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Quick A/n
I changed the timeline a bit to make the story make sense a bit more plus the timeline in shameless is scuffed. They would've gotten married in like October, November but in the show they say it's been Six months but they're all going back to school which is usually in August/June so I edited it a bit.

It's been a good ten or so months since the wedding. A sickness came in and fucked everything up, Covid is a bitch.

Shortly after Mickey and Ian got married and decided they wanted babies. They chose me as a surrogate. They did sperm roulette, they both put it in a cup, mixed and made me put that shit up. They also convinced me to have a threesome a few times somehow so it's etheir that or the turkey bastor method. Anyways I'm now thirty-six weeks pregnant or so. The boys are living in the guest room and we are making the office into a babies room and moving my office shit into my room.

"Fucking hell, demon child calm down." I groaned rolling out of bed. I made my way to the kitchen and quickly took my meds and made oatmeal with bananas and peanut butter, pregnancy craving.

Ian then came down the hall and started making coffee.

"Mm morning Mr Milkovich." Mickey smiled coming over and giving Ian a kiss.

"Morning Mr Gallagher."

"Yo what's for breakfast?" Mickey asked turning to me.

"Make it yourself. I had to feed your guys' baby. Didn't have time or the energy. This baby has been keeping me up all night kicking plus your guys' sex noises were loud."

"Yeah, five times last night. I'm feeling kinda raw, how about you stud?"

"I could go for another five." Ian smirked kissing Mickey.

"The baby can hear you. What are your baby names again?"

"Clayton for a boy, Monica or Eden for ethier." Ian smiled coming over and touching the bump. "Hi baby."

"I'm surprised you guys didn't wanna know the gender."

"A full on suprise sounds better. Anyways I gotta go to work soon."

"Or you can stay and we can go for another round." Mickey smirked.

"Hey, you two are adding to the money I spend each month, I need both of you two contribute, I will have to take a bit more time off once this baby is born. I won't be making my normal one thousand eight hundred a week plus Ian's four hundred and twenty. Your crime money isn't a lot Mick, get a job or I'll start making you pay a child bearing cost." I threatened slowly standing up. "Four more weeks til the beautiful baby is born!" I said in a baby voice looking down and rubbing the belly.

"Fuck you going?"

"Bathroom then work." I replied waddling to the bathroom. Once I got in I took a shower then went to my room and got changed.

A knock came to my door. "You decent?"


Ian then came in and ran over before sitting in the floor in front of me. "I gotta go to work now. See you later, can't wait to see you in person once you come out. Bye baby." Ian said kissing the bump before waving goodbye and walking out.

I did my therapy sessions for the day, all six of them, nine to four with a break at one for lunch. I ordered a bunch of donuts from Krispy Kreme and ate them all besides one that Mickey stole.

I made a giant meal to bring over to Lips while we help dry wall tonight. When Ian got home him and Mickey talked for a bit then they drove us to Lips.

Time skip

Today it is Franny's birthday so I woke the boys up early to drive us to the Gallaghers.

"Hey, hey, hey birthday Franny! Look what I got you from work." Ian smiled holding a box of cereal. "They let us keep stuff past the expiration date, there's so much stuff that just gets thrown out."

"Oh great job man, expired cereal."

"Hey at least I have a real job."

"How's the pregnant lady?" Lip asked coming over and feeling the baby.

"Tired, I want this little child out of me." I said stretching then grabbing a bowl. "I love you though baby." I said caressing the bump.

"Hi Gallavich baby, I'm auntie Debbie!" Debbie said coming over and touching it making the baby kick.

"Gonna kill me." I said leaning my head back. "I'll send you money to help with the bills later Debs."

"No problem."

"Hey Tami and Debbie where did you two go baby shopping for your kids?"

"Well what's the gender?" Tami asked walking over to me.

"Don't know yet. Doesn't matter anyways, I'm dressing this kid as gender neutral as I can as a baby and child so it doesn't feel forced to be one or the other."

"Who says you get to chose?" Mickey asked turning to me.

"The fact it's in my womb and I'm gonna be the main one taking care of it until it knows how to feed. Plus you both are living in my house, I'm renting out a room and my womb but instead I get to co-parent with you two assholes and you pay rent."

"Listen to the pregnant lady. Pregnancy is hell." Lip agreed.

"How the hell would you know?" Mickey asked, looking at Lip. Lip glanced over to Tammy who was staring Lip down. "You're wrapped around her pussy huh?"

"Start talking once you've had a period cramp or given birth." Debbie added.

Carl came in and we all fake freaked out. Me, Tami, Sandy, Debbie and Franny left to go pick up party supplies. When we got there Debbie went to the girly isle while we played with the lightsabors. I've gotta buy these for the baby for when they're older.

Debbie went crazy for princess shit and only bought that despite Franny obviously showing an interest in star wars. I bought a bunch of stuff Franny liked and stuff I wanted for the baby.

When we got back Mickey was out, doing illegal shit no doubt. We started setting up and Tami ran out to get the Cake Debbie ordered.

None of the kids from Franny's class came. Debbie started making us sing princess song.

"Ho, ho, ho! Happy birthday Franny look what I bought ya! This is from me okay, only me, your favorite uncle!"

"Yay gun!" Franny cheered putting her hands up.


"I am not letting a gun withing ten feet of this baby, you hear me?" I whispered to Ian.

"That is not a princess gift!" Debbie frowned.

"Tough titties."

"Let's play!"

"You got it kid." Mickey smiled following Franny with his fake gun.

They started running outside playing with the guns.

"Should I be worried?" Ian asked looking at everyone.

We got mixed reactions from everyone.

We went home an hour later. Mickey made a bunch of money and was trying to get Ian to fuck but he wouldn't.

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