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Chapter 34

"Are you going in or not?"

"Hey, let me in!" I panicked when he nearly close the door while I'm still standing outside.


Geez! Our Class President is really something. Enhypen are really someone you doesn't want to messed with. They are all scary.. except Sunoo because he looks so adorable in my eyes.

I hurriedly went inside only to startled by a pair of eyes staring few meters away from me. I've seen many pair of eyes but his are far more different. It's an emotionless cat eyes.

"Welcome to the I-LAND!" They said coldly in unison. I- what?!

"Huh?" I asked confusedly. "Come again?"

"I-LAND. I, L, A, N, D. I-LAND!" As far as I remember his name starts with J something.


I look around the room. The walls are painted in white and dark color, combination of brown and black. There are 2 tables in the corner, he's sitting in one of them, and a board full of papers, threads and some pictures. Like the one I always see in movies whenever there is a case or something to solve. I can't see it clearly because he's blocking my view.

Couch are arranged in the other corner with a small coffee table in the middle. There's also a single door in my front, it is closed.

"Yes, girl." Then he smiled a bit, "you're here because we were going to ask some questions to you. Better cooperate."

Are they going to do an interrogation towards me?

"Yes." Our Class President seated in one of the couches and motioned me to sit also, "take a sit."

Why did he say yes, though? Did he read my mind?

"Oh, sorry. We didn't introduce ourselves yet." He cleared his throat. "I'm Jungwon. Yang Jungwon."

"Oh, I'm Wonyoung."

"We already know that." They said and I just nodded.

"I know how many times you have seen me in the classroom during recitation, but I will introduce myself anyway. I'm Lee Heesung, your class president and I'm the Vice President of student council.

I wonder who's the President?

"Yes, always." I smiled although they looks like they won't let me out here alive. "U-uh can we.. begin the interrogation? I still have classes, you know?"

"And for that, I already excuse you in your class until the last period. So, don't worry." Jungwon explained.

"Oh, my gosh! For real?!" I gasped, surprised with what he just said. "I don't know if I should be grateful or what. But, thank you very much! Because the following subjects makes me sleepy all the time. That's what I want to avoid and that happens today!"

"Okay. You talk a lot." I don't know if it is a compliment or an insult. "I hope you will be as talkative when we ask you questions."

They are so serious. It's like I'm being interviewed in prison.

"Let's not waste more time here. Heesung?" Jungwon crossed his legs and stared at me with seriousness.

"Yes. I will ask you questions and he will follow up with questions based on your answers. Ready?"

Won't they first ask if I want to be interrogated? Never mind.. "yes, I-I am."

"First, How did you and Park Sunghoon meet?"

"The devil?" The two raised their eyebrows. "U-uh.. I-I mean S-Sunghoon."

I'm not used to calling him by his name. Geez! The hairs on my body rose, I just mentioned his name.

"Maybe Heesung knows or remembered what happened when Sunghoon and I first threw words at each other. It was the first day and the introduction was taking place, s-sunghoon suddenly kicked the door. Because of his rudeness in front of the instructor, I accidentally told him 'I can't stand his rudeness. A disrespectful specie.' I really thought I said that in my thoughts but aren't. I'm so dumb, you know?"

"We know, go on." That was really an insult.

"That was the first. Until every day I see his face wherever I go, he is always there with you or your other members. One night, my family went in a restaurant to meet my father's business partner. There, I saw him again. I also met his mother and father. That was the day we officially introduced each other."

"Family dinner. I don't know that huh, that person is really hiding a lot!" Jungwon sighed. "You must have been lucky and special that you even met his parents. They do not like to show themselves to people unless it is an important person they will meet."

"Oh?" My eyes widened. His mother looks kind but his father is a bit cold, just like him.

"Yes, continue."

I gulped to moisten my dry throat before proceeding. "Then one time, I entered the university early. Of course, I met him again on the road with no other people around. Then he invited me to go somewhere. Since I don't want to be left alone in that frosty hallway, I agreed. We walked through buildings until we arrived at the the back part of the university. We slipped through the wall and there, we entered the forest—"

"Wait, pardon?" Jungwon interfere my story telling session.

"Huh?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Can you say that again? You entered a wall in the back of buildings?"

"Yes, why?"

"Hm, Did he mention something... like waterfalls?"

"Yeah, S-Sunghoon and I went to the waterfall last." Looks like I need to train my tongue to say his real name without cringing or having goosebumps.

"Oh.." he eyed Jungwon. "I've only been there once. Sunoo and Jake were the ones he always brought there. Right, Jungwon?"

"Yes, his favorites." It seems that what Soohee said is right, there is favoritism going on between them. "But it's surprising, why did he bring you there? As in out of a sudden, he invited you to go there?"

"Yes, w-what's the problem?"

Jungwon shrugged, "nothing." Then they looked at each other.

"Okay, we heard enough of your answers in our first question. The second is... Why are you and Niki together at the mall?" Heesung arched his left eyebrow. I swear, they are all intimidating.

He fixed his glasses. "Sunoo did mentioned this to me but he also couldn't answer our question because he said that you were talking vaguely. I also couldn't talk to Niki properly because she was busy. So you are the only ace we have left to answer our question." Heesung crossed his arms and look at Jungwon who's still sitting in the table. "It's just surprising why you guys became so close all of a sudden."

I laughed when I remembered what happened when I first met Niki. "Right! We actually don't know each other that time and we only met in a park, located inside our village."


"Yes! It was only that day that I found out that we were in the same village."

"What a coincidence. But wait, I heard you called him Niki at the cafeteria. He allowed you to call him Niki?"

"Y-yeah, why?" Is it really forbidden for other people to call you by your nicknames? Oh, my.

Jungwon finally smiled fully, I can see his white teeth even if I am few meters away from him. But it isn't a kindly one but a mysterious one. This caused me to suddenly shiver.


(A/N: I will tell you in advance that I will be busy in the next few days and because of that the update of the chapters will be slow. Unofficially, our class starts next week and I'm still not ready for that :))

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