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"Did I missed something?" I heard Soohee asked while looking at us both but my eyes are just locked at his.

"Y-you.." I can't think of any words right now. I called him but I don't remember the reason why.

He smirked as usual I wanted to erase it from hks face forever.

"Go home!" I hissed.

"No. I want to hear... the tea." He shrugged then continue reading the book he steal from my bookshelf.

"Oh, he can hear." I head Soohee whispered again. She's not directly saying it to me, more like she's talking to herself.

"Since Wonyoung can't spill the tea, can you make some for me?" Soohee asked and went in front of the devil.

What the hell? This is betrayal!

"Yah, Soohee! What are you doing?"

"I'm asking him." She smiled at me then continue pestering the devil.

"More like investigating." I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Sunghoon was looking at me as he lowered his face towards Soohee. He was whispering something but I couldn't hear it. I can see how Soohee become flustered because of her red cheeks while Sunghoon continue smirking.

So, this is now whispering challenge?

What are they talking about? Why are they so close? They can just talk normally, right?! With space! I'm irritated.

Soohee suddenly giggles making me more curious. "Yah!" I tried to get their attention but no avail.

You already have Jay, give him to me. That's mine!

"If you don't want to leave then I'll!" I opened the door and slammed it off.

Since it's still early, I went to the garden to have some fresh air. I went near the gate and see what's happening outside. It's peaceful unlike my mind.

It's not too dark outside and somehow, I saw something familiar. It's not bad walking outside at this hour right? The night's still young!

I slowly open the gates and luckily it didn't make a loud sound as I unlock it. When I got out, I only noticed that I was out of breath. I was holding my breath because of the intensity of the happenings.

"Yes!" I exclaimed whisperingly.

I immediately walk outside and follow the familiar figure. "Hey Niki!"

Because of the silence, I'm glad he heard me so he stop from his track. "Who— what are you doing at this hour?" He asked, surprised.

I was still out of breath because I ran the distance we had earlier. I held her shoulder while catching my breath. I noticed that he held my shoulder to support my balance until his hands slowly glides down to my waist.

I patted his hands. "Anyways! What are you up to?"

"I can't sleep so I need a night walk."

"Care if I come and walk with you?" I smiled as I said that. I need a little get away from the chains of events. It overwhelmed me too much, I needed a break.


We begin to walk. I inhaled the fresh air and enjoying the night breeze.

"Oh, right! I miss Wonnie! Can I visit her?" I asked while making a sandwich face.

He look at me with something in his eyes. "Of course. But save your misses for her later, we're going to get something from a convenience store first." He looked away.

"Gosh, alright!" I walked passed him when I saw a dandelion on the ground. I stared at it for a second before deciding to grab it using my right hand.

"Look, it's a dandelion!" I exclaimed while holding it for him to see. He didn't said anything, he just stared at him with the same look a while ago.

I blow it in the air and watch as it fragments blown away. "It's beautiful..." I watched in awe.

"Yeah, right.." I looked at him and noticed he is already looking at me.


"Nothing. Come on, let's grab some ice cream!" He said and grabbed me by the hand as we slowly run to the convenience store, 7/11. I look at our hands clasped together and I smiled.

He open the door for me and I immediately run to the drinks section. "I think I need these ruth beer or something with a mix of different soft drinks. Soohee said this is delicious." I grabbed a cup and ready to pour the drinks but someone stopped me from doing so.

"You're gonna get sick. That Soohee is a bad influence." He steal the cup away from me.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes. "You're like my mother!"

"I'm just telling the truth." He sighed. "You don't want ice cream?"

"Strawberry, please!"

"Tsk." He walk away to grab some ice cream while I do a mini tour in the aisle when I noticed something.

"Niki! " I grabbed his attention. He's already walking towards me.

"What?" He asked.

"Look!" I show him the snacks, "it's the same name as yours. I didn't know they were selling something like this." I laughed.

It is a chips called Niki. Like literally, like his name. It even comes with different flavors.

"Ha ha." He laughed sarcastically that's why I laughed even more. He put the snacks in his basket and walked away from me.

I grab some canned drinks and shoot it in his basket before he even got and walk to the counter.

He even looked in shock. "Can you borrow some money or just buy it for me? Hehe I left my wallet in my room. I'll pay you tomorrow!"

He slowly put the goods in the counter one by one while talking, "It's your day tomorrow. Don't bother paying back."

The cashier punched it and put it in a plastic bag.

I smiled widely, like a child. "You're so cool!" I even patted his shoulder.

"Sure, pay it back tomorrow."

"Yah! I just compliment you then you'll going to say that." I even shaked him.

"Ugh.. sir? Ma'am? Are you going to pay or not?"

I laughed awkwardly, "r-right!"


After paying, I pulled him out. I'm excited to see Wonnie!

"Come on! Walk faster!!"

"Aish! Can you slow down? Wonnie's not going anymore."

"Please, please."

The moment he open the door, I walk passed him and called Wonnie but I saw a shadow of a man sitting in the dark.


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