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Being a transferee in a new school, sucks. Really sucks. Imagine, in your way to unknown, people will look at you like you are some kind of unknown specie. Well, I'm in that kind of situation right now. Am I an Alien?

"Hey, excuse me." A short hair girl with uniform, come forward to asked. Is she really talking to me?

I cleared my throat and answer, "y-yes?"

"Um.. Are you new here? I-I don't think I saw you somewhere here before." She seemed hesitate to question but I nodded. Not wanting the other to feel ashamed. I don't have that thick face, by the way.

My mother wants me to be friendly as possible since I'm just new here. New environment means new people. It's not hard for me to act like that because I've been known for being sociable in my old school. However, I look like static robot once you meet me at first. Why? Because all people have reasons to feel shame.

"Great!" She said and clasped her both hand. My thoughts suddenly vanished and gave her my attention.

She made a bow, "I'm Soo Hee. Kim Soo Hee." She forwarded her right hand, wanting to have a shake hand. "Wonyong. Jang Wonyoung." I also lowered my head as I told her my name.

"12-A?" I nodded again, realizing within a second what she meant. "Omo! We are at the same section! Let's be friends!"

I smiled awkwardly and agreed to be her friend while shaking her hand. My sociable being is not yet awake. Great, at least I already know someone in this huge university.

"Since you are just new to here and the bell didn't ring yet, I'll accompany you to our class and have a tour around later. Are you okay with that?" I nodded. Why am I not talking and let myself nodded countlessly? "Then, let's go!"

She held my left hand and drag me somewhere. She was talking, explaining and pointing every building we passed by. Although she is a bit talkative, I like her.. as a friend of course. She screams no danger, so it's okay to be with her, right?

Lastly, we arrive to a busy hallway. Students are chatting with their own circle. Some are running as the bell start to ring, signaling the start of the class. Other seems unbothered and keep walking normally, we are one of them. Since it's just our first day today, there's no need to rush and enjoy the almost empty hallway. From noisy to silent hallway real quick.

We entered the class and they are like that again, staring at me like I'm an unknown specie. I sit second to the front with Soo Hee beside me. I feel relieved knowing that she will be my seatmate, hopefully.

A minute later, a teacher walk on, holding a felt tip pen in her hand. "Are everyone here now?" She asked when she's already at our front, standing near the white board. While waiting for someone to answer, she wrote down her name using the object she was holding a while ago.

"Miss.." A boy with blonde hair suddenly raised his hand, "Sung Hoon is not here yet with Seon Woo."

I head some whispers around me but I just shrugged it since I can't clearly hear what they're talking about. However, it seems that Sung Woon or something is their topic. My curiosity doesn't interfere my being today.

"Okay. Thank you for informing me Mr. Yang." She smiled at him and the latter bowed his head, a sign of respect. "I'll introduce myself first and soon you will. Alright, my name is Miss Kim Ji Heun. You can call me Miss."

Later on, student from my class stand up one by one to introduce themselves. We are in the middle of introduction when someone barged in, opening the door widely. That person didn't even knock or something. How rude..

"Mr. Park!" Miss Ji Heun exclaimed, surprised by the sudden appearances. "I bet you know how to knock or something."

I noticed someone who is silently crawling at the back while this rude boy blocking the teachers view and getting her attention, maybe not wanting the other to get caught.

The said person just frowned and make his way to his seat. Not giving a glance to everyone. Miss Ji just sighed. "Maybe your past teachers didn't pay attention on how rude you are but not in my class! No one is having a special treatment until this school year end, understood?" Some nodded. Some answered 'yes' and others just don't care. "Mr. Park 1 hour detention!"

The other boy successfully seated on an empty seat. I felt somehow relieved for that boy, accomplishing his mission. Because everytime I do that in my old school, I always have caught by the teacher. 

Well, my classmates always let me get caught. I just rolled my eyes with that thought. Hopefully, no one saw that or else I'll be doomed. Why would anyone roll their eyes without any reason? Unless it's their habbit.

"Tss.." The boy rolled his eyes.

"I can't stand his rudeness. A disrespectful specie." I thought. However, the class went silent. A not so peaceful silent. It seems like the calm before the storm.

I look around and learn that the spotlight is now on me. All of my new classmates even Miss Ji surprised by my sudden utterance.

Uh-oh looks like I didn't said that in my thoughts and mumbled it loudly. Wonyoung... You're dead!

I felt eyes, staring to my soul. The tension in the room, rise. It looks like I will not be alive when the class will be dismissed.

Soo Hee looked at me with wide eyes and an open wide mouth. Shit stupid, imbecile Wonyoung!

I just laugh awkwardly, hoping that the tension will go down. I look at my back and now I felt is regret. The eyes that stare and trying to kill my soul that I felt a while ago, is now locking with mine.

My eyes screams regret and fear for my future while his are dark, death and something I can't read.

(A/N: I'm warning you. Don't go on the comment section because lots of the comment are spoilers. I've warned you.:))

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