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(A/N: I can't stop myself from making this. Enjoy!)

Chapter 55

"Oh, wait! I'm not done yet. Are you going crazy just by thin—" I stopped her from going further and slapped her multiple times. Not so hard though.

"Yah! Yah! Stop!" I nearly pulled her hair just to stop her.

"Sheez! It hurts! It hurts!" She's screaming in pain yet she's laughing.

"You're a maniac!"

"You're guilty!" She smiled creepily.

I stared at her with disgust."I'm not—" I abruptly stop talking when I saw the devil walking towards the room.

"Why stop... Oh." She said as if she realize something. "Look who's guilty.." My attention is not on Soohee anymore.

"It's Jang to the Won to the Young!"

From distance, he suddenly look at me as I am currently staring at him. It looks like he is walking in a slow motion. I can't hear Soohee and her bubbling words anymore nor the busy hallway where students are talking and laughing in.

Only the beat of my heart...

Am I... really?

I just covered my face by the palm of my hand. I don't know what's happening but my energy is constantly draining while I am look-locking with him.

This is too much. Too much embarrassing moments.

"Just accept it already, my friend."

I looked at Soohee, "Stop! Someone can hear you!"

"What?" She wiggled her eyebrows, "I didn't do anything."

I sighed because of her childishness. I looked at the place where he was standing. he is no longer there. I sighed again. I was about to look at Soohee when I noticed something cold landed on my shoulder.

I look at it. Ice cream.

I looked up at the person's hand. I already know who it is.

I looked at him dumbfounded. I looked back at his face and the ice cream he was holding. I can see the rise of his Adams apple. I took it from him without maintaining our eye contact.

"Thank you." I said, almost a whisper.

Butterflies keep rumbling down.

It is a corn shape ice cream. He probably bought this in a convenient store. So, he likes convenient foods, too?

"Ehhhhkkk!" I heard Soohee's shrill cry.

"Shut up crazy!"

she shakes me from all directions. I immediately slapped and stop her.

Ugh, I'm dizzy.

"Why did you give him that?"

"Who is she to get something like that from Sunghoon?"

"What is that?"

"Bro, I think he's hitting her."

"They are good to be together."

"No, they're not!"

"Are they dating?"

I heard them say. Why did I forget I am inside the room right now? This will gonna be an issue, for real.

"Girl, you're gonna be the news for today and tomorrow and forever." Soohee cheerfully said as if it is not a problem. Well, probably for her but not for me!

"My goodness, Soohee. This is Sunghoon's fault!"

"Oh, you're not calling him Devil anymore. Quiet odd but oh, your ice cream is melting. Eat it before Sunghoon's melt your guard do—"

"This is also your fault!" I said annoyed to her as I opened the ice cream and bit into it. I stopped because of the sudden cold that touched my teeth. Why did I bite right away?!

"And that's what you called karma." She chuckled. Crazy!

Hope you'll gonna choke with your own saliva.

I stopped again because I suddenly swallowed a large part of the ice cream which caused me to choke.

"Karma is a bitch~" Soohee sang. She didn't even help me breathe.

Yeah, right. This is my Karma.

"Just accept it already. You are into Sunghoon and he's into you. You're just being in denial." I gave her a warning look.

"I don't care if someone will hear me." She even laugh more. "Update me if you're going to marry already. I'll be your bridesmaid." She even whisper that to me.

"Yah! Stop! I am not hearing anything!" I said and immediately got up to go to the cr. I already finished the ice cream and I have to wash my hands.

When I entered, I immediately closed the door. I looked in the mirror and saw my red face. I don't know if it's because of shame or because of the strong beating of my heart while replaying the events that took place a while ago.

"Calm down, Wonyoung. You didn't like him. Maybe it is just a pure admiration. Yeah, that's right."

Fool yourself, Wonyoung! I can hear Soohee saying that.

I just washed my face while looking in the mirror. Can I hang myself here?

I opened the door only to see the face of the person I'm trying to avoid. Really?

I ignored it and tried to pass but he grabbed my arm. There is no escape, Wonyoung.

At first I didn't look immediately, but when I felt his deep gaze I couldn't stop myself from looking up.

"What?" I asked. Almost a whisper, again.

I can see his Adams apple rising again. "Do you... do you want to go somewhere?"

There he is again. I couldn't stop myself from being swayed by his invitation. Come what may!

"Shit! This is crazy!" I don't know where to hold. The speed at which he drives while we travel along the wide road— only a few cars pass by— while we are in his sports car, is making me damn mad and crazy. How many cars does he have?!

"I am going to die!" I shouted.

I heard his loud laugh. "Yah! You're still so happy about that? We're going to die!"

His laughter grew louder. I just looked at him with a wide eyes. People around me are going crazy. I saw him wiping his tears. Tears of joy? Nope, tears of craziness!

"Chill, Wonyoung."

"You're driving in an almost max speed and you're telling me to relax! How dare you?!" His answer was only laughter.

I'm already crying. "Mommy!!"

"No Mommy, just Daddy."

"What do—"

When I saw his big grin, I almost hit him but I was clinging to my seat and if I had the strength I might have done it.

"You Crazy, Narcissistic Demon!"

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