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Chapter 14

The sounds of the rain seems like inaudible even if it's loud to someone's ear. All I am hearing is the loud beat of my heart.

Why are you doing this to me?..

"WONYOUNG!" I came back from reality when I heard someone calls my name, followed by the loud honking of a car. I nearly lost my soul with the sudden sounds I heard.

I jumped at the place where I'm standing in and look at my surroundings. Only to find a black car with a H sign in the front, which was obviously a Hyundai. I can't clearly see who's standing at the opened door of the driver seat.

Not until it went in the waiting shade I was standing in a while ago. "Hey, miss me?"

My blurry vision—because of the rain— back to focusing as I stare at the man looking and standing in front of me, "K-kai? Is that you?"

"A-huh. The one and only!" We look at each others eye and after a second, we hugged each other tight.

"Oh, my! Is that really you?! The Huening Kai who's so thin and small before?! Wow.." I even stared at him with wide, surprised eyes.

"Yes. And you are that Jang Wonyoung who is also thin and smaller than me.. until now." He said while chuckling. I smacked his arm and rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Why does your arm seems like a wall? It's hard."

"Of course, it is. I had some good working routine while I was away in Honolulu."

"I.. I think you've changed."

"Huh? I don't think so. In what way really? I'm still the Huening Kai you know."

"Well, besides your physical appearance. The thickness of your voice change. It is even deeper than before. And.. you seemed great. What did you do to Hawaii to become like.. that?!"

"What? I barely do anything besides studying and working out. I've been building my muscles for a few years now."

"I.. just wow."

"Well, look at you. Why are you so.. thin?" I roll my eyes more. "You still look like the Jang Wonyoung I know but uglier than the young Wonyoung I know."

"Ugh, I hate you!"

"You didn't mean it, I know. I missed you but can we.." he look at me with a little bit hesitate, "can we talk while I drive you in your way home? It's getting cold in here."

"Oh?" Then reality hits me. We are still standing in the waiting shade for how many minutes? I didn't count, by the way. "S-sure."

"Oh my, Wonyoung?!" My eyes widened.


"Girl yes, it's me. But, who is this?!" I face Soohee's direction, only to see her eyes scanning Kai up and down. "Who are you?!" She asked while narrowing her crescent eyes.

"What are you doing here? I thought.."

"Oh, you thought I'm at home now? Oh, no. Our family's driver can't reach our university because of a sudden flood of the road. So, I'm here. I'm trying to get a cab but they are all fully booked."

"That is.. very unfortunate."

"Yes, yes. Fortunately, lucky me. I saw you here and I needed a help to have a lift on my way home, only if you want to. But, I'm seeing my best friend with this stranger guy hugging and talking for almost a half hour now in the middle of the heavy rain!"

"I'm sorry about that. And oh, Soohee this is Huening Kai. Kai this is Kim Soohee." I introduced them, avoiding the awkward feeling that surrounding us three.

"You can just call me Kai." Kai smiled a little and offer his hands to have a handshake with Soohee.

Fortunately, Soohee grab his hand and smiled, too. I sighed in contentment. At least Kai is not a stranger for Soohee anymore.

"Wait.. are you two.. what?" Soohee asked but my vision went passed her. Only to see the devil staring at us... Or I should better say, me.

I panicked inside and suddenly grab Kai's hand, unknowing what to do. "A-m.. H-he is my boyfriend!" I blurted out loud and release an awkward laugh while locking eyes with the devil.

I look at Kai's reaction. He was a bit surprised but smiled, eventually. "Y-yes, she's my.. girlfriend."

I sighed "Yeah, we're a couple!" I blurted more but now,  I didn't stutter.

I didn't know why am I doing this. I look at the devil's direction again, but he's not there anymore. Where did he go? What so curious about the devil Wonyoung?

"Yah, Wonyoung-ah!" Soohee smacked my left arm. I nearly shouted at surprised and because of how painful it was.

"Hey, you might hurt her."

"And so? She always like that. Keeping secrets at me even if she is my best friend and now, she is keeping you, too. I didn't even know she has a tall, great looking boyfriend. And yet, she have a thing with—" I widened my eyes more and fastly covered Soohee's mouth.

"I-I apologize Kai. Soohee is really talkative all the times, yeah." I chuckled nervously. I gave Soohee a look but she just rolled her eyes. "I didn't have a thing with that devil!" I whispered at her and gave an awkward smile at Kai who is looking curiously at us.

"I didn't even mentioned him, yet you pointed it to the devil. Hm.." She narrowed her eyes and wiggles her eyebrows.

"What are you two saying?" Kai interrupted.

"Uh? It's nothing. So, what now?"

"It's getting really cold. Come with us Soohee. I'll drive you home with Wonyoung." Kai smiled.

"Wow, what a sweet boyfriend you have Wonyoung. You must be so lucky to have him." Soohee look at us with a lovely eyes. "If you broke up, can I?"

I look at her with a flustered face and wide eyes, "Soohee!"

"What? He's a nice and great looking guy. I might steel it from you. Better watch out, Wonyoungie." She said and laugh loudly.

"What a witch laugh you had."

"Oh, yes. I might bewitch your boyfriend." She laughed more while we are trying not to get wet, going in Kai's car.

Kai opened the passenger seat for me and help me get into the car. While Soohee seated on the back. "Wow. I would really never thought that this Jang Wonyoung has a secret lover. I'm surprised. She doesn't look like she have one."

Kai laughed hard with what Soohee says. So, this is her way to bewitch his heart, uh. "Well, you could say that. I'm living in Honolulu, Hawaii this past few years and obviously, far miles away from Wonyoung."

"Wow, again. How did you maintain that long relationship of yours? I didn't even saw Wonyoung holding her phone while on a call with someone. Except a while ago, she was literally smiling in front of her phone like a maniac (Stream Maniac by Straykids)."

"Yah, that's TMI!"

"TMI? What's that?" Soohee throw a curious look at me.

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Too Much Information."

"But wait, Wonyoung?"

"Yes?" I asked Soohee.

"Whose blazer is that?.."


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