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Trigger Warnings for this chapter:
      Mentions of Depression, Mentions of

Y/n it's dinner time, you need to get up and at least come grab some food."

"I'm too tired." I whispered.

I felt the bed sink beside me before feeling a hand rest on my shoulder. "Come on, remember what happened last time? We had to trick everyone into thinking you went on a trip with our Aunt but really you were hospitalized. I don't want to see you like that again, none of us do."

"Leave me alone. You can try and trick me but I don't care, I'm not getting up."

"I'm bringing your food up and you're going to eat." Kaden kissed the side of my forehead before exiting.

I hate making my family feel like this, I feel like a burden doing this to them but it's not my fault. I didn't ask for this. It honestly would be easier if it worked last year.

"Dad made lasagna, you could probably drop off the leftovers at the Gallaghers, or Milkoviches. I bet Mickey would like some." Kaden took a seat next to me again before turning me onto my back and pulling me up so I was sitting. He pulled my bed eating tray from under my bed and placed it down before putting the plate of food on it. "Heard they found out Frank is in Canada, tommorrow morning the neighborhood is going down to the Gallaghers with Canada flags."

"Do you think Dad is gonna stay this time?"

"I don't know Bunny. I'm sure we'll get through it though. It hurts a lot for us too, we just don't wanna hurt mom." I moved the tray over before throwing my arms around Kaden and crying into his shoulder.

"I just want this to be over."

"I do too."

"Why do you call me bunny?" I whispered into his shoulder.

"Well, when you were younger you were always so happy and energetic, the way you moved reminded me of a bunny. You'd hop around giggling and holding onto this bunny stuffy you had. The stuffy had-"

"White fur, pink stitches, and black button eyes." I smiled pulling away and moving the tray back.

"Yeah, you loved that thing. Had to hide it on the first day of school so you'd go. Told you it was out on a walk getting you flowers and that it'd be back by time you got home."

"It was a bouquet of tulips, orange, yellow, pink, red, and purple." The lasagna was actually really good, I expected it to taste like frozen lasagna if I'm honest.

"Do you think you'll be okay alone or do you want me to stay? I can go make some popcorn and put on a movie."

"That sounds nice." Kaden jumped up and ran downstairs, a few minutes later he came up with popcorn and coraline.

"So, I got coraline since it's your comfort movie and popcorn. I'm gonna go run to my room and grab my stash of candy."

The next two hours consisted of us watching coraline, eating popcorn, candy and getting high. He didn't really approve at first when he found out I was smoking occasionally but he trusted me not to get dependent.

"How are you feeling now Bunny?"

"Tired." I replied rubbing my eyes.

"Okay, go to bed, Deven will wake you up early tommorrow and walk you to the Gallaghers." He kissed my forehead before walking out "Goodnight Y/n!"

Pretty quickly I feel asleep again. My mind finally felt quiet again after the long day of constant fighting with itself.

"Y/n, time to get up and go to the Gallaghers."

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