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Trigger Warnings for this chapter:

I woke up to Ian throwing my backpack at me, I quickly shot up. "What time is it?"

"Seven maybe? I'm gonna go have a shower, go get changed in Fiona's room or something." I nodded back and went over to Ian's drawer and picked out an outfit before walking over to Fi's room.

I quickly ran downstairs with my backpack and started helping Debbie make pancakes for breakfast. Fiona took Liam to hotel cleaners or something a bit before we had time leave for school. I helped them pack lunches before walking to school with Ian like usual.

I made my way to English a few minutes before the bell rang like usual. I took notes throughout class and occasionally felt stares, usually the stares are from north siders who moved to the Southside or wannabe north siders from the Southside who judge me.

Once the bell rang I packed up my notes and grabbed my bag walking out. "Hey wait up, Y/n!"

"What's up Wes?"

"I was wondering if you wanna hangout after school? At my house, we can do a bit of studying if you know what I mean."

"Hey Wes, how about you fuck off my bestfriend? We're hanging out after school and studying." Mandy Milkovich yelled at him before pulling me down the hall towards our gym class.

"Thanks Mandy." I smiled at her.

"No problem, don't want you getting raped by some football jock who can't keep his dick in his pants. We also haven't hung out in a while and you owe me. You're spending too much time with those Gallaghers."

"Well I'm worried Mickey will try coming after me again."

"He's just mad you were giving him attitude, he's got fuckin anger issues. Anyways we're gonna study then go shopping tonight. No ifs, ands, or buts!" She announced pulling me into the change rooms.

And we did just that, after school she practically dragged me to her house. Mickey was being annoying coming in every once in a while to taunt me and Mandy.

We went out to the thrift store an hour after studying. Mickey was acting like a fucking guard dog the whole time, following close behind us.

"Why's Mickey so protective over us?" I wisper yelled to Mandy while shifting through clothes.

"I may have told him what Wes said."


"Gotta protect your friends y'know?" She shrugged while moving some clothes around.

We each bought four shirts, four pants and some other stuff we thought was cool. "The hell took you so long, doing a whole fashion show or something?"

"Ooh what a great idea, we should go back in and do that eh Mandy?"

"Just walk back home so I can leave." Me, Mandy and Mickey walked back to my house, Mickey went home since we were 'safe'.

We decided to make chicken Alfred from basically scratch since Mom bought fresh noodles from Mrs Mancini. My brother's both were home and were being way too over protective asking me if I slept with any of the Gallaghers, which I did not. Anyways we made the chicken, pasta sauce and cooked the noodles.

The food was made within an hour or two. Me, Mandy, Kaden and Deven ate it, it tasted amazing if I do say so myself. We made enough so there'd be leftovers for when mom arrives home. Me and Mandy decided to have a sleepover tonight since we felt like talking more.

"Okay, would you rather suck dick or eat out some pussy?" Mandy asked jumping slightly on my bed with a pillow in her lap.

"I don't know! I haven't done ethier."

"Ugh whatever, answer me once you've done both. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and take a shower." She got up and walked towards the door before my words brought her to a hault.

"Use protection."

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't grab a towel, also you fuck my brother whenever you come over. You're not very quiet." I giggled, she gave me the finger before walking down the hall towards my brother's room.

I pulled out a cd and put it on the cd player my mom got as a wedding present from my dad. Apparently they never divorced, who knows if they still communicate.

Mom and Kaden are both off on the weekend so I always look forward to staying home, or dragging all of us to the Gallaghers for one of their Gallagher parties.

I put on a track my father made. The first song that came on was 'the way we get by' by spoon. The song had a bunch of 2000s songs. I started getting up and dancing to all the songs that started playing.

Probably half an hour went by of me dancing to the song before someone's voice caught me from my trance.

"Nice singing"

"I was singing?" I almost yelled.

"Yep!" Mandy shut the door behind her before taking a spot on my bed. "Your bed is so nice."

"You always say that."

"I say that because it is nice!" We both laughed before going to bed since it was past a time that we should've been asleep.

A/n next chapter will be a month later since the second episode takes place a month later hense them having to look for Frank.

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