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Chapter 42

Okay. This is so awkward. The most awkward situation I have been experienced through out my whole life.

The living room is so silent that you can even hear my loud heartbeat or a sound of a fallen thread.

It seems that sunghoon couldn't handle what was happening anymore so he cleared his throat, "what are you doing here, Jake?"

Jake? Oh, right. That is his English name, I remembered.

It looks like one of them hasn't gotten over what happened when he walked inside a while ago. "T-The school suspended the class, right? So, I came here to give you chicken and to bond but.." he eyed me in the corner of his eyes.

I can see you, lol. We stared at each other for a moment, no one blinked. Until my eyes start to itch, it looks like tears are about to come out. I can't really stand with this type of game without blinking after some seconds.

"Alright, you win!" I give up.

"I know." He said it with his thickening Australian accent.

I rolled my eyes at him and then looked at the curious yet confused Sunghoon.

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't mind us. Right, Jake—Jaehyun?" I don't know what to call him.

Ugh, why is the double name popular with them? I know it is their gang or a nickname thing but still! Nevermind. I am still being tortured. Why is this Sunghoon? He doesn't need another name to people to call him. It is what it is. Sunghoon Park.

Wait. The class is suspended? Why don't I know? There was no notice or notification on my cellphone. What happened and they suspended the class?

I saw the devil rolled his eyes, "where's the chicken?"

"Already there in the kitchen. I put it there before I got into this situation." Jaehyun glance at me. He looked like he was remembering where he saw me.

Eyes up here, Mr. Sim! 'I'm your classmate, remember?' I sent him a message while he looked me in the eye. It looks like he got it.

It nodded as if it remembered something. "Anyways, who is this girl? Your girlfriend?" I saw the corner of his lips rise. It looks like he's going to tease.

"Yah, what girlfriend—"

"I don't know her either." He even shake his head. "I just saw her wandering on the road, knocking every door she sees. I felt sorry for her. So I let her rest here before she'll continue to travel around the world."

"W-wandering on the road?! What the fuck..."

Since when did I became a homeless person?!

Why does it felt like I was just struck by a de javú. But in different situation. Wasn't that my line in front of them before? When Niki and I went into the mall and met Sunoo and him in the middle of the busy road! How dare him used it to me.

"No cursing in my house, woman!"

"How dare you used my lines on me?!"

"Oh," He even looked at Jaehyun. "I don't know what are you saying." He really acts as if he didn't know me at all!

"Yah! Look here!" I said to Jaehyun, they both looked. I showed my face, "you don't remember me?" I even showed him my not-so-genuine-smile.

I saw his lips twitched. He seems to be holding back... His laughter.

In less than a second, the two laughed out loud at the same time. They are still close. You, shameless creatures. You're tripping me up huh!

"Yah, there's nothing funny!" I almost hit them with the pillow I was holding but I stopped myself. There are two of them, I'm just one. I'll be at the disadvantage so I just didn't do it.

But until now, they are still laughing. Wishing that your stomachs will hurt from too much laughing!

I stared at the two as if they were not creatures from this world. When I couldn't stop myself anymore, I threw a pillow at them.

It's good that their laughter is fading. "Are you done?" I asked sarcastically.

"Wait!" Jaehyun stifled his laughter. Looks like there will be a part 2. Oh, no.

"Shut up, shut up!"

"Alright." Sunghoon took a deep breath.

"Is she the girl you're talking about?" Jaehyun asked.

There's 'the girl you're talking about' again. What does he really tell them about me? However, they are talking as if I am not sitting across them. What am I here? Hallucination?

Sunghoon didn't answer, he just adjusted his seat, "are you staying?"

Jaehyun and I looked at him. Which of us is he asking? Because he was looking in a different direction when he asked.

".. Jake." Oh, there's more to come.

"Yes, I can't do anything at home."

"And you?" He turned his gaze to me.

"Huh?" I'm overthinking again. My brain is already floating.

"Nevermind. It's getting late." Late? In the morning? Really, Park Sunghoon? "I should get her home first." Is he talking about me? "Are you coming with us?"

"No." He said it with his thickening Australian accent again. It's like naur. Ugh, language accent it is.

The devil shrugged and his gaze went on me. "You, get all your things. I'm sending you home." It's like he's kicking me out.

"Okay, okay." I went back upstairs to get some of my things. Fortunately, I already know the way. I quickly found the room and the way back.

"Let's go!" I said as I walked through the big door Jaehyun walked through earlier. I can see the light..

"That's not the way, woman! Come back here!" I heard sunghoon shout. Oh.

"I'm sorry. Lead the way, Your Majesty."

I saw jaehyun holding back his laughter. I glared at him. What's so funny, mister?

"Tss." He started walking which I immediately followed. He's walking so fast, we're not even chasing a flight or anything.

He opened a door and revealed his parking lot to us. Here are the different vehicles I saw him use to go to school. My eyes widened because of the number of the vehicles here. I can hardly count.

He chose a grey sports car. He press the key and the car made a sound. Its two doors automatically opened upwards. I couldn't stop being amazed at what I saw.

"Did you buy all of them? Using what you've saved since you were 5 years old?" I asked as I seated on the passenger's seat. I also fasten the seatbelt properly because maybe later, I won't be able to pull it again.

"Nope." Popping the 'p'. "Some of them were gifts for my birthdays. This, that black one and the white one on your side I bought with my own money. Oh, also that Ducati there." He even pointed to the Ducati parked not far from us.

He's not bragging but ugh!

"Give me one." He looked at me as if I had said something unpleasant.

"Work at my company so you can save up for your purchase. For the meantime, the company will provide you a car for office purposes." He said it as if he was convincing me. "You can't just ask for it."

"My decision still stands and that is no."

(A/N: Un-edited. But hey, I don't know if I can give you a double-tripple update so bear with me. I'm doing my reports right now and since, we don't have class on Monday. Maybe I can?)

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