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A sound of a footsteps echoed in my ears as I decided to turn my head left to see who owns it, only to see the devil in his uniform.

Sleeves are neatly folded up to his elbows. His blazers are hanging in his right shoulder and  2 first buttons of his are open.

I cussed myself inside knowing that I silently scanned the latter. Our eyes met and locked. Seeing him forming a smirk in his lips, he must've seen that. I scoffed and tried not to show how I began to distracted by the sight.

I went to the counter and grab my drinks quickly. Wanting to drag my best friend away from this café.. away from him.

"W-wait! My gosh Wonyoung. I'm still enjoying my coffee! I nearly even.. " I don't want to hear her whining so I dragged her more.

"Shut up. I think I just saw him.."

"Huh? Who?"

"Duh, you know what I mean."

"Omo!" Her eyes widen by the realization. "Don't tell me—"

The bell suddenly rang, cutting whatever Soo Hee will say. I sighed in relief but nervousness and uneasiness still lingered on my nerves. We don't have any option but to enter our class as fast as possible. We are still having a recitation and an exam later.

I glance at my wrist watch, five minutes before our exam.

"I think I'll collapse!"

"Stop being so dramatic. Just go over your notes or something."

"But.. I can't concentrate! I-I'm doomed!"

"Oh no, Soo Hee." Hugging her from her right side, faking my sympathy. "I really felt bad on your future grades."

"Aish!" She pushed me aside. I chuckled on her reaction. "You're just making my feelings worst."

"Am I a very bad best friend then?"

"Very!" She, then, rolled her eyes.

I pat her shoulder lightly. "Fighting!"

"Bring out you pen only. I don't want any unnecessary things above your tables. You have one and a half hour to talk the test. Good luck!"

And our exam finally began. I dispose all negative thoughts that lingering my mind and focus on what's in front of me, my test papers. It is a 50 item test, 2 pages in equivalent. Questions 1-15 are multiple choice, 16-30 is identification and the remaining numbers are needed to solve and provide a clear solution.

I feel ease at the first questions but as I go further, I feel my head began to throb. It started to hurt and it affects my willingness to focus. Help me!

"Wonyoung!" Soo Hee cried. "I-I'm dead. As in dead!"

It's now lunch time, the exam and oral recitation have been done hours ago. We didn't even have time to rest our mind because after the exam, recitation followed.

"I am, too. I thought just now, my last living brain cell have been dried not to long ago and died, mercilessly."

"Let's just hope we won't have any surprise exam or recitation later."

"I'm starting to hold on a false hope."

A minute later, Soo Hee began to choke on her drink. I stared at her almost laughing but I eventually help her after some teasing. However, she began to point somewhere and my eyes followed.

I saw the devil directly piercing my eyes as he started at me. I wondered why I felt something a while ago, like watching every move I do and that was all this devil deed.

I arc my left eyebrow and rolled my eyes on him. His cold, unbothered eyes just keeps staring at me. Well, I don't care. Keep staring at me until you bleed to death, I will not give any care.

"He was staring at you even we're doing our exam a while ago."

"Oh, is that so?" I questioned, unaffected.

Soo Hee stared at me with shock and disbelief written in her eyes. "Why so shock my friend?"

"Something must've happened in that room.." Soo Hee mumbled something but I can't hear clearly.

"You are saying something?"

"H-huh? Nothing." I sighed in defeat and just let Soo Hee passed.

"Instead of being nosy.." I grab Soo Hee's hand and we began to walk aimlessly, away from that devil direction. "Why not clear out minds and go to our secret hangout place?"

"Yeah, I like it." Soo Hee agreed and we happily went our ways.

Even since I've met the famous, unworthy of attention, Park Sunghoon, I've been through in a series of unfortunate events. I tried my best to avoid the raging hell but it's seemed follow me. That devil almost made my life miserable in my days studying here.

Evidently, it is mostly my fault for making the devil start his madness. I didn't even noticed before that I'm saying that thought, loud. I'm never been embarrassed in my entire life.

As we walk through, I've noticed a girl, helplessly almost laying on the cement hallway. People also started to gather around. My eyes stared at her, confused.

However, another girl walk in front with 2 other girls beside her, smirking while pointing her index finger at the other girl's forehead. She was saying something but because of our distance, I barely hear what she was saying.

I didn't know that I already stop walking towards my track not until Soo Hee asked, "What's wrong, Wonyoung?"

I didn't payed attention to her questions, still staring at the scene. Soo Hee followed my gaze and gasped.

"Let's walk away before something else will happen to us, also."

"Huh? Why?"

"I-it's nothing! Come on." She began to pull me out of that place but my stubborn body stayed.

Instead of going away, my feet began to walk forward to the hopeless girl. With that, I'm now clearly hear what they are saying.

"Stop acting like a sheep and show your true colors!"

"I-I really don't know what are you saying." The girl who's almost lay down on the floor cried. She begin to crawl backwards.

I know it's not the time to be nosy at someone's business but my eagerness to know what's happening, overflows.

"You are just like your father, feeling victim! But your father has a bad scheme! How dare your father sneak as a black sheep just to steal money from our company!"

Everyone gasped with the sudden revelation.

"I-I really don't know.. I don't think my father will do that kind of thing! How dare you insult and accused my father!" The girl burst into tears more.

The other stared at her with coldness and a bit disbelief.

"Who are they?" I whispered at Soo Hee, who also stunned beside me.

"They are best friend. But I don't think they are still in that kind of.. relationship."

I felt bad for the girl who are being watch, laying on the hot, rough cement.

"That's Irene. Everyone respects here except me. Her family is one of the most influencer and powerful clan, not only in our area but also in almost whole country."

"Oh." Not giving too much thought.

"Yeah. She is also a spoiled, brat. She tend to pick random people, befriend them and began making awful stories just to make that people embarrassed. Many drop out after being humiliated by her. Just because of her wealthy clan, she began acted like she's the highest among any students here beside Enhypen."


"Yes. I forgot to tell you that Irene is an ex of Park Sunghoon. Most favorite ex to be exact. Rumors says she was the first love of the very famous, good-looking man, Park Sunghoon."

"She has looks but unfortunately, she has an ugly, rotten personality..."

"In short, she's just like a walking garbage bin..."

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