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I immediately stand up and ran to the wash room as my face heated up. I swear I will kill that devil myself!

I hate him. I hate how he made my face look flustered. I will seek my revenge one day. Not now, not that my and his family is around.

I composed myself and calm down. I need to regain my composure. My heart still beating faster.

I washed her hands and retouch my face at the front of a mirror. Relax Wonyoung, it's just the devil.

However, the devil's aura screams dark power and death. Everyone might like or even love everything about him even if they just saw him for the first time, but not to me. He was just a jerked, narcissist that is so full of himself and the most arrogant guy I've met.

After some minutes, I was now ready to go outside and click the door open. As soon as I step out of the room, I've noticed the one and only devil, Park Sung Hoon, leaning at the wall. Obviously waiting for me.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and walk passed him. Unfortunately, he caught my arms and pull me gently closer to him. Holding my thin waist with his left arm. I gasped for air and hold it.

I thought he was, somehow, making advantage at me. However, that thought vanished as soon as I noticed someone is going to walk in. I felt ashamed for assuming things quickly. With that thought, my cheeks began to fire up again. Afraid he might see it, I just buried my face on the crock of his neck. Accidentally, inhaling his scent.

"Do you want to inhale at my neck forever? You might inhale my whole body if you keep doing that." The devil suddenly spoke, bringing me back my lost consciousness.

Omo Wonyoung, what have you done? Are you an addict?

Well his scent was so addictive—

I start to lose my thoughts as I met the devil's eyes. Anytime, I might passed out. This will be the most shameful but natural excuse if you want to save yourself from being embarrassed— by passing out.

Soon enough, without breaking our stares again, my vision suddenly black out.

I woke up with a familiar room— in my room, to be exact. However, the sudden events went back straight to my brain, causing me a lot of pain. What happened—

Ah yeah. I remembered, I passed out. With whom? Where? With none other than the devil, Park Sung Hoon, in his arms. Omg! That was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

Before I freak more out, I glance at my clock. Seeing the time is already passed midnight. I have classes tomorrow and I need to sleep again. I set my alarm clock and grab my phone to send a message to Soo Hee.

12:30 A.M


Soo Hee! I'm sure you will not believe whatever I'm telling you tomorrow.

Come early so we can have our chitchats! I have a lots to tell anyway! It's all about the devil~

Well, I assumed you are now asleep. Have a good night!:)

6:15 A.M

Soo Hee

Omg! I'm sorry I slept early.

Sounds creepy but surely, I can't missed that tea!O.O

See you at the front gate! Mwah!

My alarm clock went off, so I began preparing myself for my second day. My uniform arrived yesterday and it's time to wear it today. I glance at my reflection at the mirror. The uniform fits me, I'm glad.

It has a dark vest with a white polo in the inside and a dark necktie, at the top. 1 inch above the knee skirt, at the bottom. I wore the necklace given by my sister, again.

When I'm done, I immediately went downstairs to have a breakfast. My mother, father and sister went off to work, leaving me only in the dining room. It's quite usual so I'm used to it.

Our family driver drove me off at the front gate. As I step out of the car, I saw few of my school mates entering. It's still early. I enter at exactly 6:20 A.M, I glance at my watch to see the time.

While waiting for Soo Hee, I open our conversation. I sent her a message saying that I'm already waiting at the front gate. As time goes by, lots of students passed me. Some are looking while talking to their friends. Lots of them are glaring at me. I wonder, why?

I glance at the front gate to see the running Soo Hee while waiving at me. I smiled at the sight. However my smile faded as I saw a living thing, who's walking behind her... The devil, Park Sung Hoon.

Soo Hee, on the other hand, didn't know that the gates of hell is only at her back. Fortunately, he just walk passed to us, like he doesn't see us at all. I put back my attention to Soo Hee as she hug me tightly.

"Omg Wonyoung h! What's the tea?! Spill the tea, quickly!" She's nearly shouted it out. I signalled her to be quiet because she was accidentally gaining an attention to the one's around us.

She wrapped her arms around mine while we are walking, "Okay. I'll tell you. I know you can't believe it!"

She look at me with wide eyes and anticipation. I laughed a bit with the sight. "I've meet the devil last night again, but this time, it was in family's dinner." As I said those words, she began shouting loudly. I needed to cover my both ears to avoid getting my ears bleed.

"Yah! How was it?!" She bump my shoulder. My cheeks began to burn again as I reminisce what happened last night.

I began to tell her what really happened, except on the most embarrassing part. I don't think I can share that easily. It's private. A secret that needed to be untold.

She was squirting, shouting and hitting me as soon as I finished. I glared at her and roll my eyes in annoyance. "Omg!" She shouted again as I nearly buried my face in my hands.

I swear this girl is a bit noisy and so nosy.

Narcissistic || P.S.H × J.W.YWhere stories live. Discover now