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(A/N: It's still 5:40 in the morning yet I'm already awake. I'm awaken by the earthquake, again :<. Here's the update y'all!)

Chapter 25

"I-I.. uhm.. I.." I stuttered until I looked down because I couldn't say anything. "Yah! W-Why are you asking? Are you interested in me?!" I was even surprised by my sudden shouting. I just covered my mouth until I heard his laugh louder and louder. He was so happy. Nothing's funny, sir.

"Why? Can't I asked?" He chuckled more. "Besides you are already summoned in front of me, why don't you just admit the truth in front of me? Hmm?" He moved his face closer.

"Woah.. easy!" I moved his face away with my two hands. As we continued to talk, the conversation's became casual. The thick intense air are now vanished. "You're so close."

"You were the first to do it."

My eyes widened, "I did.. B-but that was only an accident." I reasoned.


"Woo— what?!"

"Oh, nothing. Just an expression."

"The more I talk to you, the more you become weirder."

"Yah!" He hit my left shoulder, it wasn't very strong but I almost fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?!" I sent him a lots of death glare. I can't with this man. His duality is not something I can handle.

"Stop changing the topic!"

"I am not! I am just stating the fact that you're weird!" We are now semi-yelling to each other. Like a child who lost their ice cream—

We stopped shouting when we heard a familiar bell ring. We looked at it together.

"Ice cream!"

"Ice cream!" We said in unison. We look at each other with the same expression, wide eyes and look surprised.

"Hey, buy me one ice cream there!" Suddenly, he ordered me.

"What? You have mouth, hands and feet to use."

"I can't." Then, he pointed the sleeping kitten in his lap.

"Oh." I nearly said in an awe. How can the kitten still be sleeping while we are yelling a while ago? "Treat me an ice cream!"

"Okay, okay. Up to you. Quit yelling, can you?"

"Aye! I'll buy as many as I want! Money, please."

We look like we've been friends for a long time, like childhood friends. He was like.. being forced to give me money and looking like he was being robbed. I'm older but I'm still the one who wants to ask for the poor kid's money.

He look at me with a weird expression. "Don't look at me like that." I imitate what he said earlier. "I didn't bring my money."

"Tss.." It looked like he was being forced to pull money out of his pocket before giving it to me.

"Yay!" I immediately sped off like a kid and chased the ice cream seller who was walking away.. I'm getting a de javú here.

"Wait! Ice cream!" I shouted on the road. I was still out of breath and stopped before approaching the salesman who was already parked with his ice cream van. "Uncle ice cream, do you have a chocolate mint flavored ice cream?"

He smiled and answer, "yes. You want one?"

"Two please and.." I didn't know and I never asked what flavor he wanted. It's up to me, whatever. "One rocky road, Uncle."

Since, he's weird and a bipolar person, rocky road is the best to describe him. I don't know, the first thing that comes in my mind is that flavor.

"Here's yours." I gave him his ice cream while eating one of my coned, chocolate mint ice cream.

He took it from my hand, "how did you know my favorite?"

"Eh? That is your favorite flavor?"

"All flavors are my favorite." He laughed again, I almost beat him if I didn't have ice cream in both hands. "Except mint chocolate." I frowned. "Who wants ice cream like that? What is that, a toothpaste?"

I looked at him even worse, "don't call my mint chocolate ice cream a toothpaste!" He just chuckled. "You laugh a lot, do you want me to shut up your mouth?"

"Sure. If you can." He smiled with his side lip again, mocking me from my threat on him. "What will you do, huh?"

"I'll just leave. Get stuck in the cold all by yourself."

"Sorry to tell you but I have this tiny, little Wony sleeping in me."

"Whatever!" I was about to start walking away but I heard him laugh again. "What?!"

"Want to see the ocean?" He asked. Suddenly, memory from the past begin to flashback in my mind. That strucks me with a de javú, again.

'Want to see the waterfall?' Ugh! I hate my mind.

The devil asked me once with almost the same question. But this time, no Soohee to interrupt.

Half of me wanted to say yes. I thought carefully. Can I trust him? He looks kind, just because he gave me ice cream for free. Oh, that's it!

"Where's the ocean!" I said excitedly. "Come on! So slow!"

"There is a sleeping cat here. Don't rush." I saw his eyes roll.

"Hey you, you're rolling your eyes on me now, huh. Stop it or I'll stab that!"

"Oh, stab it!" It brought his smiling face closer. I stuck my tongue out in front of him before running away.

I couldn't stop laughing while running. I almost crashed into a biker. Yes, I'm the one to crash that poor biker.

"Yah! Watch where you going!" He yelled from afar. I look at him and saw the most beautiful scenery I've seen so far today.

He is walking with the kitten on his hand. The light from the heat hits his face while his soft looking hair flies a little in the wind. The last one, his eyes look worried but you can see the field of stars, shining with the sun.

"Let's go. What are you staring at?"

"Huh?" I came back to my senses. Only then did I realize that they were already right in front of me. It had already walked ahead of me. "Follow me."

We passed by houses I had never been to. Until we stopped in front of a mansion. He opened its gate. "Wow. Do you live here?"

"No, we will rob this house because you said, you don't have any money." Note that sarcasm.

"That's great." I sighed in annoyance.

While walking, I looked at the design of their house. It has a Japanese style but is still modern. The plants were scattered around the side of their house.

I was even more impressed when I was inside. "Wait me here. I'm just going to change. We'll going to buy Wony's necessities and all."

"I thought it was the ocean?" I murmured.

"Later. You don't want to starve the cat, are you?" I thought he won't hear that.

"His hearing was so sharp that he heard that too." I murmured again. I was actually just talking to myself.

"Stop whispering there. I have ears, so I can hear you. Stay here, watch Wony for me." he made me sit on one of their couches in the living room.

While he was working wonders on the second floor, I couldn't stop looking around. I was amazed at what I was seeing. The cat fell asleep on my lap again.

I started getting sticky because of the sweat and heat I was feeling. Looks like I'll have to change clothes later too.

But it's strange, I don't see a single servant or person here at home. Does he have no company?


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