you staying here?"

"Just on the couch until my two wives forgive me." Kev said and Monica widened her eyes.

"There's breakfast if any of you want some. I'll go wake up Liam." I smiled lopsided before going upstairs.

I walked downstairs with Liam and Monica ran and picked him up.

"We are getting your baby back." She said after putting Liam down.

"Woah, you sure you wanna do that?"

"Nobody takes my fucking granddaughter!"

After I ate breakfast with Kev and Liam I drove to the University. Did my classes and drove back to the Gallaghers since they'll need me right now with Monica back.

I ran around doing errands for them and doing homework to pass the time.


Monica is back and I just got in a fight with Trevor in front of her. Meet me at the house

I quickly drove back the the Gallaghers from my house. I grabbed some extra beer and stuff on the way.

"She's always been nice to me." Kev said leaning on the counter. "Oh, yeah fuck her."

"I brought extra beer, thought you might need some." I smiled throwing it in the fridge and grabbing one out.

"If she ever comes near me again I'm just gonna pretend she's not there." Fiona smirked holding her cigarette.

"I don't know, not a chance. She's gonna find a crack in your shell. She's gonna slither in and start plucking at that one nerve nobody else can reach."

"You wanna bet?"

"Bet you twenty bucks you'll lose your shit."

"Not gonna happen."

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