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It's been a year. A whole fucking year. I've visited Ian once a month, way less than a visit Mickey. I told him Ian will most likely go to prison once he makes bail and can go to court. I graduated university, I finished all the subjects faster than the curriculum.

I was out for a run because I've found its helped with the depression. I've been running every day for the past few months. I got a call and it was from Lip so I quickly answered.

"Hey." I said coming to a stop.

"Jeez you sound outta breath. Anyways Ian since back, thought you should know."

"He didn't wanna talk to me while he was locked up, I don't wanna talk to him. He can fuck himself for all I care. He fucking broke me and I'm better now."

"He misses you and I think he needs back on his meds." Lip said trying to reason with me.

"Fuck fine I'll fucking come over." I said before hanging up and making my way to the Gallagher house.

When I got there I heard dogs whining in the basement and Ian ran up the stairs.

"Why you all sweaty?"

"I've been running for the past four, five months." I said wiping off my forehead.

"I missed you. Why'd you only visit once a month?" Ian asked taking a seat on one of the counter stools.

"You didn't want me to visit. You also didn't want anything to do with me before you got arrested so I just thought I'd give you space."

"I went to a bunch of churches yesterday, shim wouldn't talk to me. Hasn't since I got out of jail."

I rolled my eyes and placed down pill bottles. "It's because you're un-medicated. If you've forgotten you have psychosis in your mania. Remember last time when you thought demons were chasing you and made me run off with you with Yevgeny?"

"It feels real though."

"That's what the psychosis does, Ian. It fucks with your mind." I said flicking him on the head.

"I don't wanna do this gay Jesus stuff anymore. It's too tiring."

"Then take your meds and stop." I rebuttaled pouring him a glass of water. "I fucking miss the shit outta you but you broke me. And I had to pick myself up and grow."

"Come here." Ian said standing up with his arms out. He pulled me into a hug and didn't let go. "I'll all be better, I'm so sorry."

"Just please promise to take care of yourself? I'll stand with you on whatever you do because we have to stick together just promise me you'll take care of yourself. Don't do anything stupid please." I asked looking up at him.

"I will take care of myself. Don't worry about me, okay?" He asked, I nodded and he kissed my forehead. "I've gotta go do some thing with the kids, it was nice talking, see you later!" He said walking away after breaking the hug.

Time skip

Fiona insited she goes to Ian's meeting with his lawyer and decided to drag me along. Yippee

"He is pleading insanity end of story!" Fiona said pointing to Ian.

"If he admits he's bipolar suddenly, our entire movement is about mental illness." Geneva argued.

I fucking hate her. I hate her. Don't fucking keep Ian in prison just for fucking publicity you ass hat.

"So you want him to go to prison for ten years?"

"He'll get less if he pleads guilty!"

"I really don't wanna speak in this but he'll get way less if he pleads insanity. I am not okay with being called insane but if that's what keeps Ian out of somewhere that he got in when his mind wasn't in the right place I'd fucking do it. He shouldn't have to pay for what his fucked up genetics gave him, he is in a manic psychosis episode." I said sternly looking at Geneva ready to rip her head off.

"Hey! Does anyone wanna hear what my lawyer has to say?" Ian asked grabbing my hand lightly to calm me down.

"Look I know this Judge. He understands,"

"Excuse me. If you make him pleads insanity you are putting lives at risk. Kids all over the world say Ian saved them." Geneva said pointing at Fiona then me.

"He put his time in, now you save them."

"They don't want gay Mary Magdalene. They want gay Jesus."

"Well they can't have him. He belongs to his family." Fiona argued looking between me and Ian.

"This is bigger than family." That's it, I'm killing her. I'm gonna fucking shoot her in the head. I'll pull a mickey, drug her then put her in a storage crate and send her up state.

"Nothing is bigger than Family!" Fiona yelled before getting up in her face. "And if you send my brother to prison for one second longer than he needs to be I'll torch a van with your pixie ass in it."

"I'm sorry I can't do this." I said getting up and running out of the room. I went outside and just broke down. I can't loose him again so I did what I've done for the last while when something bad happens, visit Mickey.

Before I can visit Mickey though I need to check if the Milkoviches have anything they want to give to Mick so I walked there quickly.

"What do you want?" Terry asked opening the door.

"I am visiting Mickey and was wondering if you had anything for me to drop off? Like money or a message I don't know."

"Yeah give them these packs of ciggs." He said handing two cigarette boxes and a lighter.

"Alright, see ya." I smiled walking back to my house to drive.

I visited Mickey and we talked like usual. Talked about the stupid shit that happens to us. I told him Ian is going to prison, Mickey got an idea, saw it on his face. He didn't tell me the plan though.

Time skip

We're all in the living room waiting for Ian to come down. He dyed his hair and was gonna run away but decided to stay.

"I hate your hair." Fiona said looking at Ian.

"So do I."

"Its not that bad."

"It looks the exact same."

We all left and drove to the court. Tons of Ian fans were there. They wanted it to be a public trial.

"All rise."

"Please be seated." The Judge said before sitting down. "So you're this gay Jesus I've heard so much about?"

"I, uh. No, no your honor, I mean yes but my name is Ian Gallagher."

"Alright Mr Gallagher, in the case of the state of Illinois vs Ian Gallagher for the felony crime of arson, how do you plea?"

"Your honor a young man was being forced into a van against his will to be taken to a conversion camp. His would-be captors wanted to deny him of his true nature and I stopper that from happening so I will not apologize for that, or the people who were trying to change him or his family. People who were supposed to love him for who he was unconditionally like my family has loved me. And to not love, that is the true crime and at the end of the day everything I did I did with the hopes that we would learn to love eachother the way that Jesus taught, and God intended and more importantly the way that we all need. But I understand there are laws and I broke one, I set fire to van and in so doing so I turner what I had the intent to be a movement of love into a movement of anger, I went too far Geneva, I was crazy to let it go as far as I did. Truth is I am bipolar, I was off my medication and I was in a manic state in which I was not in control of my faculties. So I plead not guilty by reason of insanity."

Many people stood up and were mad and argued. I was ecstatic. By him doing this he'll get a maximum of two years plus probation.

"Order! Order! Anymore of that and I will clear out this courtroom!"

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