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"Do you have any idea what could be wrong with Ian?" Fi asked as I was making sandwiches to bring over for the homeless kids.

"Ethier he's genuinely mad or is having an episode on meds. It can happen, I've seen my dad have it and I have a few times."

"I thought the meds stop the episodes?"

"Nope. Just water them down. If it's too quote on quote 'erratic' you do need to dose up though." I replied throwing the bags in the bigger bag. "Well gotta go give these to the kids, Trevor and mr grumpy puss."

I drove to the shelter but Ian and Trevor weren't there. I handed out the sandwiches and started helping clean up.

"Where's Mr grumpy puss and Trevor?"

"Gone to visit one of the other kids then to some fixing gay people church thing." Geneva said peeling open her sandwich.

"Jesus fucking christ. Etheir whatever Ian thinks of will be a good idea or a good idea that ends fucking horribly."

Time skip

"So you stayed up all night reading this Bible, multiple times just to memorize it?" I asked following Trevor and Ian into the reversal church thing.

"Yep. Don't worry I have been taking my meds and have slept like a baby these last few days." Ian smiled.

We got in and they got a kid up on the stand thing. "This poor child couldn't help it when the devil got inside him. Psalm 101:3 says, 'I will not look with approval on anything that is vile. I hate what faithless people do. I will not have no part in it'."

"Romans 13:8-10 says, 'let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law'." Ian said with his head down.

"What is your name?" The pastor asked.

"Ian, Gallagher." He replied in a sweet tone.

"Are you a homosexual, Ian?"

"Indeed I am."

"Would you like to come up to the alter and bring Jesus back into your life?"

"Oh, no, no I'm good. See I've already got Jesus in my life." Ian replied pointing to the Bible Trevor held up.

"Corinthians 6:9-10 clearly states, 'neither the sexually immoral nor male prostitutes nor homosexuals will inherit the kingdom of God'."

Many people in the room said "Amen" to this joker's words. Can you believe that bullshit?

"Oh really? Cause Colossians 3:11-13 says, 'Here this is no Jew or Gentile, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all, and is in all'."

"Corinthians 6:17-20, 'Flee from sexual immorality. All the sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually sins against their own body'."

"Galations 5:14, 'for the entire law is fulfilled in keeping the command: love thy neighbor and thyself'." Ian argued getting in the man's face.

"The lust of the flesh comes not from the father, but from the world."

"Woe to you teachers of law and pharisees, you hypocrites."

"You don't actually think you can win a Bible quoting contest with me?" The preist asked.

"He does." Me and Trevor said at the same time.

"Are you the queer boyfriend and bestfriend?"

"Oh, no I'm the queer transgender ex boyfriend, this is the possibly bestfriend? They're exploring."

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