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(A/N: How are you?)

Chapter 54

I was too stunned to speak. Too surprised to even blink.

What are you doing to my whole system Mr. Devil?

I've never imagined that there will be a time I'll be in his arms, flustered. Can't even move nor breathe.

"I-I..." I tried to speak but no words came one. No words can be spoken. My mind is empty as my system shutdown.

I thought he will going to do something peculiar to me. But he just smiled that makes my heart beats more faster than usual. This is making me more crazy.

I held where my heart located when he moved to gave a distance between us. I sighed in relief. However, it is not enough to let a dinosaur to walk in the middle.

He remained looking at me while I'm doing my best to hide my reddened face. I bet it's burning furiously. He's eyes are still on me but here I am, hiding my face. I can't even look at him. I don't know if he can hear my heart beat since we are just few inches away from each other.

I cleared my throat. "W-what are you d-doing?" I asked.

"Look at me." I can feel his gaze. It's like he's making a hole in my body.


"Look at me, Wonyoung."

I don't know but this is the first time I heard him saying my name. It feels strange and new. However, it gives a different feeling I can't name. It makes me feel nervous. He sounds demanding.

"If you won't going to talk and face me—"

"What?" I cut him as I look straight to his eyes. Unknown emotions can be seen in his beautiful orbs.

I saw how the corner of his lips up a bit.

"Nothing." it moved away from me and I was shocked when it extended its hand. "Let's go?" it invites. Because of the shock, I couldn't speak immediately and I just kept staring at him. I have not yet processed the events.

While walking back, my empty mind was floating. I'm still thinking about the what happened earlier. I can't believe it at all. That demon? Do such things like that to me? Very impossible. Unfortunately, he did.

I thought he was going to continue what he was saying earlier. Scam! Why did I trust this man? He just lost me in here and did nothing but makes me confused about my feelings.

W-wait.. why did my feelings suddenly involved?

Because of deep thought, I didn't realize that he stopped walking and I almost fell because of his sudden stop.

"Woah!" I exclaimed.

"Be careful. You might fall." He said.

Oh, no. I already di—

Stop. Stop!

"You alright? I've been calling you two times now." He face me with his serious face but his eyes says the opposite. It has a mixture of worry and some other emotions I can't rename.

Why worry though?

"Y-yeah. Just.. just keep g-going."

Get yourself, Wonyoung. This devil cannot be the cause of your system breakdown.

As we walked away from the place where the scene happened, I feel like I'm floating while walking to somewhere. I didn't realize that I had entered the room and found Soohee scrolling on her cellphone.

"Wonyoung?" She stand up abruptly. "What the hell happened to you? Where did you go?!"

I rolled my eyes on her. "Wow. Ask the one who left me alone with the devil in the freeking cafe!" How can I forget what she did a while back? It was her fault why I ended up sitting across the devil in that cafe.

"Sorry but I think I should give you a little privacy in there and so I did."

"Little? Really?" I rolled my eyes again and sighed.

"What was really happened between you two? All of a sudden you both disappeared from our table."

I think and reminisced what happened. My memories came back and made my cheek lit up a red tint a bit. I don't know if it was from anger or something else. I just can't even forget what happened earlier. That was so close! How can this man do such thing on me?!

"Wha— wait. Is that... Are you blushing? Or I am just imagining things?"

"What? N-no!" I exclaimed, nearly shouted.

"Why so defensive? So, tell me about it!"

"No! I don't have any tea for you today." I said as I covered my face from embarrassment. What did I do to suffer this?

"Don't tell me..."

"Tell you what? Didn't I say I won't tell you anything—"

"You like him." It wasn't even a question.

"N-no! The who? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Ohh well, Wonyoung. Stop beating around the bush and confess to me. I am your best friend!"

"But I don't like that Devil! The self proclaimed handsome, Park Sunghoon!"

"I didn't even mention any name yet you are already pertaining to someone, especially Park Sunghoon." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yah! Never in my life that I will fall for that Narcissist!"

"But the evidences have already been showed and proven."

"What the hell? Evidences?" Is there such a thing?

"Don't fool me Wonyoung. It's not April fool's yet." She grip my both shoulder as she lean closer.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I tried to lean away from her.

"Listen to me. Answer me honestly okay?"

Even though I was confused, I just nodded. "Fine."

"Do you feel like your heart beats faster than normal when the Devil is around?"


"Are you thinking about the Devil whenever he's out of sight?"


"Do you hate the Devil so much that you are seeing his face whenever you go?"


"Do you know that there is a saying that the more you hate, the more you love?"

"Of course. Ever since I was a child."

"Then, do you love Park Sunghoon the Devil?"

"Yes, of co— what the?!"

"See? Told you."

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