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(A/N: Jangkku's contract is ended? Don't be sad. If you didn't feel well, take a rest. This Jangkku fanfiction is not yet ended. We don't know, maybe they will comeback again someday. :))

Chapter 47

I sped up and begin to run. That Sunghoon has long legs and stamina. He can easily walk away in any minute but what about me? I'm still here, struggling on how can I handle his things and mine. Ugh! What a very good start of being his secretary! Why do I need to suffer like this?

And where is that damn 'You will love the benefits'?! Scam!

"Ugh, why does your bag is so heavy?! Did you put a gold bars in here or something?" I asked as I soon arrived at the front of his car.

I don't know if he heard me because he's already inside the car, leaning on the car sear. He didn't bother to answer me and just proceed to close his eyes. He seemed tired...

"Hey." I greeted after I opened the backseat door. He's still in those position. He didn't even flinch or what.

Instead of watching him, I just put our belongings at the back before proceeding to sit on the passenger seat. I opened and closed the door but he didn't even move a bit with the impact.

I want to tell him that we can go now and shake him a bit but I stopped myself. He looks so tired and is he asleep? Then, what am I gonna do now?

I stared at him and watch how his chest moved up and down, indicating he is still alive and well. I also glance at his face. He has this thick eyebrows, white skin tone, dark alluring eye—

"As I've said before, don't stare too much. It will kill you." I heard him say.

That made me back in reality. Oh, my! I just stared too much at the devil that I didn't even notice he opened his eyes.

I just rolled my eyes on him and fixed my seatbelt. I did not remember to put my seatbelt first. I'm too fascinated by his bea— nope, stop! I don't want to think about him!

I saw him grinning infront before he begin to drive. I shook my head and just make myself busy with my surroundings. I noticed how the buildings begin to fade as we go away. Are we living the city?

After minutes of just pure silent between us in the car, I don't know if we are already arrived, but I saw a huge gate. It's a village!

I saw how Sunghoon maneuvered the car through the gates. He pressed the car honked, almost made me jump from my seat, for the guard house to notice. The guard went outside and made a salute pose. Why is it that everywhere I go with Sunghoon, people seem to know him? oh, I remember his words. 'everyone knows my name' or something.

As we go inside, I began to feel amazed of how the houses are designed in this village. It is not the typical village where everyone's house are the same. This village has a colorful house vibes with different external designs. I wonder what the inside, look?

Once we arrived at one of the houses, he finally parked beside. He press the middle of the stirring wheel and after a minute, a person come outside. She's wearing a cloth that you can easily assume that she's a maid. She seemed to recognize the car and proceed to open the gates, without us going outside to talk to her. Is this Sunghoon regular here or what?

He parked the car inside and open the car door. I soon followed, eyes wandering around. I noticed the little fountain on the garden side with lots of colorful flowers surrounding it. I'm telling you it is so beautiful in my eyes!

Another maid greeted us as soon as we step inside the house. The way Sunghoon walk around the house. It is as if he knows the way, like he's been coming here for a long time. Maybe because of Soohee's brother? I am not sure.

"Oh, Mr. Park!" The elderly woman who had just arrived said suddenly. "I'm glad you made a visit. Come." She led him closer. "And who is this lady here?" She glanced at me and smiled. I smiled back and bowed as a sign of respect.

"She's no one." The devil said jokingly while looking at me with a grin. I immediately hit him in his shoulder.

"Yah!" I yelled but the devil keep smirking.

The old woman smiled even more at what she witnessed. "Oh, I see." She said while nodding.

My eyes almost pop out because of what I heard. "N-No, that's not w-what you think—"

"We heard that Soohee or something is what again?" He looked at me.

"Sick." I mouthed and he nod a bit.

"Yeah." He cleared his throat. "She's sick so we came here to visit."

"Oh, that's so thoughtful of you." She smiled again and look at me. "You're.."

"Wonyoung. Jang Wonyoung." I smiled shyly and bow a bit.

"Oh, Wonyoung. Are you the one Soohee is telling us about? Hm, it seems like you."

I, somehow, got hit again with de javú. That's the first question they ask when people see me. What are they really talking about me? Huhu, I really need to know.

"So, what are you waiting for? Soohee's room is in the second floor, right wing. There is only one door there that you can easily see. That is Soohee's room."

I didn't listen to their conversation anymore and immediately walked upstairs. I went through the red carpeted staircase and turned right. There, I saw what the old woman said. There is literally one door in the right wing.

Oh crap! I forgot to ask the old woman's name. I'll just ask later.

I knocked on the door twice but no one answered . since I had given permission to go inside, I tried to turn the door no. I heard the sound of it clicking. Hopefully, the door is not locked. I take a deep breath and sighed.

Darkness was the first thing that I noticed as I entered the room. The curtains are too thick and dark to give even a little light to the room.

Soohee's room is the opposite of her personality. I know everyone has a secret. But maybe Soohee is just hiding her feelings because they say your feelings reflect the order of your room. I don't know but I can't just assume easily.

I shrugged all my thoughts and slowly approach the bed. There, I saw Soohee laying in a curl position. Next to her table, there is water and medicine on it. There is also a box of fruit on the side. I forgot to bring at least some fruit. I'm a bad best friend, indeed.

I put my right hand on Soohee's forehead, its warmth. I looked at her for a moment before I heard a soft knock outside. I let Soohee rest instead of waking her up.

I walked to the door and opened it. Sunghoon appeared in front of me. The old woman is gone. I looked at him with a surprised look but he just looked at me. What is this? Another staring contest? Just kidding!

It looked at me differently, gently and with an emotion I couldn't name. "What?" I asked softly. But still, he keeps looking at me.

After a few seconds, he slowly walked closer and closer. Until he is just a fiber away from me. I can't speak or move. My heart beats faster than normal. I can hear it because of the silence. Cheeks began to burning and eyes are shaking because of his intense stare.


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