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Chapter 27

"You read what's written on the list, I'll look for it quickly." He said.

We are here now inside the pet shop, located inside the mall. "Wait! Something is wrong in this list." I said while focusing my eyes on the piece of paper.

"What?" He asked, completely out of patience.

"I can't understand what's written in it." I said hesitantly while passing the list to him. He looked at it before slapping my forehead.

"Yah!" I gasped, massaging my forehead. "We're close? We're close?"

"We're open." He said sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes on him.

"Tss. This is basic." He read the list and nodded continuously. "Don't you know how to read? This is so understandable." He even sighed in front of me.

"Oh, read and understand it then. Go search for yourself, also!" And with that, I left him standing there with the list and a cart in his hand.

I'm getting moody here. I just really can't read the list because it was written by a dinosaur. Don't ask me why.

I walk away from that shop and go to whatever place my feet will takes me. I look around and saw lots of people walking around. Some are walking alone, some are walking and talking with their friends while some are with their dates and families.

I smiled with the view. Maybe going outside sometimes is not that bad. I, sometimes, hate crowded and noisy environment.

I reached a garden, still inside the mall. Because of the tiredness, I chose to sit on the grass first while looking around the plants and flowers.

Until my eyes landed on a butterfly perched on a yellow rose. How come there's a butterfly here and why is it alone?

I suddenly remember that yellow rose painting in the room of Niki. I wonder if it is painted by someone close to him.

I shrugged my thoughts and Just staring at the perched butterfly. The color of the butterfly is black mixed with yellow. Its color is beautiful as well as its wing.

I stared at it even more as it spread its wings. I just stopped staring at the butterfly when someone suddenly hit the rose she was standing on.

"Hey!" I yelled and turn my back to see who's the culprit. The butterfly is now nowhere to be seen because of..

"W-who are you?!" I asked while my eyes are widened in shocked.

The culprit is wearing a black mask and black hat. Black designer jacket with a white shirt inside pair with black jeans. I don't know who is it but because of the built of his body, I think I know him. He's so familiar to be a stranger.

He suddenly took off his hat which surprised me even more. No doubt, it's really him.

"Park Sunghoon?!" I shouted in surprised. "What the hell.." I almost whispered.

I can't believe that this devil is here. Roaming around and just choose to destroyed my blooming happiness.

"Yes, I am. No need to shout my name that loudly. " He said while snickering. "Everyone's already knows who I am."

"You are really the devil. Stop being a narcissist!" I narrowed my eyes on him.

I looked at him. "What?"

"W-What are you doing here?"

"Why? Can't I go to a mall?" He asked sarcastically. He even raised his left eyebrow on me.

I chose to ignore him and let him be blown away by his own wind. I'd rather look for the butterfly that has flown away than talk to this air conditioner.

"Where you going?" He asked while I started to walk away.

"Any place away from you!" I answered, semi-yelling at him. "I'm just going back to where I left Niki a while ago. Omo, I just remembered he is just a minor. What if he didn't know what to do or what if he'll get lost?"

"Wait." Someone just grabbed my wrist and turn me around, almost forcefully.

I almost fell because of the sudden movement. I was about to hit the one that grabbed me but when I looked it was the devil. I grabbed my hand back from him then caressed the hurt part.

"You said 'Niki' or something. Do you, perhaps, with him?" He asked with a serious face.

"Nishimura Riki? The kid who knows how to drive at 16 and permitted to drive without even reaching in his legal age? The kid who can memorize a choreo in just 10 minutes?" I asked him. My face turn sour as I remember the sceen where that kid becomes my driver even if he's younger than me and worst, he's still a minor!

"Wony!" Someone just shouted a name. I don't know if it is meant for me but still I chose to turn around to see who did that.

The first thing I saw was Niki walking towards me. is he the one who shouted?


"Hyung?" Niki and I both asked.

"What are you doing here?" We asked again in unison.. our eyes are met. Annoyance is all I see in his eyes.

"That just prove my assumption." Instead of answering Niki's question, the devil sighed while looking proud on his self. Where's the air conditioner switch? I really need to turn it off right now.

"You know each other, huh? Niki?" The devil asked while looking at the both of us. Again, Niki's eyes and mine meet for the countless times today.

The devil's eyes travel from Niki's head to toe until it's stopped at the plastic bag Niki's holding. I noticed the rise of the corner of its mouth.

"It's a long story." Niki answered and cleared his throat.

"Yeah," I said, agreeing with what he just said.

I don't usually read the atmosphere of the room but this is getting awkward.

They both stare at each other. Like making a telepathy. Both stare has a meaning and that is something I don't know. Hey, I'm still here, you know?

"So, are you going to have a staring contest in the middle of this garden?" I asked, awkwardly. Only then did they take their eyes off each other. They even cleared their throat at the same time.

"What?" But still, no one responded. "Park Sunghoon!" I called the attention of the devil.

He looks at me with his usual stare, cold and serious. But he looked down at my top. The corners of his lips rose again. What, is he going crazy? He had been grinning to himself.

"He's going crazy. Let's just leave him here." I whispered to Niki. My eyes widened when he laughed out loud. I even hit him just to make him stop.

"I see. You're getting along well." Here comes his smirk again.

I ignored what he said and chose to talk to Niki. "Have you bought everything on the list? I'm sorry because I was not in the mood earlier. I was looking for food but I remembered that I don't have any money."

"It's okay. You should have said earlier. Want to grab some food?" He smiled a bit. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Someone just cleared his throat. That's when I remember, the devil is still standing beside us.

(A/N: Again, I don't proofread my chapters so yeah. I read your comments and someone's just caught my attention. Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me if you want. Lovelots!)

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