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"my dear, what happened? We heard some noises..." My mother gasped after seeing our awkward position.

This is so embarrassing!

I immediately fixed myself, balancing in my own and removed my grip from him. This is too much for me to handle!

"It was nothing." Sunghoon answered.

"Y-yeah. He's right. Nothing happened."

"Then why are you so red? Are you sick? Did this Park made something to you?" His mother asked. She's ready to do something to his son the moment I'll say yes.

Yes, there's a lot Aunt. He even kissed me! Trapped me! Please tie your son up in hell!

"There's none, Aunt. I am not sick. To be honest , I am so, very healthy person with healthy mind!" No, you're not. You can be a potential subject in the asylum! "Can we go now in the dining room?" I smiled to show my sincerity. She smiled back. She is so adorable. She have a smile different from her son. Bet that he inherited his smile from this Father.

You are so faked, Jang Wonyoung! Where did you inherit that attitude and personality?!

It's a good thing they didn't ask again. Soohee suddenly walk beside me, "we are going to talk later. I can't wait for the tea." She whispered and even gave me a side-eye.

Mom, I'm scared!


I am eating silently while the oldies are talking about business and something I don't know. I am not interested to know.

"Wonyoungie, dear?" I was pulled to reality when his mother asked for me.

I smiled, "yes, Aunt?"

"We are talking about happenings for tomorrow. Since it's your birthday, what gift do you like?"

I become silent for a moment to think about something. When it comes to material things, I am not so fond but I always appreciate it when they give me some.

"I don't know, Aunt. I can't think at the moment."

"Bet, she wanted your son—"

"A car!" I nearly shouted because of panic after I stuffed 3 slices of streaks into Soohee's mouth before she even finished the bad words. She nearly chocked but that's not my priority right now. "Hehe."

"Oh." Aunt seemed surprised by what we did. "A car, it is." She think for a moment. "Is Wooyoung still won't let you have a student license?" She's talking about my father.

"She's still young. I don't think she can handle a car by herself. I am afraid something will happen to her." Dad looked at me with worry eyes. '"But if she wants it, why not?"

"Don't worry, Dad. I don't think I can drive all by myself, too." I sighed. "Sorry Aunt if I spoke loud and so sudden."

Ever since I was a child, I like cars. I also want to drive alone. It's like freedom,  you can go anywhere even if you are alone... As long as you have a gas!

"Don't pressure yourself, dear. You can use it whenever you're ready." She smiled again. I'm so flattered.

"Thank you, Aunt." I smiled and lowered my head.

"I can teach you." said by Sunghoon.

"Hoon, that's so sweet of you." His mother said while smiling at his son.

"Omo! You raised a good son, Hyein!" My mother even cover her mouth using her both hands.

I looked at him with a flat smile plastered on my face.

He looked at me. Face full of seriousness. "I'm not kidding if that's what you think."

Why does everyone know what I think the moment they look at me?!

"I didn't said anything!" I exclaimed. Trying to defend myself.

"It's obvious."

I hissed and read to open my mouth again to say some words but my father interrupted.

"Okay. Stop that, kids!"

"We are not kids anymore!"

"We are not kids anymore."

We looked at each other. Why are we so synced?! I am annoyed while he is just chilling. He even pick up a slice of steak using his pork and put it in his mouth. All of that while looking straight at me.

My father cleared his throat. "Sunghoon, that's great. I'll thank you for that. I don't think I can teach her about driving since I am busy with business. I am also afraid if some stranger will teach my daughter even if he or she is a professional. I can't risk her safety. She might not be comfortable while learning, too. So, if you insist then I'll give you permission since you are not new to us anymore. As long as my daughter is happy then I am happy, too."

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Jang." He even bowed but my attention is on my father.

"Can I cry?" I suddenly asked after hearing those words from my Father.

"Oh, sweetie." My father laughed. "Come here."

As soon as he said that, I immediately run towards him and gave him a tight hug. I might really cry at this moment.

I feel like I came back to my childhood. Where my father will always think of us before himself, he's still the same. He will do anything to make us happy and pursue what we want without any pressure.

"You are still a baby." He said while gently patting my back.

"No, I'm not anymore!" I said after I let go of the hug. My face and eyes are red. Too much embarrassing moments!

They laughed and I smiled.


"So, the tea?"

We are now in my room. When I say we, not only Soohee and I, Sunghoon the devil is still here with us.

"Later. He's still here."

"He's too far from us. He will hear nothing. Believe me."

"I doubt that. He can hear even the tiniest sounds."

"That's impossible!"


Yeah, Soohee and I are whispering as of the moment. But I think he can hear us. I just need certainty.

"Sunghoon." I whispered but no avail.

"Park Sunghoon." I called him again in a low volume voice but still, no response. "You devil!"

"Maybe he can't really hear us. So let's talk!"

"No. I'll try again. Last!"

I absorb lots of oxygen in my lungs and releases it slowly. I can do this!

"Sweetheart..." I whispered.

"Hm? You called me?" He is already looking at me with a smile on his face.

F— my heart!

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