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I concedes defeat.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He asked after a while.

I almost fell asleep because of our position. I felt so comfortable and I don't know why. I can even hear his heart beat. It's like our hearts is in a rhythm. It beats like mine. Or I am just imagining things?

"As if!" I hissed.

If I bite him hard, can he let go of me? But wait! What am I thinking?! How did I end up in this situation again?

"Let go! I'm getting body cramps already." Of course, that was just a lame excuse for him not to see my face.

I want to get out of the room as fast as possible but I also want to stay. How complicated I am.

"No." He firmly said.

"Fine. You are not going to then I'll shout." I threatened still not leaving his neck.

Can I live here for a thousand years?

Yah! What are you thinking, Wonyoung?! Stop with this nonsense.

"Yeah, sure."

But then I remember, my walls are sound proof. Why did I even proposed to my family that I want a sound proof room?! Oh, I remember. Because I was so loud before. Banging every corner of my room with some K-pop and western song all night. Making them awake in the midst of sleeping. My father nearly had a heart attack because of the volume of the speakers. This is all my fault. You are so doomed, Wonyoung!

"Ugh! You, I hate you!" I said, already annoyed.

Can I just bite his neck? Like it was lightly seducing me saying, "bite me~" (by Enhypen). I am going insane...

He moved and suddenly exchange our position. I screamed loud. He is now on the top of me. His arms are trapping me at the side. Then our new position made me stop and rethink of the purpose of my life.

Why am I here? Just to suffer...

My face heated and I know it is already red like a tomato. I felt ashamed, embarrassed after realizing all the happenings.

He made me look at him by grabbing my chin. I stared directly into his fiercely eyes, "look into my eyes and say that again." He sounds so demanding that anyone can't even say no. But of course, I am not anyone. Who is he to demand?

"I don't want to." I nearly stuck my tongue out but luckily, I stop before I regret. We were just few inches by the way. Doing that won't cost me good.

"One, Wonyoung."

"Two, Sunghoon." I even smiled at him. He is now clearly annoyed. Sending me daggers with his eyes.

"Are you playing with me right now, Jang Wonyoung?"

"So?" If looks can kill, I would be dead by now. It's so fun teasing this devil. "What if I am?"

"You're going to regret this."

"What?" I laughed. "What are you gonna do?"

"I'll make you shut up."

"Oh my gosh! Really? I am so scared now~" I acted like I am scared as I teased him more. Battling my eyelashes with my two hands on my cheeks.

He suddenly lowered his face more. Causing my eyes to widened and making me panicked inside.


"What?!" I don't know where does my confidence and braveness came from right now.

His eyes are darkened. "I'll kiss you."

"As if you ca—"

The world stop. The clock stop ticking. My brain stop working. My lungs stop breathing. My heart's going to explode as it keeps it's rapid beating.

Sh-t! F-ck! H-ly cr-ap!

What the hell!

He kissed me... He kissed me in the nose.

I-I am going insane. I thought he really going to kiss me... on the lips. What am I thinking?

"Y-yah!" I can't even speak thoroughly right now. My brain can't even create nor organized my thoughts.

All I can see right now is his smirking face and shining eyes. He is looking at me with his soft eyes. I just stared at him then I look down. I don't think I can face him after what happened. I don't know what to do. He just kissed me...

"Told you I am going to kiss you." I heard him spoke. Almost a whisper.

I didn't respond. I just stared at nothing. I am really rethinking my decisions I've done in this life. Did I regret what happened? My answer is no. I don't know but it feels right. It was bound to happen anyways.

If I teased him more, will he going to kiss me on my—

Oh, stop! Stop now! It's never gonna happened! I swear!

I glared at him. "Why did you do that?!"

"Took you too long to react." He chuckled.

Again, it was a pleasant melody in the ears.

"Go away!" I pushed him hard and fortunately, it works!


You can't just admit it Wonyoung. You liked the events earlier.

"I should have did this a while ago." I mumbled.

"Come on, let's go eat dinner." He said, already holding the door nob. He open the door and holding it for me.

Wow, he is fast. He was just laying in the bed a while ago. I didn't noticed him.

"I don't want to eat with you!"


I started to walk near the door. You can say I am planning something.

"The one will lose is ugly!" I shouted as I run out of the room as fast as I can.

I am laughing too much in the hallways. I can hear his footsteps coming near me. So I run more quickly.

"You're dead." I heard him say.

"Catch me if you can!!" I glanced at him a bit but that cause me to lose my balance and stumbled upon the first layer of the stairs.

I screamed and slowly fall as if the world is in a slow motion. I closed my eyes and be ready with the impact. Wishing and praying it won't cause much damaged. But none of that happened.

Someone just grabbed my hands and held me in the waist. I slowly open my eyes. Right eye first then I met his worry eyes.

I could have died because our stairs are long but he saved me... Again.


(A/N: it's raining! Have a good night/day!)

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