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It was the same devil who almost ruined my first day at Hybe University. Seeing his smirked face wants me to permanently erase it. However, I don't have a guts to do it even if I wanted to. Wonyoung, the wishful thinker..

Seeing the devil few meters from her makes her dream suddenly remember. She was having a dream... A nightmare to be exact, while sleeping a while ago.

In her dream, she saw the devil and herself sitting in front of each other while their parents are talking about marriage.


They are inside a restaurant with her family and her family's business partner's family. She was wearing a white simple dress with a flat white doll shoes.

While their parents still busy talking about business, she was also busy glaring at the man in front of her. None other than, Park Sung Hoon.

"Wonyoung honey, I want you to meet your future..." Her mom suddenly call her attention while she was busy doing a staring contest with the devil like it's usual. Her mother successfully grab her attention by the sudden cliffhanger.

Who wants cliffhangers? Maybe some wanted it but not for Wonyoung. Her patience as thinner as a thread.

"Meet my future what mom?" Curiosity, nervousness and mixed emotions struck Wonyoung. She knows what will her mom say.


Even if she predict it, she is still shock by the news. She doesn't even like the guy, which is the devil Park Sung Hoon. She really doesn't like him at all and all of a sudden, she will be his other half?

Wonyoung gag with that thought. She nearly vomit but stop herself when she saw the devil still staring at her, intently.

"Why?" The devil spoke, sending chills to her. "You don't want to be my wife? I can give you dozens of children with a nice breed if you want."

"Ew!" She exclaimed, making the others jumped on their seats. "Am I a pig? Dozens of children?! What the! Are you even a human? And with a nice breed?! Am I a dog?! Geez do I look like an animal to you?!"

"Wonyoung!" Her father warn her.

"But Dad! I don't even know this guy! Yet you wanted to do an arrange marriage with him?" Wonyong felt frustrated and.. betrayed.

Sung Hoon meddled on their conversation as he cleared her throat. Making everyone even Wonyoung, look at him. "To answer you questions. No. Yes. Yes, use your common sense. Why? You don't want my breed? No, you're not a dog. You are soon to be my other half. The last is a no."

Wonyong didn't even remember the questions she threw at him but she go with the flow. As she began to speak, the situation she was in began to fade and a second later, she was now standing at the front of the church. Holding a bouquet of flowers. She, then, noticed that she was already wearing different. A white gown dress.

Wonyoung gasped and curiosity hits her. She gently push the closed doors, letting it open slightly. With that, the music starts to play as the door open widely. She began to walk towards the altar, seeing lots of faces as she walks in.

She tried to stop herself but she can't control her body. She then realized, she was now beside another Wonyoung, which was she is also. She tried to grab her hands but her hands just passed straight to air. Like she is a ghost or something. She watched as the other Wonyoung walk towards the aisle. Walking towards the man she'll be marrying, Park Sung Hoon.

She witness how her and Park Sung Hoon exchange vows like they are truly in love. As soon as the ceremony nearly end, she felt some force and was already standing and staring at her soon to be husband, who was holding her hands.

She closed her eyes as soon as the priest says the words, "You may now kiss."


Hopefully, her sister wake her up on time. She was thankful that it was only a dream. She sighed as a sign of relief.

Back to reality, her family together with one staff, who was guiding them, are walking towards the table where the devil seated.

Every step Wonyoung take, she felt like her heart will soon left out of her rib cage because of the mix emotions she felt. And that struck her a de javú. It was almost exactly what she dreamed a while ago.

She was hopefully and silently praying that her dream, nightmare rather, won't come true. She read on a book that dreams are the opposite of reality. Meaning that dreams aren't real, that whatever happens in dreams will not going to happen in real life. She was holding on that thought.

Grasping for more air, she slowly walk towards the table. The devil's eyes didn't leave her and so was she. As soon as they arrive at the table, her parents greet the devil's family.

She just smiled awkwardly as she saw unfamiliar faces. "Aigoo, is this your younger daughter now?" The woman asked, probably the mother of Sung Hoon. She smiled and bow her head. "What a beautiful and respectful lady."

"Thank you ma'am." Wonyoung bowed again.

"No. No. I don't like too much formality." The woman gasped and take Wonyoung hand. "You can call me Aunt or even mom if you want sweetie!"

"Mom!" Sung Hoon groaned at her mother.

"What?!" His mother asked, frowning. But back her smiling face as she turn her head to Wonyong.

"Um.. Thank you again Aunt."

"Omo I feel like I'm old now. Next time, if you're more comfortable, you call me Mom, alright?" She nodded and release her inhaled air. She doesn't even know she was holding it.

They talked about business again. Letting Wonyoung out of place but she like it though. She doesn't want any attention now and only want to shimmer the steak in peace. Unfortunately, there was a devil who was still staring at her.

Stop staring you jerk! I might stab you with this knife I'm holding!

They are having eye-to-eye contact, reading each other thoughts using the intensity of glare they was throwing off.

His eyes saying 'like you can.'

Wonyong scoffed at him and decided to put her full attention to the steak she was slicing. Not even dared to glance at the now annoyed devil.

After a minute, she's now having a goosebumps while looking with a flustered and shock face at the devil. She felt his feet slowly rub at her's.

What the hell!

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