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"I want to come into your house." I suddenly said to Niki after remembering Wonie. I admit, I want to see the cat. I miss her already.

They are on a break. I am sitting while facing him, my back is leaning against the mirror wall.

"Wait—what?" Jay asked, confused and shocked at the same time. I look at the others and they shared the same emotions.

Did I said something— ooh. I facepalm.

I just saw Niki shaking his head in disbelief.

"Guys! I think you got it wrong!" I argued. Trying to defend myself.

"What do you mean by that?" Jungwon asked.

"I just wanted to visit Wonie—"

"Yeah, our daughter." Niki cut me off causing more chaos.

"Wonie? Hmm.. It sounds familiar." Said Jaehyun while holding his chin.

"Yah! What daughter?" Jay interfered.

I can sense some dark awra and it's making me feel uncomfortable. This Niki is making a fuss! Grr!

"I-it's not—"

"She's Wonie. She's been in my custody because Wonyoung doesn't want to show our daughter in public yet."

"You have a daughter?!" Sunoo dramatically asked while having a o shaped in his lips. Slowly falls on the wooden floor, holding his both sides of his face.

"What the effin' Niki!" I immediately rushed to it and tweaked it. "Yah! Come here! I'll grab all your hair until it's gone!"

"I am sure I heard that word once." Jaehyun said and I stop from running around trying to catch Niki.

"Where?" I asked. I'm looking at him with a hopeful eyes. He's my card to get out of this situation. I remember talking about Wonie with him and Niki in the detention room.

"Niki said before that Wonie is sick." He stated.

That's right! You're getting there. Come on, Jaehyun!

I see he got all their attention. Eyes are looking towards him and waiting for whatever he will say. Including me.

"He also calls you that. Right?" He asked while pointing at me.

"Y-yeah." I gulped. I don't know why I feel so nervous. Maybe because I can feel a demon eyes staring at me like I did the greatest sin of all.


"However what?!" Jay asked. So impatient.

"Yah, can you just continue without hanging us?!" Heesung scratch the back of his head. "I'm getting annoyed."

"They did not mention who she was. Those two just argued in front of me back then. They keep bickering like an old married couple."

"Hays." They were disappointed.

"Can you tell us the truth right now?" Jungwon asked and I nodded.

"Wonie is a cat that we picked up in the park. He adapted it and named Wonie." I said the truth.

I can see Sunoo rolling his eyes, same as Heesung.

"Story Maker." Said Sunoo while looking at Niki. But Niki just laugh it all while rolling in the floor.

"I can't believe I nearly scammed you with lies."

"Tss. Let's start again."

"Guys, practice time!" Jungwon shouted and they all went to their position like nothing happens.

They look like a professional dancer. I really like watching them like this. Like they are not a trouble from our University. Jungwon is a great leader, guiding and handling members is not an easy task.

After the drama and dance practice, they decided to call it a day since it's already 7 in the evening.

I'm getting hungry. I remember I didn't tell Mom I'll be going home late. And oh shesh, I did cutting class today. I hope my Mom and Dad won't get mad with this. However, it's odd. They aren't even texting or calling me to go home. Which is a rare sight. Should I be thankful?

"We're you coming home with me?" Niki asked while trying hide his smirk.

I was about to hit him when suddenly someone pulled me. "Nope. Not a chance." I can feel daggers piercing through.

He took me by the hand and brought me to the front of his car. "I am the one who invited you, I will also return you back." He seriously said while his eyes were looking at nowhere.

He looks angry.  I can feel his heavy aura. I don't know what to do. Whether to go inside or wait for him first. What to do now, Wonyoung?

"Are you hungry?"

That's a hella good question, Mr. Devil!


“I am craving for some steak and ooh, ice cream please."

"You just ate ice cream a while ago."

"But I want ice cream!"

Woah, I didn't know I would be in this situation arguing with this Sunghoon with the food I want.

"Fine." He frowned.

"Or I think, we should just grab some in McDonald's and have some Mcfloat."

"I should just take you home."

"No! My ice cream! I want some boba, too!"

I can hear his heavy sighed. Am I being too much? This is the result of being too much hungry for a long time.

Instead of complaining, he started driving to the drive thru at Mcdo. He also ordered what I said and added some that I also requested. We also drive into a boba tea shop to grab some milk tea. He bought 3 large ones. One for him and of course, the rest is mine. He said I drink it when I'll crave at home.

Isn't he the sweetest? Oo— I mean.. the food! It's sweet.

Instead of going to his house, I was directed to HIS house! What is this man doing?

"Hey, this is not my house." I even patted him to get his attention.

"It is."


"Nothing. You should eat all that first before you go home. I bet you'll passed out when you got home so you should eat it here."

What did this man eat to treat me like this now? What's clicking, Sunghoon? And where did the thickness of your face come from, Wonyoung?

We went to the dining area of ​​his house. He is really the only one who lives here. I carry her shopping while walking. Isn't it weird if it's just the two of us here at night?

"You can eat first. I'll just change." Even if he doesn't say that I'm already eating— some boba.

"O-okay—" I stopped talking and munching boba when he started unbuttoning his polo. The worst is he's doing it in front of me. "What a view.."

"You like it, huh?"

I almost fainted. I coughed and coughed because of what I heard. I nearly died.

"Just admit it already, Sweetheart."

(A/N: this update was not planned, lol. How's your day and how's the chapter?)

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