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"Y/n open up!"

"Coming!" I yelled running down the stairs and opening the front door. "Shit, what happened Mick?"

"Can we talk upstairs?" I nodded and followed him upstairs. We went in my room and he closed it behind him. "Me and Ian got caught, Terry came home and he called a Russian prostitute over. He made us have sex with Ian watching. I don't know what to do, apparently she's pregnant or something."

"Shit I'm sorry Mick, come here." I held him while he cried. This is one of the only times I've seen him cry. He was raped by a Russian Prostitute that his father paid for.

"I don't know what to do, please help. My father is gonna force me to marry her."

"We'll get through this okay? Your father is a fuckin bitch, I'm surprised you haven't killed him yet." I held him until he calmed down enough, I feel really bad for him. I can't imagine what he's going through right now.

"Uh, thanks. I'm gonna go and shoot up an abandoned building now." Mickey said getting up eventually and leaving. A few minutes later Ian called me asking for where Mickey is so I told him where.

Fiona got the kids back they almost lost the house to Patrick but Debbie lied saying he molested her so they have the house.

"Y/n, can we talk? You haven't answered any of my messages or calls." Edward came up to me in the halls.

"Why would I want to talk to you? You called me crazy, sexually harassed me multiple times and cheated on me. Oh, and only wanted me so you can take my virginity!"

"You're not just gonna leave me like this!"

"Actually I am. Oh and I'm not sorry about you getting beat up black and blue because you broke me, I could hardly get out of bed for a week. You got what you wanted, you took my virginity. You should be joyous they didn't kill you." I started walking away before stopping and turning back around. "Oh and you're lucky I've been on my meds for the past year or else you would probably be in deep shit."

"Did you know Mickey is getting married ans knocked a girl up?" Ian asked me sitting on his bed.


"You did? And you didn't tell me? What kind of friend are you? In what world is that okay?"

"It was the Russian prostitute! He told me what happened a few days after, he was crying. He was raped and now he has to deal with a baby on the way that isn't what he wanted! It wasn't my place to tell you that he was getting married, he doesn't want to get married. God forbid I save you from the hurt of finding out the man you love is getting married because he got the bitch who raped him pregnant!" I yelled back pulling at my hair. "But yeah it's my fault for trying to save you from getting hurt."


"No fuck you. And fuck me for trying to be a good friend." I stormed out and went to the Milkoviches. This is probably a really bad idea but I need a fucking escape or I'll explode.

I knocked on the door and Colin answered. "Mandy and Mickey aren't here."

"Got any vodka or drugs?"

"Yeah, come in." He smiled opening the door. "I've got coke and vodka. I assume you've never had coke so I'm only letting you take a bit."

"I need to feel something, everything is fucked. Ian got pissed at me for keeping a secret to save him and everyone around me is so shit." I groaned sitting on the floor next to the coffee table.

"Got money, it'll only be ten since you're basically family."

I put a twenty on the table. "Keep the extra ten."

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