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"Ian broke protocol, I need you to come down." Rita said into the phone before hanging up. She send me the address and I drove there right away.

When I got there Fiona was already there and Ian was walking away. "Fuck you do Fiona?" I yelled before running after Ian.

"She call you too?"

"Hey remember when Mickey got married to Svetlana and after I was all manic a shit while taking my meds?" He nodded slowly. "My meds went unbalanced. I just had to up the dose when I got back on them. It's gonna be okay. You saw yourself when you were in psychosis in that woman and you felt sympathetic and loosened it. It's not your fault your meds unbalanced and it's not entirely your fault you loosened the restraints."

"I broke protocol though."

"Did you get fired though?" He shook his head. "So it's alright. I'll go with you to the clinic if you want to up the dose alright?"

"Okay." He nodded and I kissed his cheek.

"Let's go back to my car, drive to get ice cream, alright?"

"What if I don't want to get a higher dose. How do I even know that I am manic? I mean I haven't slept in a few days. When I'm manic I feel fine, I feel great how do I even know?"

"I understand. Being manic feels amazing but it'll get bad and after the manic hits its peak you will fall into such a horrible depressive episode like the last one. I personally wouldn't and don't want to be depressed again. I don't like the meds but I take them because I know it's good for me, not for others but so that I know I can take control of this stupid illness that tries to take advantage of me."

"Take me to the clinic after ice cream, please. I'll enhance my dose." Ian said looking down.

"Okay, remember this is for you, not for anyone else."

Time skip to after ice cream

"Okay so your meds are unbalanced?"

"I believe so, yes. I've been taking them but I've been showing signs of Mania again lately." Ian said fidgeting with his hands.

"I'll prescribe you a higher dose, how many doses do you have left in your current prescription?" The doctor asked writing stuff down.

"Like thirteen days or so, thirty nine pills maybe?"

"Okay I'll give you thirty nine more. You take one lithium right now correct?"

"One each meal, yes."

"Okay so you will now need to take two lithium each meal along with your other meds. If you need to, up the dose, come here. You know protocol. Thank you Miss Olberman for coming here with Mr Gallagher." She smiled handing us a bottle.

Time skip to a few weeks later

"So you need a summer job, says you're working to get a psychology degree. Why do you want to work here then?"

"Friend worked here. Says it pays good." I smiled.

"Who's your friend?"

"Ian Gallagher, red head with freckles."

"Oh yeah Ian! We'd love to have you. What shift is best for you?"

"Probably day shift." I smiled rocking back and forth on my heels.

"Perfect. We can get you an outfit from one of the girls. You'll be on stage dancing. Can you start tomorrow?"

"Yes." I smiled.

"Perfect, see you then and say hi to Ian for me."

"See ya!" I said walking out. I drove back to the Gallaghers to tell Ian.

"Hey Y/n!"

"Hey! Where's Ian?"

"With his new friend at a club." Debbie answered. "Hey give me another reason why someone should date me."

I looked at the list she had so far. "Add that you have attachment issues so there's no way you'll cheat."


"It's true!"

"Why you looking for Ian?"

"I got a new job for the summer." I smiled.

"Where? I need a place to work at."

"You can not work there."

"Why not? You do."

"Because it's a gay club bar place. I'm gonna be dancing in a tiny outfit while having men and woman wanting to touch all up on me." I laughed. "Well I gotta go home. See you tomorrow or soon Debbie!"

I drove back home and walked into a shit show. Furniture was all over and the place was a mess.

"I thought we got Dad back on his meds?" I asked Deven who was watching TV.

"He lied. Decided to clean the house a few hours ago and now, well."

"Fuck me bro." I groaned walking up the stairs. I quickly got in the shower, got dressed into pajamas and went to bed.

"Guys wake up! I made breakfast!" My dad yelled from downstairs waking everyone up.

I quickly put on shorts and a shirt and went downstairs. He had a whole entire feast laid out. Pancakes, eggs, toast, bacon, hashbrowns, French toast.

"Jesus why so much fucking food?" I asked grabbing a plate from the counter.

"I just felt like we needed some good breakfast!" He smiled.

"Dad I know they suck but we need you back on your meds. You need yourself back on your meds or you'll go in another depressive episode."

"Hey, don't you start your new job today? That's exciting!"

"Yeah whatever. I'm going there now. Bye guys!" I grabbed my bags and drove to the club. I went to the back room and I was given my outfit, I changed into it and got to the stage.

My shift consisted of me wearing a super short dress with a band that men and women put money on or in my bra. I danced to the music and I got offered drugs a lot but declined them all.

"Wanna get out of here princess?"

"No thanks. I've got a father to convince to get back on his meds at home." I replied dancing to the music.

"Will this change your answer?" He asked putting five hundred dollars in my bra.

"No but thanks for the five hundred, really helps."

The man stomped off and I just laughed. An hour later my shift ended and I made my way out. The man from earlier was out front.

"Change your mind yet princess?"

"How about you stop calling me princess before I stomp your head in?" I smiled walking towards my car.

"If you don't go out with me you'll regret it."

"And you'll regret threatening me." I pulled out my pepper spray and sprayed his face before rushing to my car and driving away.

When I got back home a bunch of stuff was outside in garbage bags. I quickly ran in to see my mom and dad arguing.

"Yo! Stop fighting you two. Dad get on your meds or I'm taking you to the clinic."

"You can't force me."

"Fine." I said before grabbing the bottle of vodka and a shot glass. "Have fun." I took two shots and went back upstairs.

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