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"Y/n you can't work at Fairytale!"

"Why not? You did? I make good money there too!" I yelled back.

"Its not safe."

"You wanna know what's not safe? My father is off his bipolar meds, the house is a mess one second and completely clean the next. I've been taking almost a shot of vodka a day just to deal with his shit. So don't tell me that the Fairytale is not safe for me because right now it pretty damn safe." I spat "Where have you been huh? You've been too busy dating some guy you just met!"

"You could've called."

"I've tried!"

"You're not working there anymore. I'll help you get a good job somewhere else just no slutting yourself out."

"Oh so I'm a slut now? Thanks Ian, real nice." I smiled before storming off.

"I didn't mean it like that!" He yelled catching up to me.

"For your information I haven't fucked anyone, all I do in dancing on stage."

"Next is you fucking random guys who pay big."

"Y'know what? Fuck you! Oh wait we already did that." I spat before walking to my car and driving off.

What Ian said got to my head and I ended up at the Fairytale. I parked and walked in and to the back.

"You're not working tonight, what's up?"

"Ian told me to quit and as much as I don't want to and don't wanna let him win I have to."

"I thought Ian loved this place?"

"He did he just doesn't want me working here." I sighed, fiddling with my hands.

"Alright well you can quit and you don't need to come back, I'll mail your last paycheck."

"Thank you!"

I drove back home. Dad said someone was in my room so I ran up and Ian was there.

"Why are you here?"

"I wanted to apologize. It's not my business where you work I was just worried."

"I quit."

"The job?"

"Yep." I nodded, "Didn't like how the people didn't take no for an answer or how they kept offering drugs and shit. I don't like where they tried to touch me. I wanted to leave anyways."

"You should've told me people were doing that."

"You were too busy doing stuff." I said walking to look in my closet for something to wear.

"We tell eachother everything." He said raising his voice a bit. "It's not my fault you didn't come to me when your dad got off his meds or when you decided you wanted to work at a strip club. Look I'm sorry. I don't know how to help, you're always the one doing the helping. I'm used to you being my hero."

"I think I have to up the dose. I haven't slept the last few nights and I know for a fact Fairytale wasn't the best idea."

"I'll take you there."

"Okay, that means your driving my car then." I said walking out, I threw my pill bottles into my purse. "Going to the clinic be back later!"

Ian drove to the clinic they upped me to three lithium. He dropped me off at home before leaving to meet up with his new friend.

Time skip to a week or two later

"Good to be back."

"Yeah these dorms are way nicer than busy at home bullshit." I smiled putting my suitcases under my bed. "Oh shit I gotta go visit my friend in prison. I'll be back later though, see you later Jess!"

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