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Chapter 43

The day ends with just me lurking alone in our house. Everyone is out. To be honest, I'm not alone but I feel lonely. Yes, there are maids, there are guards but it still feels empty. Feel me?

The next day comes and I'm an early bird again. The sun is still out and the cold wind blows against my skin. There were only a few people on the road.

Just at the gate, scattered posters can be seen. I don't want to pay attention about it but still I can't avoid it, almost everywhere you look at, you can see it. It looks like a nightmare.

Before I lose my mind, I approached one and tried to read what was written. What is this? "A dance competition?"

"Yup!" A voice suddenly spoke and someone just pop up beside me. I thought it was the devil again but to my surprise, it is Niki!

"Yah, you kid! You startled me to death!" I hit him in his shoulder.

"H-hey! At least you didn't die." I tried to kick him but he ran and stuck out his tongue.

"When I catch you, you're dead to me!" I chased after him and we chased until we reached a wide field. It was my first time to came here but I didn't pay attention to it.

"No running in the field." A new voice suddenly spoke. Why is there always a voice that can be heard suddenly?!

"But shouldn't you be running on the field— you.. ugh devil!"

Speak of the devil. He's here. I mean he's sitting in the bench, One leg rests on the other knee while drinking.. is that a banana milk?

"Hyung!" Niki is waving at him.

There is a distance between us, if I run it without him knowing, I can take revenge on him. MWAHAHAHAHA!

While Niki is not paying attention to me, I run fast to him. You can do it, Wonyoung!

I ran and ran until Niki and I gazes met and I saw his avoidance. And the ending? I ate a lot of grass and soil in no time.

"Oh." I can hear the devil.





I feel my body ache and my face heat up. I can also hear Niki's and the devil's laugh. So, they won't help me stand up? Will they just laugh themselves to death?

I tried to lift my face. I tried but I am too embarrassed to make myself stand. I just rest my face back there. Did i just make a whole in the middle of this field?

Niki's laughter and clapping can be heard, "I hope you're ok because i guess, you are not. That was a good fall, bro. If it was recorded, you could have been famous within an hour."

Because of what he said, I felt like I had the strength, "come here! I'm really going to kill you!"

"Oh, The dead is awakened!" He laughed loudly again.

"I hope you get karma, you shameless kid!" I shouted when I couldn't catch him anymore.

"Don't look in the mirror for now, you might pass out." I heard the devil whisper. How did it end up next to me? Did it teleport?

Fortunately, I processed what he said right away. I took the mirror from the bag and looked at the most horrible thing that happened to my face. I nearly shouted.. really.

It is red and aching. It still has traces of earth and grass. That Niki will really pay off later.

"Yah, comeback here!" I yelled at Niki who's still laughing on the ground. Can't get over?

Instead of paying attention to him, I just walked out in front of them. I went to the nearest girls comfort room. I dropped my things in the sink and wash my face before entering a cubicle. Chasing the shameless kid sucks that I needed to pee afterwards.

While in the cubicle, I heard the door open. Looks like someone entered. Later I heard it close. What did it do? Just looked in the mirror? I didn't even hear the cubicle next door open or the faucet turn on. I didn't even hear the sound of ruffling things.

I just ignored it and went out. I washed my hands in the sink and was about to get my things when I noticed something. I looked carefully at my things, as if something was missing. Something is definitely missing! My mirror is nowhere to be found!

I looked under the sink and there was nothing. I'm sure it was at the bottom of my bag before I went inside the cubicle earlier. Someone must have stolen it.

I can't do anything, I didn't see who took it. Whoever stole it, must face the rage of the karma. Period. Like, it was my favorite! And now, it's gone. Viola!

My phone vibrated the moment I stepped out of that room. I open the sent message and read that Soohee is not going to school today because she's sick. How bad is her illness that she can't come here today? I need to surprise visit her later. Did I know her house? No! I will asked her later. But it doesn't seem a surprised anymore.

Who else can help me with this problem of mine? Then, suddenly, the devil appeared out of thin air. Nice timing, my friend! Ops! we're not actually friends, I just remembered.

"Yah, Sunghoon Park!" I called his name.

The others stared at me like I am a weird, unearthed creature who just summoned here while the man just looked at me bored.

I raised my right hand and signaled him to come to where I was standing, "what do you need, woman?" He asked as soon as he arrived in front of me. He even crossed his two arms.

"You know Soohee? Kim Soohee?"

"Ah," He acted as if he remembered something. I stared at him with hopeful eyes and a wide smile that soon dropped as I heard his answer, "no."

"What? I thought you have this.. weird connection! I know you know!" I kept nagging at him.

"Tss." He seems to be losing patience, "you're wasting my time."

"Ha! This will also serve as your payment for laughing at me earlier!" I even wiggled my eyebrows.

Sometimes, you need to blackmail people in order to gain what you need. It isn't bad, right? Of course, it is!

"Alright, I know her. Happy?"

"Not yet." I answered quickly.

"So, what about her?"

I shook him while holding his collar. This is my way of begging things. It's new, by the way. "You need to help me! But first, I'll ask a question."

"Let go." He fixed his frayed collar. I pulled his necktie so he could come closer to me. "Fine. Shoot!"

"You know where Soohee live?"

"No." He said while his eyes are looking at the other direction, lips are forming a line.

"You liar! I know you know." I tightened his necktie. In a way that he could barely breathe.

"Alright, alright. You're going to kill me!" I also returned to before. He grabbed his neck and caressed the part that hurt.

"I know, why?"

He really knows why he has to lie? He's just making his life difficult with what he's doing.

I grinned, "oh, I don't like that smile." He let out a heavy breath while shaking his head.

"We're going somewhere later!"

(A/N: Hellooo! I'm here doing my second update today and my reports are already mold and abandoned while waiting for me. Lol!)

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