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It's now summer, we'll actually the last day of school but that's besides the point. Today I Graduate, I have been accepted into many universities such as Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Michigan and a bunch others including Chicago.

I've been thinking and as much as I'd love to go to California it's too far. It'd be a dream to go and live there but I couldn't move so far. It's between Chicago and Michigan and Michigan has really good programs, but Chicago is closer. My parents wanted me to go to Cali but I'm not sure yet. I still have a month to decide.

I have my robes and stuff on, today was a half day since at four is the ceremony.

"Look at my lil sis." Deven smiled walking over and helping me with one of the outfit pieces.

"Thanks." I smiled turning to him. "You know who's coming yet?"

"Uh well we are your family, Mickey said he and Ian might come, Fiona is at work, Lip said he'll bring the kids. After they're having a dinner at patsy's though so they might now be able to stay for long."

"That's alright." I smiled grabbing my purse and whatever else the school told us to bring. "Gotta split now so I'll be there on time. Tell everyone to sit in row five."

"That's so far back though."

"Well the front rows are for the graduates." I said before rushing down the stairs and out the door.

When I got there the teachers did a head count and got us to our spots. Thirty minutes later people started showing up, another few minutes later they started announcing names and doing speeches.

I got called up, grabbed my diploma did a little dance and walked off stage. The principal said how proud he was of me for my award, blah, blah, blah I got into a lot of big schools.

After the ceremony we all threw our caps, I said bye to the Gallaghers that showed up and gave them all a drive to Patsy's if they didn't have one.

After the ceremony and me driving the Gallaghers to Patsy's my parents took us to a restaurant. When I got home I put on a nice dress since we're being taken to the Northside to some fancy pants restaurant. My dress was long ish, just past my knees but hugged my figure.

"We're leaving in five!" Dad shouted from downstairs. I quickly put on my shoes and made my way down. "You look beautiful, doesn't she look beautiful?"

"You do." My mother smiled before kissing my forehead. "Boys you ready?"


"Let's get outta here before those Northside pricks give our table to a rich couple." Deven said running out.

The drive was boring besides the occasional robbery or fight outside. When we got there we got food, talks about stuff and ordered dessert afterwards.

When we got back around nine Fiona called me to come over in a bathing suit. They're partying it up Gallagher style. I quickly threw on mine, clothes overtop and ran over.

"Aye you made it!" Fiona cheered.

"Yep, got my bathing suit underneath!" I smiled before taking off my clothes that were overtop and started hopping in with the others. We played some pool games and stuff and after a bit went home.

Time skip a few days later

"Ian almost fuckin killed some protesters earlier." Mandy said walking home from the store with me.


"Yeah, they have like a plan, or in the process of one. Just gotta make it good enough, that's why I had to go for a bit, was getting a bit weird."

"Well we've got the baby shit for Yev." I smiled holding up the bags.

We walked to the Milkovich house, I put the stuff away and Mandy went out to get some priest for a plan they made up. Mandy had to dress like a church girl to trick him. Ian called a bunch of army guys to come over and do the plan. They're gonna get a dude to suck off the Pastor.

"I'm not gonna do it."

"I won't."

"No way."

"I'll do it." Ian said looking down.

"No because we know you'll kill this son of a bitch." Mickey argued.

"Then you do it."

"No way I made the plan." Mickey argued.

"Alright well while you boys argue over your little plan thing I'm taking a nap in Mickey and Ian's room." I yawned getting up and walking away so they can continue to argue.

"Yo wake up, the plan worked and the pastor already left." Mickey said throwing a pillow at me.

"What time is it?"

"Uh like seven."

"Fuck." I groaned grabbing my pills from my bag, I walked to the kitchen and chugged a cup of milk. "I wanna go back to bed."

"Don't tell me you're going through a depressive episode again."

"No promises." I said patting Mickey on the back and walking over to Svetlana, she passed me Yevgeny. "Hi baby!" I smiled bouncing him lightly.

"Take care of him for me? I need sleep."

"Yep." I smiled rocking him a bit making him fall asleep fast.

"You're good with babies. Have some."

"Can't, got a few scholarships waiting for me." I replied putting the sleeping baby down. I walked to the DVD player and put on a movie.

I watched a movie with Mickey and his brothers until it ended. I gave Yev back to Svetlana, it was now like nine ish.

"Alright, gotta go home or my family will put out missing persons reports."

"Stay the night. I'll blow up a mattress for you, or you can sleep with me and Ian." Mickey offered.

I grabbed my purse and checked how many doses I had prepared. I had enough for a day or two in my pill sorter. "Alright, but no funny buisness, I mean it." I said before walking to his room.

"Can't promise me and Ian won't fuck."

"And I'd have to be in the room?" I groaned falling onto the bed.

"I mean you could always join us."

"Not tonight." I said before turning so I was comfortable on the bed.

"You want like something to sleep in other than your jeans and shirt? I've got like big t-shirts over here."

I sat up and walked to Mickey who had one out in his hand. "Get out for a second."

"Nothing I haven't seen before."

"You're so annoying." I laughed taking the shirt from him and quickly changing. "Better?"

"That was hot."

"Shut it. Got any like pajama shorts or anything?"

"I've got boxers."

"I'll just go ask Mandy." I groaned before walking out and to Mandy's room. I knocked on it and she opened it quickly. "You got any pajama shorts?"

"Yeah, come in." Mandy said opening her door and walking to her dresser. Her boyfriend Kenyatta was out at work. "You staying the night or something?"


"Is something going on with you three?" Mandy asked passing me her shorts.

"Its complicated. I'm not really sure."

"Well be safe alright? Say no if you need to, don't be scared to say no to people."

"I will. See you tomorrow." I smiled before walking back to Mickey's room. I quickly put on the shorts and sat back down on the bed.

"So uh what you wanna do for now?"

"I kinda just wanna sleep." I yawned laying down on his bed.

"Alright." Mickey shrugged and sat beside me while I slept.

When Ian got home they woke me up to decide sleeping plans. I ended up sleeping between them.

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