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I began to hear nothing as if the world turns silence. Eyes are locked to each other and cheeks is turning red because of the proximity of our faces.

I smiled with the most genuine and sweetest smile I had. This man never failed to amaze me and make my heart beats faster than any running horses. As if I'm hyperventilating or having a heart attack to whatever this man doing to me. With all of his actions and efforts, even without saying the word, I can feel it. There is something undeniably between us... or it's just me.

I already know my answer to my questions and now, I am not afraid to admit and deny anymore.

I have a feelings for him. Hatred? Nah. Fear? Nah. Love? You tell me.

I'm just obnoxiously dumb before but now I get it why Soohee always act like that. I may not know in words what Sunghoon feels to me but his actions makes me undoubted myself. People say, "action speaks louder than words." Sunghoon ,the man who is better with action than words. Sometimes, his words are contrary to what he does.

He is just the devil before. Acting so arrogantly to me. Time flies by as they said.

"If I were to court you, would you say yes?" I asked unconsciously.

Eh- guess I'm still that dumb.


After a nerve-wracking talk with the devil, one of the staff knocked on the door and ask if I'm ready to be the face of the party.

He walk outside as I calm my erratic heart. I think I'll passed out. I stay at the room for at least a minute before going outside, too.

So here I am. Standing near the crystalized staircase while my eyes are roaming around the room. There are lots of guests. My family is really prepared this well. From the decorations up to the smallest details of this room.

 From the decorations up to the smallest details of this room

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(A/N: you can use this to lighten your imagination!^^)

Then, I look at my left side. There is a dark hallway, facing me. Helping me to not be easily notice while I'm not yet introduce to the crowd. I suddenly felt goosebumps and an eerie feeling while looking at it.

I don't know if it is just my imagination but I can feel some eyes, looking me from the dark.

I just shrugged the uncomfortable feeling and focus to the event.

"Everyone, please stand up." I heard the Mc spoke up. "Let's welcome... Our Queen for tonight's celebration.."

That's my cue!

I readied myself and grasped the side of my dress. I also wore the sweetest smile I can make tonight while slowly walking down the stairs.

The spotlight is on, following my every movement. I can see what's beneath well because of the constant flashing of lights from the camera. I can hear people gasping in awe, clapping and making inaudible words. The slow music rang in my ears, making me almost sway in it.

When I am near the last steps of the stairs, I saw Sunghoon, standing near the staircase while staring at me. Probably waiting for me as he is my escort for this once in a lifetime event.

I can't help but to reminisce what we been shared. From being an enemy to each other then to this.

He bowed like a prince and raised his hand, waiting for me to accept.

I can feel my eyes watered and chuckled in happiness.

I accepted his hand. The moment our eyes met, he showed me the smile that every girl's wishing to witness and to die for.

Sorry mate but this man is mine.

He walk me in the center of the dancefloor and guided me as we dance in the music. His hands on mine and eyes are lock to each other.

This is much better than any gifts I've ever received.

"Did I ever said earlier that you look like the most beautiful woman my eyes ever laid off?" He spoke.

"Why does that line sounds so cliché? Such a common line from a heartthrob who breaks girl's heart."

His lips turns into a thin line, "I mean it."

"Then, you..." I look at him firmly and smiled when my mind bulb lit up after an idea came up. "Look like the father of my children."

If he was drinking anything right now, he probably would have thrown it out in shock. I just laughed at his reaction after he spit on his own saliva.

We even stop dancing amidst the crowd. That's when I noticed everyone is still staring at us like we are the main character in this world and they are just living in it.

It looks like he hasn't gotten over it yet. I even patted his back. When suddenly, he grab my waist.

"Don't joke at me like that, it might come true."

"It will when we will."

I didn't realize that the song was over. After we danced, the MC spoke. Sunghoon guided me to the couch in the middle of the stage. Before he left he left a message for me and kissed my forehead.

I can't wait for this to finish and do what he just said. I am too excited for the next trip.

Everyone is settle down in their own table. The staffs are busy giving food and drinks to everyone. After a while, everyone sing a happy birthday to me. I can't help but to cry hearing their heartfelt messages and wishes for me. Especially my parents and my older sister.

The stage begin to look like small after everyone gave their gifts to me. They also gave me hugs and kisses. Mostly are familiar to me and some are just new or I just don't remember meeting them.

After giving gifts, it's time to dance. My father went in front of me and ask for a dance. I even laugh a bit after he gave me a white rose that he magically get out of thin air.

I dance with other 16 men inside the room. That includes Kai, Namjoon oppa and his 6 kids, my cousins, and my other people who are closed to me.

Then my last dance, here comes my devil, Park Sunghoon. Wearing his not-a-sore-eye-anymore-smile. And we danced the night away.

"I'll steal you tonight so get ready." He whispered in my ear before he unhold me and began to walk in the crowd.

What did he just said?

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