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The knock continues, "Wonyoung? Are you there?" I recognized who's talking behind the door, it's Soo Hee's voice.

"Y-yeah?" We are still staring at each other. He is smirkingly annoying in front of my face. 

 I didn't dare to move, even if I wanted to. This devil is blocking my way. His two arms are still intact with the wall, trapping me.

"Gosh you scared me. Why are you so slow? And why the hell this door is lock?" She tried to rotate the door knob but still, no avail. The door is locked.

"A-ah? M-maybe I.. " Think something reasonable Wonyoung! ".. unconsciously lock the door. Yeah.."

"Are you sure? I saw the devil walking towards this room. I thought something bad might happen to you so I came."

 Worry is visible to her voice. But my attention is in the devil again, having a wide open eyes.

He probably already knows who Soo Hee is referring to. The burning of my cheeks is continuously visible. He must be enjoying the view.

"Devil.." He whispered to me.

"S-shut up!"

"And why are you stuttering huh?" Soo Hee talked behind the door again. "Answer me Wonyoung, I'm getting worried here."

"Yeah.. I'm sure." Gladly, my stutter is gone.

"I get out of here first then you'll go after some minutes!" I narrowed my eyes on him as I whisper those words.

"What if I don't?" He challenged me.

"Then don't. Stay here if you want. Live here until you rotten." I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I push him even more. Finally, I got out from his cage.

"Then you'll miss me even more." He smirked, eyeing me up and down.

"Yah you perv!"

He chuckled, "I am not."

"Wonyoung? Are you talking to someone there? Why aren't you opening this door?" Soo Hee's already banging the door.

"Whatever! Bye!" I open and quickly slam the door shut. Seeing Soo Hee's dumbfounded face.

"What are you doing there?"

"Huh? Nothing. I'm just... Checking myself in the mirror. That devil... I don't see him anywhere in here. You must have mistaken.."

And why are you on the devil's side Wonyoung? This is bad..

"Uh? Okay—"

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing the serious face of the devil. Shit I just told him to go out after some minutes. Ugh this devil is really getting on my nerves!

"Can someone explain why does this devil came out from the room you just came out?"

Really Park Sung Hoon? What a nice timing.. yeah it was a sarcasm.

"Step aside." He spoke.

"H-huh? Wha-" Even before Soo Hee finish what she's saying, the devil already cut her off.

"You are blocking my way." 

He didn't even said 'excuse me'  or something. The rudeness, I can't...

"O-oh sorry." Soo Hee grab me by my hand and the devil walk passed by. "Yah Wonyoung! You have a lot to explain."

I silently curse that Park Sung Hoon in my mind. "Is there any? I don't think so." I said, trying to be innocent even if she already caught me on act... lying.

"Cut the act Wonyoung, I know your hiding many things." She narrowed her eyes at me. What can I do if I already caught in a crime? It is really a crime when you keep meeting the devil.

Ugh he always gets me in trouble. Meeting the devil equals suffering like hell. 

"What now Miss Jang Won Young?" This is really bad, she called be by my full name. I feel like I'm being interrogated. "Yes, I'm interrogating you right now. There is no room of silent and please tell me everything. Don't leave crumbs!"

"Yah, how.. Do you really read my mind right now?"

"Why are you avoiding the topic Miss Jang Woo Young? I'm telling you right now that you're committed to a very serious crime."

"Eh, I'm not. I'm innocent, your honor."

"Miss Jang Woo Young, lying and keeping a secret away from your best friend is already a serious crime. I'm hurt so bad until now. So, you must pay for this by spilling some tea, you know? Hearing some tea cam light up someone's mind." 

"Are you even serious right now, as in?"

"Do you think I'm kidding?" She said while frowning. I chuckled as I found it adorable. I cup her cheeks and look firmly at her eyes. "Whach you choing?!"

"Ugh.. It's just that..."

"What? It's just that?" 

I recalled all happenings between me and that devil. Unconsciously, my cheeks began to burn up.

"Yah! Why are you? Wait!" I look at her confusedly. "A-are you blushing? Yah Jang Wonyoung! What did the devil do to you, for you to react like that?! Oh, my godness!" She look at me with disbelief.

"I... I don't know also." I honestly confessed. 

What are you doing to me Park Sung Hoon?

I need to know what's really happening to me. This is driving me nuts. 

"Hm.. I'll let go what I saw today. But you owe me an explanation." She narrowed her eyes while pointing her index finger at me.

"Thank goodness.." I whispered.

"You are saying something Jang Wonyoung?" 

"H-huh? No. Did I? Oh by the way, is there any Starbucks here?" I tried to abort the topic to something new. "I'm craving some iced americano, you know."

"Nice try Wonyoung." She rolled her eyes on me and sighed when she know I can't talk about it right now. "Alright, I know the place!"

"Lead the way, Your Highness!"

"Your Highness uh! What are you up to Jang Wonyoung?"

"I don't know what are you saying Your Highness."

"Yah! Tch! Let's go, my servant!"

"Hey! Do I look like one?"

"You know, any one can be. So, you want iced americano or what?"

"Tss.. Let's go, let's go!" I grab her hands and we began to run.

Despite of having some hard days, don't forget to have fun. I believe in reincarnation but let's treasure the life that once given to us. For now, I'll forget all my stressful thoughts about him. I'll be at peace even if it's only temporary.

From now on, I will ignore that devil. I will now let him go wander in my thoughts. I'll study here with peace, like I didn't meet a person named Park Sung Hoon...

To be continued...

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