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It's been a week since that accident happened. I'm currently procrastinating today because we are having an examination tomorrow. It's my first ever exam since I got transferred into this university.

The subject is tough... A depressing subject for others— Basic Calculus. I'm not too fond of that subject but hoping that I can manage to answer some equations and problems.

I freed my mind to any disturbing thoughts throughout the week to, at least, focus well in the class. It's quite effective though. I also met almost half of people in the class. Some are friendly, some seems like fake and I'm not naming them for their own good.

I crunched up my nose as I tried to remember the equation I just memorized a while ago. However, my mind doesn't like to cooperate. It seems like I just read the equation mindlessly and it flew out of my dead brain cell. I'm still holding for my one and only alive brain cell but almost dried because of how frustrated I am while going on in my notes.

I need a break!

And with that, I rose up from the soft carpeted floor I'm sitting in. Starting to walk downstairs to get some food at the kitchen. I glance at the wall clock, it's already midnight. I've been trying to review for almost 4 hours now. My mind feels so drained and my throat are itching and drying, wanting to have some water flow to it.

I immediately grab some bottled water from the refrigerator and pour the water to my aching throat. Not long after I stop drinking and release a satisfied sounds.

I look more at the refrigerator, only finding a black forest cake, gummy bears and chocolate bottled drinks. I sliced a one-fourth peace of the cake and put it on a small plate. I also grab a pack of gummies and one bottle of chocolate drink. I smiled at the sight. I've seen some articles in the internet and in books that eating sweets helps you while you are hovering over your notes.

I grab all things I needed and hurriedly went upstairs. I'll just go over my notes for an hour and let myself rest for tomorrow's exam.

The exam is not a big deal, tho. It's just like an assessment test. The subject instructor will just see if we understand her lessons. However, it is still be graded and an oral recitation will also held tomorrow at the same subject.

I tried to solve some equations I saw in my book. Luckily, I got it correctly. I'm positive that I'll pass this exam. A piece of cake!


"Yah! Oh, my gosh! Why didn't you tell me that we are having an exam today?!" Soo Hee's voice ringing my ear while shaking me rapidly. She was whinning and it was slowly getting in my nerves.

"Wow. It's not my fault that you are so forgetful! And what did you do last night that makes you forget the exam?"

Soo Hee rolled her eyes, "I was doing a movie marathon and criticized it because of how lame the ending was. Like it's already predictable and common."

That made me rolled my eyes, too. "Tsk! Just go over your notes now if you don't want to see a red egg on your paper with an F inside it. Go best friend!" I sarcastically cheered her up. She began to show her tantrums again but this time, I didn't paid any attention.

I'm so exhausted right now because I slept passed 2 o'clock in the dawn. I nearly become late and must have been missed our exam today. However, thanks to my annoying alarm, I woke up light-headed and dizziness creeps over me, until now. I almost gagged because of being dizzy but I stop myself.

Coffee! That's right, I think I need to drink some as soon as possible to keep my blood alive.

I still have 15 minutes before the class. So, I quickly drag Soo Hee in the nearest café. I heard her protest and hundreds questions but I shrugged it off. I really needed to drink coffee right now. I forgot when I was still at our home.

"Miss, one cup of iced americano please."

"Is that all ma'am?"

"Yes." I answered

"Ma'am, can you tell me your name so we can easily call you when your order is ready?"

"Yes, of course. Just put Wonyoung in the cup. Thank you!"

"Please have a sit and wait for your order."

I glance and went to take a sit in front of Soo Hee. She already ordered something to shove in her small mouth. Seeing her smiling with a lovely smile makes me want to roll my eyes.

"Can you tell me why you suddenly dragged me here?" She narrowed her small eyes and it's now turn into small crescent.

"Uh? Because I want to have some coffee?" It sounded more like a question rather than an answer.

"And why is that? Oh, also tell me why you have some eye bags that seems like it wanted to go to school too because of how big they are?"

"Okay, okay. I was stayed up late last night." She arched her eyebrows, a sign for me to continue. I flick her forehead first with a mild strength but that drived her to go nuts because of the pain I inflicted.

"Serves you right for being forgetful. As I have said minutes ago, we have an exam today that you've already forgotten. I stayed late up all night to go over my notes. But I got lost track in time as I got absorbed by the equations I was solving."

"Tch. Next time remind me!" She was still holding and rubbing her forehead. "Did you bring your notes there? Can I borrow it? I forgot to write and take down some notes regarding that subject."

I rolled my eyes, one again. Feeling annoyed by her. I've already now that Soo Hee isn't fond of that subject. In class, she always uninterested with the lessons so as the others and bluntly told that she hates the subject. She was always ranting to me about how bad she tried to understand it but eventually give up. I tried to offer her some help but she declined as she stated that Math is not meant for her to understand. I mentally slap my head as I heard that.

Who hates Math subject? I think almost 90% of the population found that subject hard. But if you really wanted to give a shot to understand the lessons, you can apparently understand it thoroughly and will find it easy.


My thoughts came back when I heard my name being called by one of the staff of the café in the counter. But stop in my track when I heard another name.. a name that I didn't heard for a week now.


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