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It's been eight or so months. I am fully on my feet in my apartment. Most of the time Jess stays in my guest room or on the pull out couch in my office. I do online video call therapy calls so that's why I have the office. It makes it a lot easier than having to go and work in an office with co-workers who try and screw me over.

"Hello Stacy, how are you?" I smiled looking at one of my clients with my files on her on the side.

"I've been very, very bad. My husband got another woman pregnant and is leaving me for her. And the woman is fucking nineteen, can you believe that?"

Stacy always has drama going on. She has a good ol list of mental illnesses that she's been previously diagnosed with. She's very fun to talk with though so it makes it fun.

After the sessions of today I visited Ian and Mickey. They finally let Mickey on the yard. I've been visiting them every two weeks or so.

Time skip

"Holy shit!" I screamed in excitement before throwing on my shoes, locking my door and making my way to the hospital.

Lip messaged us all saying that his baby was born and to come visit.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered covering my mouth as we all walked in.

"Boy or girl?"

"Boy." Lip answered smiling.

"Are you sure it's yours?" Frank asked making me stomp on his foot. "Fuck."


"Still in surgery."

"I'm sorry." V said looking at the baby.

We all took turns holding him or saying hi. He was adorable and Lip hasn't figured out a name yet.

Time skip

Lip called me asking if I can drop off some baby stuff like diapers, wipes, blankets, clothes and other stuff so I picked up some stuff and drove down.

"Hey V." I smiled walking in on Veronica holding Freddie in the living room.

"Hey, that baby stuff?"

"Yep Lip called earlier."

Lip frantically starred searching for the baby after exiting the bathroom.

"Maybe he left because you named him Freddie." V said turning in the chair.

"Hey, hey."

"And he has on a sanitary pad with wings?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I ran out of diapers." Lip said sitting on the floor I'm front of V

"You can't leave a baby alone like that."

"I feel asleep."

"You can't fall asleep."

"It was like two seconds."

"Something could've fell on him, someone could've stepped on him."

V brought a bassinet so I held Freddie while he set it up. I gave him a new diaper.

Time skip

It's been a few days, apparently there was a huge party at the Gallaghers and Lip needed a place to crash.

"Hey come in. The guest room is empty. I can get a bunch of pillows for Fred so he doesn't roll off the bed." I offered letting them in.

"Yeah that'd be nice, thanks."

"Take a seat. You want any coffee? I was gonna dump it but I can heat it up."

"Yeah, sounds nice. Thanks a lot for letting us crash." Lip said sitting on the couch.

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