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Up until now, my face is still red. I can feel it burning. How can I cool it down? Any tips?

Park Sunghoon. That man! Is he crazy? Oh, no need to asking questions. HE IS! That Maniac!

You think you can attack me easily with some common nickname or petname you just learned somewhere? And if you think that's working, hell yeah! It's working more than you know! But I have a high pride to just admit that to him easily! I am ashamed and do not have any confidence to admit that. Never! Over my dead body, Sunghoon!

Calm down, Wonyoung. You can do this. This is just nothing . Just keep breathing. You're doing fine.

Breath in. Breath out. Yeah, just like that.

You just need to chill and come home later. It's not hard.

But why did I come here with him in the first place?! Of course! It's the food. It's because of the food! Ugh, I was deceived!

This is entirely your fault, Wonyoung. Quit complaining..

I just chewed my food harshly while waiting for him to come down.

"How dared that 'sweetheart' word affects my while system?!"

Is it really the world or the person who said it? Maybe both...

"Aish! Quit thinking too much. I am now overthinking. This is not good.."

I didn't even noticed I'm already pouting while staring at the stairs he just walked on a while ago. I am becoming frustrated and stress over that word.

However, what's taking him so long?.. Is he covered with pile of clothes already?

'You missed him already? That's tough.

Shut up!

"You, devil! So evil!" I ranted while poking the plastic bag. Cursing Sunghoon in my mind. "Fucki—!"

"Are you doing some kind of ritual?"

Oh my goodness! That startled me. I swear I nearly died.

"What?!" My voice raised with the suddenness. I held my chest and took a really deep breath. I look at him with my glaring, deadly eyes.

"You've been babbling some inaudible words. I'm afraid you're summoning a demon."

"Oh, no need. He's already in front of me." I mumbled while rolling my eyes with annoyance.

"You saying something?"

"Nothing! I didn't know you have a fear over something."

"Of course. I'm a human." He said, frowning. He starting to say something in his low tone, more like he's whispering, "Everyone has their own fears." I didn't get it and just didn't mind about it.

"Well, not in my eyes." I mumbled again. Luckily, he's not looking at me so he didn't notice. He's looking down. Maybe his feet is more interesting now than the food he just holding and looking at a while ago.

But then, he looked up. Meeting my eyes in the process, "I'm starting to think you just did summoned some soul or something in my house and that is not visible to my eyes. You're starting to talk with yourself." He smirked. How I love to erased that from his face! "Are you crazy? Or crazy over me?" He said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ew. You're behavior is so ugh! (brought to u by Hyunjin of StrayKids) Are you not getting goosebumps with the words that go out from your mouth? I can feel insects crawling in my body right now." I said as I hug my body. I even tried to wipe out my body from the imaginary insects. But for real, I feel like they've been crawling to me for like seconds.

He chuckled. I stared at him for a solid two minutes before he cleared his throat. That's when I'm back to reality.

What did just happened? Did I just glitched or something while looking at him?

Why am I looking at him in the first place?

"W-what took you so long? The food is already cold."

"I thought you ate first." He said while opening the plastics.

"I thought you ate first." I mimicked his voice and repeated what he just said while making some stupid face. I don't know the exact reason why I'm behaving this way. This is so childish!

Maybe because you wanted to eat with him—

He chuckled again. Oh how I wish I hear it more often — no! Stop saying bad words, Wonyoung.

"Come on. Let's eat." I just sighed and watch him do everything. From taking every food out in the plastic to sit and sip his drink. I just can't take my eyes off him.

I can feel my heart beating fast every second. While he's busy preparing the food, I am busy staring at him. How can he be this handsome? He's just wearing a plain, branded white shirt and a black shorts.

"You're staring too much. Are you starting to fall for me? But oh, I'm afraid I'll melt."


Am I too occupied watching him that I didn't notice I've been staring for too long? That's not you, Wonyoung.

"What did you say?" I asked him again.

"Nothing, Sweetheart." He motioned the food. "Eat."

That petname again... I can feel my heart going to burst out from my ribcage. Face lighting up making my face blushed hard. It's just a nickname, Wonyoung! Get yourself together.

"O-okay, Master. Let's dig in!" I even held high my milktea. "Thank you for the food~"

"Hm. I don't like that." He said in a low voice but fortunately, I heard it.

I look at him confusedly, "huh? Don't like what?" I asked. My eyes is busy roaming around the food in front of me. 

Don't judge me. I'm hella hungry!

"I like the other one."

"What 'one'? I do not understand you." I said while shaking my head. "Elaborate me, please."


After that, silence. I can even hear my breathing in the four corners of the room. I need some distractions. This is too overwhelming for me.

"Devil." He spoke as he stared directly at my eyes. Breaking the uncomfortable silence.

I become stiff like a tree in the woods.

He knows...

(A/N: hey, stayies? What r u doing? Hm. You should check out and listen to "Taste" by Danceracha [StrayKids] it's hella good and pleasant in ears, I swear.)

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